
The Two Strongest in MHA

This story is about two friends chosen for reincarnation. They reincarnate in My Hero Academia as Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen and Uchiha Madara from Naruto. Not only that, but they're also twins. Follow the two brothers on their journey through the world known as My Hero Academia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently 28.59K words. Don't hold back on the reviews. The credit for the cover goes to the original owner.

Fushii · Cómic
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8 Chs

Karate Tournament (Part 1/2)

During the weekend a large crowd gathered for the karate tournament being held in the rented stadium. It was a tournament between prefectures and only the top students of each dojo were chosen to participate.

Madara was dressed in his Gi and stood outside the ring waiting for the tournament to begin. Although one would be nervous in such an event, Madara felt indifferent for a whole other reason than what he normally did.

Because he was regretting every waking moment that he invited his brother to the karate tournament.

From the corner of his eye, he could see both his father and mother watching him with anticipation, even Aki, Kaseki and Izuku were there. And lastly his brother—

Was, much to his embarrassment, there.

"C'mon brother you can do it!" Satoru shouted amidst the crowd flinging his arms around, however, worst of all… "1–2–3 Madara is gonna have you all beat~! 4–5–6 he is gonna get this win~!"

Worst of all, his brother stood up, unlike the sitting crowd, and had cheerleader pom-poms in both hands —doing different motions with his arms. At least he wasn't dressed like one.

Just then Madara felt someone pat his back. "Your brother is full of spunk, I see. It's unfortunate that he quit so early on." His sensei, Tobi, said.

"It was his choice," he said, giving his brother a death gaze. "just as doing this was his choice."

"He's just showing his support for you, now you just go out there and give it your all." Tobi smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Madara gave a simple nod and chose to ignore his brother's cheering. He then sensed two people walk up to him from behind. When he turned around he saw his two other friends from the dojo.

"Alright, Uchiha. You're up after me." One of them said and looked at the bracket where his opponent was shown, "He looks tough."

"Don't worry, whoever it is, I won't be the reason we lose this tournament," Madara stated with conviction.

"Then let's all aim for the top. Got it!" The others hyped up.

"That's the spirit!" Their sensei said.

They spend about 20 minutes waiting for the first match to start. All seats in the small stadium were taken and the commentators for the matches got seated.

The first match didn't feature anyone from his dojo but it was entertaining to watch regardless. Watching the match helped him determine the rough estimate of skill everyone up against him would have.

It went by quickly and was nothing special. Their moments were flawed and used a lot of unnecessary stamina. There were no moves there he found worth copying using his Sharingan.

The next match featured one from his dojo, against someone who was a year older. That match too went by fast as his teammate managed to get a good streak of attacks which won him the match.

All while the matches went on Madara kept an eye on the opponents he might face in later rounds as this was a bracket elimination type of tournament.

Madara saw his first match with someone named Agawa Takeo who was the same age as him.

Though there were only two opponents that caught his and his brother's eyes.

One was a blond from the Tokyo prefecture who wore a specially made Gi to fit his tail, Mashirao Ojiro. The tailed boy made a strong debut through a win with almost no hits.

The second was from the Chiba prefecture. A girl with orange hair tied up in a ponytail who had just won the latest match. Itsuka Kendo.

From the crowd, Satoru smiled and mumbled, "Welp– it's going to be interesting seeing what consequences this will bear." Then he continued to cheer for his brother.

Meanwhile, Madara thought to himself, 'If I win the next two then it'll likely be me against Ojiro. And I'll likely meet Kendo if I continue.'

Either way, he would have to fight one or two of them. He didn't know what kind of effect this would have on the plot but he hoped that they would be minor so that when he and his brother decided to mess with the plot it would be in their control.

Though he didn't care about the plot, it wouldn't be fair to change too much without talking with his brother about it first. Giving a glance at his brother, he saw him motion 'Win' with the pom-poms. Getting his message, Madara adjusted his Gi to get ready. The bracket now showed that it was his turn.

He went up on the mat, he quickly noticed the logo on the one he was facing, he was from the same karate club as Mashirao.

Madara and his opponent were staring at each other, waiting for the referee.

The referee signaled them to bow, as the two had bowed to each other he signaled them to start.

Madara was going to make an example out of this kid.

The two approached each other cautiously, with his opponent, Takeo, having a more defensive form. However, Madara saw through the defense for what it was, an attempt to counter any attack he would do.

He launched himself toward Takeo with great speed, hoping the pressure of an incoming threat would force his hands.

His plan worked as his opponent's posture changed, preparing to block with one hand, leaving the other to attack. However, Madara had already thought of it and leaped to the side of his opponent where only his attacking hand was free.

In a panic, Takeo launched a punch toward Madara's chin, but he with ease blocked it and countered it with a punch to his solar plexus. The kid had already lost as he couldn't breathe but the referee didn't have time to stop as Madara quickly roundhouse kicked him in the face, knocking him out.

The fight ended with the referee calling it and declaring Madara victorious due to Takeo being unable to continue the match.

The over-the-top well-placed kick made the crowd roar in cheers and many from the crowd clapped.

Madara bowed and went down from the mat, and his opponent was lifted down on a medical board as he was knocked out cold.

Before he could reunite with his friends from the dojo the referee pulled him aside, reprimanded him for going over the top, and told him not to do it again. Madara simply nodded with a neutral expression.

When Madara returned, his friends from the dojo began praising him for the flawless win.

"That was amazing, you really juked him out."

"He couldn't even last one round against you, though that kick… 'ouch'." His friend visibly flinched.

In the crowd, Aki looked in surprise and awe. She hadn't expected Madara to go all out like that. As much as she found it cruel, it was a tournament after all. You don't enter expecting to go out unscathed.

"Damn, Madara is out here showing no mercy," Kaseki said with an excited smile.

"No kidding," Aki said, astonished.

Satoru stood up and started screaming while waving his pom-poms–

"My brother is precise, hit them once, hit them twice, hit them at the bottom, hit them at the top, hit them in the middle, and watch them drop~!"

Madara, who heard his brother screaming again, only sighed at his antics.

The commentator kept up the hype from his match and poured it into the next where he called up the two next opponents.

This time it was Mashirao who was up against another kid who was taller and bigger than him. Mashirao's tail was neatly tucked behind his costume so as to not accidentally use it.

While walking up to the area, the tailed boy did give Madara a distasteful gaze, having not enjoyed Madara's ruthlessness.

Madara's expression didn't change at all as he activated his Sharingan for a second before deactivating them the next time he blinked, making sure Mashirao saw them.

If someone was going to give him a bad glare, he was surely going to respond with his own— that was his logic.

Deciding to look at the other interesting person in the room, Madara looked at Itsuka who was talking to her friends on the other side of the room, seemingly waiting for the next match to be announced.

Mashirao's match began thereafter while Madara watched on with no interest. He observed that his fighting style focused more on momentum-based attacks which was a poor match against the opponent, who was more focused on defense.

The match ended with Mashirao coming out on top, though not flawlessly as he had sustained some valid hits. The crowd cheered and clapped at the win.

The tournament went on and nothing noteworthy happened and Madara won with ease. All of Madara's matches were won flawlessly, not even a single person had landed a hit on him.

He was currently the center of attention in the tournament and everyone was watching his fights with anticipation.

Madara looked at the bracket, it showed he was currently in the semi-final and his next match would be against Itsuka. He saw her looking at him with a determined face. Madara shrugged it off as nothing.

"Are you feeling nervous yet, she's not going to be as easy as your previous opponent," Tobi said, approaching Madara.

"Yeah, I heard she is the best from her dojo." A friend from his dojo followed up.

"Go at it brother! Don't hold back!" Was heard from the crowd.

He heard the referee call him up and got a set of thumbs up before leaving for the mat. He tightened his belt and checked that his Gi wouldn't hinder his mobility.

The look in Itsuka's eyes told him she was anxious but remained composed enough not to falter. Her muscles were tense while Madara remained slacked.

"Are both parties ready?" The referee asked and gave a glance at both.

Both nodded in unison.

The referee raised his hand. "Alright, three, two, one," Then it was let down, "start!"

Itsuka took the first initiation and approached Madara cautiously, looking out for any sudden movements. Then she threw the first punch toward his solar plexus.

Madara foresaw this and blocked the attack with one arm while raising the other to strike at her waist. Itsuka's eyes widened and she jumped back and attempted a high kick to his face.

He instinctively dodged under and swept her leg. She hit the mat and Madara quickly punched her in the stomach to give him the first point of the match.

After the point was called, the crowd cheered loudly and both of them returned to their position before the next round started.

As soon as it started, Madara ran at Itsuka while remaining low to the ground. When he was within distance he planted his right foot into the mat and used the created momentum to kick her unguarded stomach with his left.

She realized at the last moment before impact and quickly moved her arm to absorb the damage of the kick. When Madara's left foot hit her arm it staggered her, giving him the opportunity to strike thereafter.

Madara aimed a strike at her head but she tilted back which made his fist go by. Instead, Madara opted to grab her Gi and positioned his other leg behind hers. With help of his arm, he brought Istuka back first into the mat with an audible thump.

"Point," Screamed the referee, "2-0 Madara"

Madara could see Itsuka rubbing her arm and biting her jaw together while she was walking back to her side of the mat. Madara didn't think anything of it and walked over to his side.

If Madara scored one more point the match would be over and he would get another flawless victory.

The referee looked over to Itsuka and asked, "Can you continue?"

She nodded back at him and looked over toward Madara with a conflicted look in her eyes. 'I can't even land a single hit on him. Everything I throw at him he either dodges or counters. I can't go offensive or defensive. Then my best bet is to use his strength against himself.'

The referee, seeing she could continue, started, "Are both parties ready?"

To which both nodded.

The match between the two future heroes was set when the referee confirmed their signs. They exchanged gazes and readied themselves...



I would greatly appreciate it if you could review my story so I know if I am on the right track and what to improve on my writing and story.

Thank you for reading Part 1 of the Karate Tournament chapter. Part 2 is 80% done and will be released soon.

Would you guys like to have a half chapter where one of the MCs is doing something? Let me know what you think.

I have also come up with some MS Sharingan abilities let me know what you guys think.

MS: { Right: Record a place. - Left: teleport or teleport others to the recorded place }

MS: { Right: Vector Control, allows the user to change the direction of all projectiles. The chakra usage is based on mass, density, and if it's living or not. - Left: Crit Points, allow the user to create and see critical points that amplify any attack, living and non-living both. }

MS: { Right: Warps the shape on anything in sight, chakra usage depends on, distance, size, and mass. - Left: Reverts the effect of the right eye. }

MS: { Right: Inversion of the senses, what's up is down, what's left is right. what can seem close to you is actually far away. - Left: Inversion of the senses, something small can look giant. a stone can look like an astroid, to the target. }

Which one do you guys think is the best?

If you have your own idea add it here.

Thank you and see you in the next chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Fushiicreators' thoughts