
The Undead In MCU

a normal dude, gets flunked into the world of the Marvel Cinematic universe with many many changes. with him being an undead, the fuck is he gonna do? this is my first fanfiction, so please help me as i go along the way.

SpiritFest13 · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

CH-5 - 1vsCARTEL


"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noises or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POVs

'____' are used for thoughts



' the video zooms in the person's body, showing the viewer that.... the person has half of his body gone, half of his face gone with the mask blown into pieces with only one part hanging on his jaw. the person looks dazed, but then suddenly.... his skin starts to wiggle... a bone pops out, leading with tissue, muscles, nerves and skin all wiggling together creating... the lost skin?'

The video stops and Coulson is wide-eyed. He turns to see May and Skye staring at him with concern in their eyes, not for him, but for the situation at hand. his eyes harden, and as the Director Of SHIELD. he immediately gives an order.

" Show the Video from the Beginning!" Skye nods at the command and starts at the beginning.!



I walked through the base which was a 2 story building with the 1st floor being emptied. The 1st floor contained the operation room, where I experimented for almost 2 months. I walk down to the ground floor, and lo and behold, there are people waiting for me with guns, around 6 of them, and the moment they see me, one of them commands the other to shoot, which they do.

I walk through the firing, bullets hitting me and spitting back out without me feeling no pain. i accelerate my blood in my arm and shoot it at person #1, killing him, i dash to person #2 while regrowing my bone and stabbing him in the chest. i yank my bone-in arm back and kick the dead body of person #2 to person #5 while accelerating my other arm and aiming it at person #6, killing him. with 3 people left, i regrow my other arm and swipe and person #3, slicing his neck and killing him. and rush towards person #5 and stab into his chest with both my arms. effectively killing all 6 people.

I yank my arms back and regenerate the remaining parts, then look at the holes done to the shirt that I just got. I grumble about being naked again but I walk through managing not to step on the dead people, walking forward to find a gate. 

I find the exit in a corner. I take a second to check my surroundings, making sure that no one's gonna pop out from the corners like a cliché action movie. and with confirming that nobody gonna shoot at me in this building, i open the exit, leading out to the-

I cover my eyes due to the brightness coming from the sun. The last time I saw the sun like this was the day I came to this world around 2 months ago. My eyes adapt to the sunlight and I look around, seeing people, but these people seem civilians, giving me a wide berth. they must have heard the gunshots and seeing my outfit and what happened to it, any sensible person could put together what happened.

I don't care honestly, so I start walking away in a random decision with people moving away from me. After a minute of walking, I came across a Market, which is selling fruits, vegetables and.... masks?

I walked up to the mask, confused. Who the hell sells masks in a Market place? I look over the counter and see a man in his 60s smoking a cigarette, he looks at me, without fear and opens his mouth to speak.

"carajo quieres?" (the fuck do you want?) Of course people have to use abusive language. Why can't anybody talk normally?

"nada' (nothing) I turn around and walk to the vegetable section of the Market, and seeing the seller up at the counter moving to give me space, I decide to use this reaction to grab a carrot and eat it raw... menacingly...

I crunch on the carrot while looking the seller in the eye, no emotions on my face, only eating the carrot without decency. This does the job since the seller runs away from the counter, leaving me with the goodies. I started eating anything edible earnestly now since I can finally eat it after 2 months. God damn, I am reminiscing about the days before I was sent to this world.

I shake my head, not wanting to think about it. I gotta stay clear headed since I know that more Cartel members are gonna come, that's why I left the person who ran away, half expecting him to bring reinforcements. until then, it's eating time baby.

*30 Minutes Later*


I turn my head from finishing my banana, seeing 3 SUVs coming in the street, and a pickup truck right behind them. I eat the remaining banana and throw the skin away, dusting my hand to get ready for the confrontation ahead. The doors of the Car open and there are 15 people, with heavily armed guns, grenades(?), at least i think they have grenades. i see the guy who ran away before come out, looking much more confident than before. i check my pain receptors to see them still not healed. so, all good to go.

"abran fuego" (open fire!) those Spanish bastards point their guns at me and start shooting. And what do I do? just walk forward. a bullet hits my finger, almost ripping it off its hinges, seeing this, i raise my hand and point my finger at member #1, shooting it. ripping through his head, giving me a Headshot score. i immediately raise my other hand and point at Member #9, shooting my finger off and getting another score in Headshot. 

before i could shoot more of my fingers, a bullet hits me right in the eye, blinding me and making me jerking my head to the side due to reflexive actions, that's when i hear

"GRANADA" (GRENADE) holy shit wha-

Before I could jump out of the way ( i mean, it's a reflexive reaction anyway), a grenade is thrown by a cartel member right at me, and either his aim is really good or it's trash, the grenade lands right at my chest the moment it explodes. The explosion releases shrapnel pieces of the grenade which lodge into my chest, making me bleed while also the resulting blast waves send a force that damages my internal organs while ripping my skin and also, pushing me back, making me fall to my back.

While I do not feel any pain, my ears are ringing due to the blast hitting me so close, while also concussing my brain. I take a second to breathe and get my composure back which allows the cartel to get close to me in the dust that was created by the grenade. I turn my head around and see the man who sold masks.

The moment he looks at me, he gets scared and runs away from his hiding spot. I'm amused to see this through my eyes landing on one of the masks laying in the ground. In a random spur of thoughtfulness, and mostly for fun, I get up and take the mask, wearing it and turning to the Cartel members coming at me.

It is a Japanese mask which looks like a smiling demon with horns. oh, it's also red, my favorite color. The dust settled and the cartel members, at least 10 of them, stood near me, circling around me, AKs in their hands, the moment they saw me standing there with a hole in my shirt but my skin having no damage even after taking a grenade in the chest. they hesitate for a second.

this hesitation gives me the chance to shoot my entire arm off to Member #12. hitting his throat and the impact crushing the throat and killing him. this makes them move and start firing at me, i use my other arm to shoot at member #15, hitting him right in the chest and killing him off too. i regrow my pointy bones in both my arms and jump at the nearest member, who is #7, stabbing him in the chest downwards, i turn his dead body and use him as shield, then i kick him sideways and dash to another member, #2 and the poor guy becomes a pin cushion to my bone-y arms, and then yanks it, killing another one.

"¡OTRO!" (ANOTHER!) the same guy who threw the grenade at me, #4, throw another grenade at me- scratch that, 2 grenades at me now. I turn to the voice, seeing 2 balls coming towards me, so I reach both my arms, somehow catching it (don't ask me how, it's Plot Armor) and use my dominant (LEFT) hand to throw it back. but only one grenade is thrown back, the other one is in my non-dominant (RIGHT) Hand, which explodes, taking my arm with it.


i just regrow the exploded arm, being back to top shape in no time, seeing where i yeeted the grenade, seeing a person dead, the Member being #4. shooting starts back up, and seeing where it came from, i rush at the members, go haywire on them. They absolutely do not have a chance against me, in terms of survivability I mean, if I fought them by hand-to-hand, I would be thrown around like a ragdoll, but I ain't fighting them hand-to-hand, so I am good.

more grenades are thrown at me ( LIKE, HOW MANY DO THEY EVEN HAVE?) and i either yeet them back or just take it, doing nothing on me, not even damaging my mask. i start killing the remaining members, that being #3 by slicing his neck, #10 by ramming my bone-y fist into his head, #14 by head-shooting him. #8 by head shooting also, #6 by stomping on his chest repeatedly, breaking it and killing him. #13 by stabbing his eye and driving my bone-y through his brain. all around a gruesome death.

i notice only 2 people remaining from the 15 members who ambushed me, i turn my head from side to side to check where they ar- oh, there they ar- WHAT THE FUC-

" RPG" 


the warhead ( the head) of the RPG comes flying to me with smoke in its trail, I am only able to react a second. a second too late sinc-



half of my body is blown to bits, my right side of the body if anyone cares. my head got blown 60% into bits, showing my burnt skin, my brain matter spilling down the ground. my left eye socket was ruptured by the blast and my right eye... Well, it isn't there anymore. coming back to my body, my sides, including my ribs, organs and all. my right leg exploded leaving me leg-less. Although my left side is not as damaged, a shrapnel is stuck in my heart, while my left rib and organs are ripped due to the explosion. 

All in all, I am dead, not once, but 3 times. I negated death when my left side exploded, the second time when my brain started spewing its matter, and the third was due to the impact of the injury I sustained. I started to regrow all the lost parts. i got up from the ground, i was sent flying back due to the force of the blast after all.

i walk forward, not noticing my dress being an absolute mess, while my mask is destroyed more than 95%, leaving only one piece hanging in my jaw. the dust clears, letting myself know to the fucker who shot a fucking RPG launcher at me. and boy, is his face priceless. I then remember that this is the same bastard who I left to live. this bastard repays my kindness by a fucking RPG launcher?

i raise my healed hand and point a arm at him, accelerating my blood by making my bone marrow make more blood than one could imagine, making my blood be fast going through the blood vessels and spray out in some kind of cut in the body, leading me to use my "Parts Bullet : Arm" on the member, killing him with my finger going right through his chest.

i check to see the other guy starting to run, so raise my other arm and point my finger at him, closing my eyes for a good aim, and shoot it, going right through his back, killing him.

i take a breath in and let it out, content with what i am doing, i look at the damage, and see a kid around 12-13 filming it, i sigh and decide to do something about it, i regrow my missing limbs and then point my finger at him, and he jerks back, scared.

but i ain't killing him, i am shooting the phone he is recording with, putting an end to the recording.

*12 Hours Later*


"that's.... the end of the video." Skye, an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., looks at her boss and her friend/Father Figure, Phil Coulson, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. She wants to know what Coulson thinks about the video they saw, a dude around his 20s just fought off ( and killed) At least 3 squad of Mexican Cartel members.

"Coulson" Melinda May, An Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D. And the right Hand Of Coulson, asks his opinion even though he isn't opening his mouth.

"Yeah. Okay! Skye, i want you to gather any and all information for this situation, the people who used guns, and especially That One" Coulson points to the picture of Rai Adam in the video which is paused.

" Okay, I'll run software Using the Database to find out everything I can, both Using S.H.I.E.L.D. database and Social media." Skye accepts the wok Coulson is giving her, but when she stays for some seconds, she sees May and Coulson looking at her, knowing their intentions, she leaving, muttering a sarcastic response of "okay, i'll leave and won't disturb the Mighty Director"

"What do you think?" Coulson asks for the opinion of someone who had his back for most of his life, but May is concerned.

" I don't Know Coulson, that person is dangerous. but if guns don't affect him at all, then what will be effective against hi- '' before she could finish her sentence, Coulson interrupts her.

" Why do you immediately try to find a way to kill this guy?" The Rhetorical question leaves Coulson but May doesn't listen, more importantly looking agitated and concerned by the look on Coulson's face.

" Don't.! you have that look in your face. Do not try to do whatever you think you are trying to do-" but again, she is cut off by Coulson.

"What do you think?" even Coulson knows that is a Dumb question, but he still asks her. and as he expected, he gets berated.

"you know, the same look you had when you decided to Recruit Skye which was out of S.H.I.E.L.D. Protocol at that time, that's the look you are wearing right now" May knows What Coulson is planning, and she knows that HE won't listen, but she will try her damn hardest anyways.

" I mean, that was a good mov-" Coulson knows that May is trying to convince him to not do it, but he ain't gonna budge. He just needs to Convince May.

"this is different. Skye is a normal Human while this person is an Enhanced at worst while a shapeshifting Alien at best" Her Argument is valid, she knows, heck, even Coulson knows it but.

"Seriously? Shapeshifting Alien?" oh the irony, Coulson cannot believe it. May almost figured out about the Skrulls Existence. Wow.

"Be Serious!" May really wants to Berate Coulson for being Childish, but he Snaps at her. pouring his Heart out about the matter.

" I Am Serious. I am serious all the damn time. Currently, H.Y.D.R.A processes God Knows how many Enhanced not part of the index while having more resources than us. Skye's Father is going Around killing people god knows where, i am mentally unstable, ward is also god knows where, and now this." May is surprised to see Coulson Bottling up all this without telling anyone about it, especially her. She goes to comment, but Coulson comes in front of her and starts speaking again.

"That guy over there, might be our only chance to leg up H.Y.D.R.A, he is the only one who might be able to stop and destroy the entire Organization. Please Let me get my own version of Hulk?" May is surprised by what Coulson is saying. this guy being a hulk? he isn't even close to the hulk level of destruction. but after a second of thought, she realizes what Coulson Is trying to point out.

The guy can survive RPG launchers, he has some kind of regeneration ability, meaning he can bulldoze an entire army of weapons and make them useless, and with some training in H2H combat, He can pretty much destroy an Army.

"Ok, You are right. we do need a version of Hulk on our side right now.so, how are you going to convince the guy?" She smirks to see the surprised look on Coulson's face. She cannot Deny his facts for much longer.

"Well, I wanna talk to him first to get his feeling, you know?" Coulson is Confident, but there is an Undertone of worry laced with it, which May picks up.

"if he does not agree?" She needs to know what Coulson wants from her. so that she can be ready when the time comes.

" Figure it out, you have 3 hours at best." Coulson goes back to his chair to pick up his coat and he wears it, walking out of His office, with May following after him, worrying about his plan.

"Are you going alone?" Okay, this is recklessness right now. He cannot go alone in the perimeters of an Enhanced all alone.

" I have to, if I send anyone, he might mistake it for the Cartel guys and attack them. So, I need to be able to talk to him face-to-face, Plus, I AM the Director Of S.H.I.E.L.D., it's good for the Director to go talk to him after all.!" oh, Coulson is very Serious about him being there. and May is not having it.

" Okay, but at least take me with you '' there is an Undertone of begging here that Coulson Clearly Identifies. As much as he wants her to come, he has another job for her.

" You cannot. you need to take command in my absence, however long that may be." Coulson knows what May is gonna offer, an alternative. and he is correct.

"At least not me, then take Skye with you, she is fairly Competent now and it has been some time since you guys had any time to spend with each other. she misses you" she knows she is going low, but if it is to make sure Coulson is safe, She would go to any low possible.

"Fine, I will take Skye, but make sure to Continue Running info on Ward, we need all we can find." Coulson knows that this is the best he can compromise. plus, he missed Skye too and this mission might be able to close the distance formed between them during His rise to the Director. and Speaking of Skye-

" Coulson, I have run in the database.... and nothing.. " Oh? What does she mean by nothing?

"what do you mean by nothing?" Coulson is confused. The wording can be used for various reasons in the current situation, and he wants to know it all.

" Nothing means nothing. the guy... he doesn't exist in the database. There is literally no information on him. I even ran on social media, I found nothing ON him." Okay, isn't that concerning.

May looks at Coulson with " I knew something was off" eyes, making Coulson turn around back to Skye and yank her tablet out of her hand and give it to may.

"May, Upload all the information collected on the situation to a Quinjet, and take command of the base till me and Agent Skye come back. get in touch with Simmons.... and Fitz on what can be done if things go... sideways.. and Skye, you are coming with me." He walks to the Armory to load some weapons, with Skye surprised, but happy about the current situation. nearing the armory, they meet Alphonso Mackenzie, AKA Mack.

"Hello Sir, do you need anything?" Mack, who is doing his own thing, comes towards Coulson and Skye seeing them March towards somewhere. He needs intel on Coulson after all.

"No need for Mack, it's just a scouting Mission that Me and Skye are going to check." Mack knows Coulson is lying, but before he can call out to Coulson, Coulson, with Skye in tow, walks away, leaving Mack Suspicious about the entire Situation.

" Why didn't you tell Mack the truth?" She understands the threat the Enhanced guy possesses, and she thinks that it would be good to let the Organisation know about this threat.

" We do not want our Version of hulk to be treated with Suspicion, now, would we?" Coulson ready's a gun and puts it in his back pocket, leaving Skye utterly Confused about Coulson's wording.





Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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