
The Two Strongest in MHA

This story is about two friends chosen for reincarnation. They reincarnate in My Hero Academia as Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen and Uchiha Madara from Naruto. Not only that, but they're also twins. Follow the two brothers on their journey through the world known as My Hero Academia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently 28.59K words. Don't hold back on the reviews. The credit for the cover goes to the original owner.

Fushii · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

School Life

The sound of pen against paper sounded in the classroom. Everyone in the class was quiet while working on the test. Some students chewed their pens in thought, others squinted and nervously tapped their feet. However, four other students were already done.

Madara and Satoru, known by the class as the 'Prodigy Twins' had finished the supposed 2-hour test in less than 50 minutes, much to the surprise of the teacher as he'd seen the two as slackers during class. The other two were Bakugo and Izuku who'd finished after an hour and 30 minutes.

"Alright, time's soon up class. Make sure your name is written before handing the test in." The teacher called out.

Students grew more frantic as they began to write faster in hopes of finishing their tests. Both Satoru and Madara who sat in the back of the class could see Aki and Kaseki tapping their feet and trying to answer the question as fast as they could.

When the time was up the teacher started retrieving the rest of the student's tests. Aki looked dejected as if her soul left her body while Kaseki had a look of regret.

"Now that I have everyone's test, you're allowed to leave." Their teacher said with a furrowed brow.

The tension of the test dropped as everyone was allowed to talk. Most of the students began to compare answers while heading for the exit.

Madara, Satoru, Kaseki, Aki, and Izuku were walking toward the cafeteria while talking to each other.

"How'd you do?" Madara asked his brother.

"Same as always." Satoru shrugged. "And you?"

"Well, it was easier than I thought it would be."

"How are you two this smart? It's almost unfair to the rest of us." Kaseki said in disbelief. "You too Izuku, where do you get your brains from?"

"Uhm, nowhere really. I just really enjoy the subjects." Izuku said with a lifted head.

"How can you enjoy classes? I only feel depressed thinking about the subjects." Aki said with a pouting face

"It's not that bad. It sucks, sure, but not that much." Kaseki called out the exaggeration.

"At least it's over now," Aki sighed. "Want to go somewhere today? I honestly want to go out and forget about the test."

"Can't today." Madara shook his head. "I need to practice for my karate tournament, today."

"Oh, yeah I forgot about that. When was it again?" Aki asked.

"This weekend," Satoru said, interjecting their conversation. "You wanna come and root from him?"

"Why doesn't everyone come and root for our boy Madara," Kaseki said with a large smile.

"I'll be there if nothing important shows up," Aki stated.

"Me too," Izuku said looking down in his superhero notebook.

"Oh, by the way, Izuku, are you still up for the U.A prep exam," Satoru asked looking toward him.

"Y-Yes, I am st-still up," Izuku stuttered.

Madara looked at Izuku while pondering over why the greenette was stuttering all the time like they were threatening him. He snapped out of thought as they arrived at the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was a big rectangle with two entrances on either side. The food stall was on their left and a bunch of tables and chairs were to their right. It was decorated with a bunch of plants in the corners of the rooms and the tables were separated by moveable walls. It was somewhat crowded as some students from different classes were there as well.

Aki hurried toward the food stall and started admiring all the different deserts.

"Look you guys, they've got new deserts," She said, with a fixed gaze on the deserts behind the glass.

"You should start admiring the salads if you don't wanna get fat," Madara stated in all honesty.

Aki pouted and said, "Well what if I don't wanna stop."

"By all means do as you wish, I don't care," He said with a bored look.

"Geez, what a lady killer you are," Satoru stated playfully.

Midoriya looked up from his book and looked at Aki "I believe you would look good either way."

The group went silent at his comment but was quickly broken by Kaseki

"Damn, Izuku, never took you for such a smooth talker."

Izuku who just realized what he had said turned red and looked down in embarrassment.

"I-I–" He was just about to say something when Satoru smacked him in the back.

"C'mon, don't tease the future number one lady killer."

Izuku, still embarrassed, stayed quiet. He glanced at Aki who had a smile on her face which told him it was fine.

"Thanks, Izuku, at least there's someone who doesn't hate on me." She turned to Madara and pouted "Like someone here."

Madara who started to get annoyed spoke up, "Get what you want so we can go back to class."

"Okay, okay, no need to be so grumpy," Aki said turning back to the Food stall.

After buying what they wanted they headed back to their classroom. As the school day was ending, Madara and Satoru went home without any stops on the way after saying goodbye to their friends.

When the brothers arrived home the house was dark and quiet. They left their backpacks inside and left a note for their parents. They knew their parents trusted them enough to leave without getting into trouble.

"Where's this place you wanted to show me?" Madara asked.

"Be patient, we'll be there soon."

"Can't you teleport us there?"

Satoru gave an indifferent look. "Wish I could. I'm still learning that part."

Satoru was walking in the front, guiding his brother to the place. The two walked until they reached the beginning of a forest in which Satoru just waltzed right in.

He would walk effortlessly past any branches in the way as Infinity would let him get by unharmed while Madara moved right behind him without touching any of the branches.

Madara's skill allowed him to easily traverse these areas with ease unlike his brother, some could say he thrived in wooded areas because it gave him an environmental advantage. Though he should try to avoid any extensive fire jutsus here. He didn't want to risk causing a forest fire.

After a while of walking the two stopped. An animated Satoru slid in front of Madara's view with arms out. "We're here〰"

The place was a huge open grassy area with a pond and a small hill in the corner of the field.

"This place is excellent," Madara said with an eager look.

"I know right, I found this place a few days ago while doing stuff." He said while grinning.

"I can finally start to practice my more destructive jutsus here, without anyone seeing," Madara said while looking around.

He then noticed large chunks of dirt missing in some places of the field without any rhyme or reason. Though the cheeky look on his brother's face told him the whole story.

"Don't think about it. Right now let's focus on improving your strengths." Satoru clapped his hands to prepare.

"Alright," Madara walked to the pond while doing a hand seal. Though before he could finish Satoru slapped him in the back.

"Have you forgotten it's your tournament you're training for? Our type of quirks aren't allowed." Satoru reminded Madara.

For the sake of fairness, all tournaments banned the usage of quirks. Of course, those with a quirk that couldn't be turned off were exempted from this rule.

"Then Taijutsu it is." Madara took off his jacket to allow easier maneuverability. "Care to help me practice?"

Satoru smirked and placed his arms behind his back. "You're welcome to try and hit me."

This would be great practice for his subconscious Infinity usage, which he was close to nailing down.

'Though there's still a good chance of him hitting me if I don't try and dodge some attacks. Unless I want to ditch the glasses.'

Madara stretched his arms and legs while his brother carelessly walked forward. Glasses still on, meaning he wasn't taking this all too seriously.

With that Madara's legs moved and he ran towards his brother taking a leap with his right fist cocked back.

Satoru stood still with a smirk on his face.

Madara threw a punch at his brother but it didn't reach him, he pulled his hand back and threw a new left hook.

He kept on punches but none of them hit due to Satoru's Infinity. Despite that, his brother attempted to dodge and jumped back.

Madara drew a high kick with his right leg but Satoru ducked just in time. But in response, Madara brought his foot down onto Satoru's head only to be stopped by his Infinity.

Undeterred, Madara propelled himself up aiming his left knee towards his chin which Satoru covered with surprise. Due to the surprise factor, the knee-kick went past his Infinity and hit him, making him stumble back.

Madara, who landed gracefully after being propelled up, took his combat form while Satoru regained his balance. The two exchanged a nod and ran at each other.

They continued to train and hone their skills, well it was mostly Madara while his brother acted as an enemy who only dodged and sometimes blocked. Although he did manage to get past his Infinity sometimes, Satoru remained fine and continued. Even landing a cheeky hit on his brother once.

After a couple of hours, the two felt exhausted and took a pause.

Satoru rubbed his chin soothingly. "Your proficiency in close combat is good enough if you ask me. Likely even a top place contender already for sure."

"I need to be ready for any scenario to happen."

"What kind of scenarios are you expecting," Satoru mumbled to the side. "Though I don't mind the extra training, my Infinity still needs work."

"It's an unfair comparison considering you weren't using your 'six eyes' to the maximum," Madara mentioned with his arms crossed, but Satoru acknowledged the fact and raised his finger to explain.

"Maybe, but that was for the sake of training and equality. Unless you used your Sharingan of course." Satoru summed up. "Plus, this teaches you to react to great guards under pressure."

"That so," Madara said and went to pick up his jacket. "Anyway, do we have any plans coming up, except the tournament?"

Satoru adjusted his glasses. "Hm? Last I heard Aki wanted to hang out later this week and Izuku agreed to help us study quirk laws tomorrow."

Madara mentally noted it down and checked his phone for any messages but happened to notice today's date. They were already in their last months of school, the years flying by fast.

He chalked it up to nothing happening these past years, also that their actual age in terms of memories made things fly by even faster.

"It's a little bit more than 10 months before the U.A exams start," Madara stated while idly tossing a stone up and down.

Satoru gave him an unidentifiable look, eyes hidden by his glasses, that quickly became thoughtful. His brother crossed his arms and tightened his lips in thought.

"Which means we don't have long until the actual story starts." Satoru reflected. His fingers placed together in front of his face. "We need to start putting things in place soon if we want to avoid a worst-case scenario."

"Sure, we—"


Madara's phone vibrated and when he looked he saw that it was their mother calling them. He quickly swiped to answer and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hi, mom."

"We're fine…"

"Mhm, we won't take long."

"*sigh* Yes, Satoru is here."

Madara took his phone and pointed it at his brother who got the message and said, "Don't worry I'm here making sure he doesn't cause too much trouble~"

"That sounds more like my job," Madara mumbled silently and put the phone back to his ear.

"Yes, we'll be coming back now… okay, bye." He ended the call and pocketed his phone.

They started heading home after that.


The next day of school went by fairly quickly nothing out of the ordinary happened. After school, Izuku, Satoru, and Madara went to the library to study quirk laws.

"Um, so the quirk laws are slightly lenient in some cases," Satoru asked curiously while spinning a pen between his fingers.

"Y-yeah. There have been court cases where the defendant was let off because there wasn't any proof of his quirk usage," Izuku said.

"Hmm." Satoru gave a content expression before stopping his pen and resuming reading the notes.

Both he, his brother, and Izuku were at the library studying previous U.A entrance exams that they printed out from the internet. Sadly Aki had to visit her grandmother and Kaseki wasn't interested in studying because he would rather play games.

Satoru had his glasses off for this occasion as his 'six eyes' allowed him to take in information faster and easier. He flipped to the next page and gave a side glance at his brother sitting next to him, or well one could say a shadow of his brother.

His 'six eyes' easily revealed the person next to him to be some kind of clone or a 'shadow clone' if he were to guess correctly. He wondered if Izuku knew that.

"S-say Satoru, Madara?" Izuku stuttered while hiding behind his book in front of him. "I was wondering i-if I could— uhm… write about your guy's quirks. IMeanThey'reReallyCoolAndIWasAlwayWonderingHowItWorksAndIThoughICouldGiveYouGuysAdvice."

"Could you repeat that?" Satoru deadpanned but smiled to indicate he was joking. "But I am curious, why now? We've been friends for a while, right?"

"I didn't want to impose." The green-haired boy replied shyly.

"It's fine really." Satoru looked at his brother. "While I don't know about Madara I'm fine with laying out my hand."

Izuku seemed to shine and lose all embarrassment as he scrambled to take out his notebook detailing many different quirks.

While Satoru gave a short but good explanation of his quirk Izuku hastily wrote down all the information like a life-like printer.

"That's amazing!" Izuku's eyes shined. "Theoretically your 'Infinity' could stop any attack!"

"Theoretically, yeah. But it tends to fail sometimes, it's a real bother." he groaned in fake frustration.

"Hmm, why is that?" Izuku said with curiosity written all over his face.

"Because I can't keep up sometimes," Satoru said. Izuku listened closely and wrote down what he could, "or I forget to account for something."

After having written down everything he looked at Madara across the table, "What about your quirk?" He asked with great enthusiasm.

Satoru leaned in with interest, wondering how his brother would respond.

Then Madara looked up from his book with a blank stare and— *POOF!*

Madara had exploded into white smoke.

Satoru's face remained unaffected while Izuku's told a whole other story, clearly not aware of what was happening.

Izuku's eyes were wide open and pure fear was shown on his face, "AAAHH, HE EXPLODED!" He screamed as he saw Madara's shadow-clone getting dispelled.

"It happens sometimes, don't worry about it," Satoru said trying to comfort him, though he had to admit, it was funny.

*SHHH!* The sound of the librarian shushing them echoed through the quiet library.

Satoru looked toward the librarian who was glaring at them, he looked back at Izuku who was still freaking out over his friend exploding right in front of him.

Satoru waved his hand to dispel some of the smoke and smiled. "Yikes, harsh answer."

"Is-I-Is he okay?" Izuku looked frantically around.

Satoru cheerfully raised his voice, "He's fine. That was just one of his shadow clones."

After being shushed again for raising his voice Satoru mouthed 'sorry' to the librarian and looked at the stuttering mess.

Izuku seemed completely out of it as he began to mumble up the different uses for such an ability.

However, when he came to it, he looked to where Satoru had been and—


His head shifted left and right trying to find him; however, the white-haired boy had seemingly disappeared.

"Nah, I just dropped my pen." Satoru came from under the table and sat back down again. Only to shift his uncovered gaze to the side, seeing a quite mad librarian looking at the two.

Izuku mumbled 'sorry' while Satoru shrugged. "Meh, said it before already."

The two were kicked out of the library for being too loud. After that, they decided to end their study session for the day with Satoru explaining to Izuku what a shadow clone was.

The two then waved each other off and Izuku headed for his train while Satoru stayed behind to wait for his bus home.

On the bus, Satoru pulled out his phone and dialed his brother's number to ask him how his training was going. Since the tournament was not far off, Madara was training extra hard.

Something Satoru found unneeded since he outranked most people his age in skill and power.

He had already confirmed that Aki, Kaseki, and Izuku would show up, as well as their parents. He for a split second felt bad for whoever would have to face Madara in the tournament but shrugged it off.

"They're weak anyways."



I am back!

After some time I'm back with another chapter for you. And those waiting for another chapter won't have to wait long as this chapter was written alongside chapter 5 and is almost done and will be released soon.

Things will only ramp up from here on now so buckle up. And most importantly enjoy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Fushiicreators' thoughts