
The uchiha dimensional restaurant

Guo Huang runs a dimensional restaurant and travels around the world And his employees are not good at all Around the restaurant, you can see Shisui handing out flyers outside, Madara as a security guard in the lobby, Itachi entertaining customers at the front desk, and Obito delivering food for you Ali is responsible for enticing customers to consume, and begging for food by the way. Nezuko is standing at the door, in charge of attracting customers

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68 Chs

Chapter 37 Can You Kill Matt?

In the kitchen, Guo Huang is cooking for customers.

Although the number of guests is high, this is not a problem for Guo Huang at all.

"Boss, do you need help?"

At this time, Itachi walked into the kitchen from the hall, and seemed a little worried about whether Guo Huang could cook so many dishes in a short time.

"No, just stay there and watch my show."

Guo Huang decisively rejected Itachi's kindness, opened the warehouse in the kitchen, and began to select ingredients.

Soon, Guo Huang walked out of the warehouse with a large pile of ingredients, and then sliced ​​the ingredients with a very fast knife.

He put the cut ingredients into a super large pot and started frying the big pot of rice.

This pot is really big, and it can make hundreds of people at one time.

And with the blessing of the strongest cooking skills in the universe, Guo Huang can fry the previous effect even if it is a big pot of rice.

It does not affect the taste and taste of the dish.

Even if the number of guests is close to a thousand, Guo Huang can make the dishes they ordered in a very short time.

Looking at Guo Huang's cauldron, the Itachi people were dumbfounded.

This wave of operations is simply a show, which can be described as 666.


At the same time, in the hall.

Ali was sitting at the front desk, biting his fingernails and playing boredly.

While the guests were staring at Ahri intently, no man could look away.


Faced with such naked eyes, Ali did not feel any discomfort, she had long been used to it.

At the door of the restaurant, Madara folded her arms and leaned against the corner of the wall with a cold face, not looking at Ahri.

Although Ali's appearance is indeed amazing, but who is Madara? He's an old virgin who's been single for hundreds of years.

Madara is not interested in women at all, and his temperament has long been tempered.

So any beautiful woman is a shit-like existence in front of Madara.

However, Madara doesn't like to see beautiful women, it doesn't mean that other men don't like to see beautiful women.

At this time, a few guests who were standing in line at the door kept squeezing forward, wanting to appreciate the beauty of Ahri's flourishing age.

But their vision was blocked by Madara, which made them very uncomfortable.

"Hey! Kill Matt over there! Can you get away?"

"That's right, don't stop here, you non-mainstream! It's all preventing us from seeing beautiful women!"

"That's right, it's a native turtle from the countryside. You don't want to ask about it. Where does anyone still have this hairstyle?"

The guests couldn't help but say that they came up with a mockery.

Madara slowly raised her head and looked at the customer beside her with a bit of confusion.

It took a few seconds for Madara to realize that the group of people was talking about herself.

Seeing Madara's bewildered look, Shisui and Obito laughed unkindly while hiding.

"You... seek death!"

I saw the blue veins on Madara's forehead bursting out, and there was endless killing intent in her eyes.

Back then in the Hokage world, Madara kept walking sideways, and anyone who saw him would have to shy away, panicking.

But in the forbidden world, he was insulted every day, and any cat or dog dared to come and provoke him.

This made Madara's anger to the extreme, and he even wanted to pull out the guys who had insulted him in front of him and put them to death.

This hairstyle is called Battlefield Rose! What you want is to be elegant, you know? You know what a f**king haircut!


Madara stared at the guest in front of her and approached with murderous intent.

Seeing such a terrifying Lord Madara, the previous swearing customers all began to back away subconsciously, their expressions full of fear.


At this time, Shisui and Obito discovered Madara's murderous intent in time, so the two hurried over.

"Lord Madara calm down! Don't be impulsive!"

"Beating a customer is punishable! Do you still want to be stripped to the public?"

Shisui used all his strength to hug Madara's body and didn't let him go any further.

And Obito covered Madara's mouth to prevent Madara from saying something abusive to the guests.

The two dragged Madara like this, slowly returned to the restaurant, and pulled Madara to the corner.

Until Madara left, the guests were still shivering.

However, at this moment, Itachi and Guo Huang also came out of the kitchen with dishes.

Since the dishes were not covered with an iron cover this time, the aroma of the dishes permeated the entire hall in an instant.

Smelling this fragrance, Ali immediately recalled the smell of last night, and she almost drooled.

"Ari, Madara, Obito, Shisui, hurry up and serve the dishes, there are still many dishes in the kitchen."

Guo Huang walked up to Ali, reminded everyone, and then put the dishes in his hands on the white-collar dining table.

Just smelling this aroma, the guests had a great appetite and couldn't help swallowing.

No way, this aroma is too domineering, the guests who were still peeking at Ahri have begun to shift their attention to the dishes.

"It smells good, it looks good?"

Looking at the shredded pork with green peppers and Mapo tofu in front of him, the white-collar worker also became restless. He picked up his chopsticks and put a piece of shredded pork into his mouth.

The next second, the white-collar's pupils shrank suddenly, the whole person was stunned for a moment, and the chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground.

A few seconds later, he still did not move, which caused the rest of the guests to be very confused.


"Too... so delicious!"

Suddenly, the white-collar worker stood up and shouted, his expression was very excited, which startled all the guests around him.

Afterwards, the white-collar workers didn't even pick up the chopsticks on the ground, they just put their face on the plate to eat, not paying attention to their image.

After seeing the exaggerated behavior of the white-collar workers, the guests were dumbfounded.

I go! This dude is too savage to eat, right? Is it really that delicious?

Is it an actor invited by the restaurant owner? It's a bit too exaggerated!

After seeing white-collar food, the guests were full of curiosity about the dishes on the table.

As a result, people moved their chopsticks one after another and put freshly baked meals into their mouths.

Afterwards, everyone showed a very exaggerated expression just like the white-collar workers just now.

In an instant, the praise came out of his mouth.

"My God! It's so delicious!"

"It's incredible! I've never had such a delicious dish!"

"You can eat this kind of food for tens of thousands of yen! It's a good deal!"

After the guests finished speaking, they continued eating like crazy.

At this moment, only Guo Huang's dishes are in their eyes, and everything in the outside world has nothing to do with them.

Seeing that everyone's reaction was so intense, the guests standing in line outside were almost crying.

If one person may be acting, then if so many people are added together, it must not be acting.

So this dish must be super delicious!