
The Two Strongest in MHA

This story is about two friends chosen for reincarnation. They reincarnate in My Hero Academia as Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen and Uchiha Madara from Naruto. Not only that, but they're also twins. Follow the two brothers on their journey through the world known as My Hero Academia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently 28.59K words. Don't hold back on the reviews. The credit for the cover goes to the original owner.

Fushii · Cómic
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8 Chs

Advancing Through The Years

8 years later…

In a room with two large beds on each side of the bedroom, you could see Madara and Satoru sleeping. The sun was rising on the horizon, slightly lighting up the room. The room had two big bookshelves with manga and novels on them. There was also a TV stand with 4 drawers, and a big Flat Screen with a game console. In the drawers, there were a lot of games and disks stacked on each other. There were also dressers for their clothes.

On one of the beds, you could see Madara shifting underneath the covers, sweating, and mumbling.

Their mother opened the door and woke them up. Satoru who was now sitting on the side of his bed saw Madara still sleeping, he got up from the bed and walked over to him. When he was close to his brother he heard him mutter something, but he didn't pay it any attention and proceeded to poke the sleeping beauty awake.

"Yo, wake up." Satoru continued poking.

Madara, who had just gotten dragged out of his nightmare, looked around with his Sharingan that had been unconsciously activated.

"Your memories just keep coming don't they?" Satoru said to his brother whose eyes had met with his.

Madara was now starting to get an understanding of what was happening said—

"I don't know why," He then continued, "It has started happening more frequently."

Satoru was trying to understand why his brother had gotten memory dreams more frequently while he was getting them less.

In the beginning, they had started getting glimpses of the original's memories while dreaming. But then the memories became longer and longer, as time went on Satoru and Madara could have memories of the originals that spanned for days to months, in one dream session. So when they wake up after a memory dream, they feel like the days that they spent in the dream were spent in real life too. The dreams started appearing one to three times a month.

Later Madara had started having memory dreams more frequently to the point where he started having them almost once a week.

When he was 8 years old he had awakened his Sharingan, during the memory dream of Madara's ending his friendship with Hasirama, and telling him the next time they met will be on the battlefield as enemies.

After having obtained his Sharingan he and his brother spent months training his one tomoe Sharingans. He had also pivoted to Kumite instead of kata as he thought it would be more fun and efficient for his Sharingan training, than doing kata training where he mostly copied and repeated the actions that their sensei did, it was very easy for Madara to the point that it got somewhat boring.

During his training with his one tomoe Sharingan's, he was only able to use it to read others' movements and increase his speed and accuracy when attacking. Though it didn't help him get past Satoru's Infinity.

But because of the Sharingan, he had been put ahead of most of his seniors in the beginner class, so they placed him in the advanced Kumite class, where there were people of different ages.

A few years later a couple of days before his tenth birthday Madara managed to gain his second tomoe because of his continuous use of his Sharingan and maturing.

When he advanced to two tomoe Sharingan he was able to imitate the opponent's movements, read people's movements in detail, and increase the speed, stamina, and accuracy of his attacks.

And a couple of months after his twelfth birthday his eyes reached, three tomoe Sharingan. All this happened during a Kumite practice when he was sparring with one of the sensei in the group.

The sensei had seen this and asked him about it. To which Madara explained it was his quirk maturing.

Later that same day he and Satoru had been testing out what his new three tomoe Sharingan could do. He was now able to see and feel any type of energy, imitate the opponent's movements to a precise, increase his agility, speed, and accuracy of his attacks even more than before, and was now able to make illusions with his eyes.

Seeing that his brother had woken up, he got dressed.

"Come on," Satoru motioned with his head. "Mom's making breakfast for us."

With a tired solemn look, Madara nodded and yawned, rubbing his eyes. He'd accidentally activated his Sharingan in panic during sleep, something he did frequently in his memory dreams like the one he had today.

Satoru had developed his eyes, the 'Six Eyes', last week. Satoru wondered at first what had taken so long for them to appear as the original had been born with them, but theorized that it had to do with how their abilities had been converted to quirks.

All dressed up, Madara walked out of his room and went towards the bathroom to prepare himself for the morning. Currently, his brother was trying to style his white hair.

"What?" Satoru asked with a cheeky smile. "Gotta look the part."

He finished up quickly and picked up the black sunglasses he'd stashed on the sink and put them on, finishing the look of a young Satoru.

Originally the sunglasses had been meant to be cosmetic to him and nothing related to the 'Six eyes' as Satoru thought it wouldn't they wouldn't be a problem to him.

But turns out he'd been wrong.

Despite their ability to reduce the unnecessary loss of efficiency of his cursed energy, his eyes came with another ability that was a double-edged sword.

His eyes allowed him to perceive the world in terms of mass, speed, energy, and so on. This ability helped him learn a proper way to finally use Infinity subconsciously, although not consistently. It was this ability that he couldn't turn off and would act on any object both inside and outside his vision.

Days of migraines went on until he figured out the causation and promptly began using the glasses to reduce the strength of his perception. Though this didn't affect his Infinity negatively.

Picking up his toothbrush Madara looked at his brother. "Have you had any dreams recently?" he asked his brother, who shook his head.

"Well, the last one I had was the one last week, when I got my eyes," Satoru said while showing his eyes with a smile. "By the way, when's the karate tournament?"

"Next week, Thursday. Mom will take us." With that said, Madara brushed his teeth while his brother went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Hm? Where is Madara, is he up?" Their mother called out in surprise as Madara wasn't there.

She was currently preparing breakfast for them.

"Oh, brother had a bad nightmare, the usual, you know," Satoru spoke nonchalantly.

Their mother sighed. "Again? Maybe we should book an appointment—"

"Don't worry mom, I don't need help," Madara called out while coming downstairs, having overheard the conversation. "Brother and I were up watching a scary movie, that's all."

"Anyway. Shouldn't we start preparing for school next week?" Madara said, changing the topic.

"Right, we have to get you two some school supplies. I can't find any school utensils in the house."

Satoru gazed to the side and tried to play innocent and not give out that he'd used utensils for precise quirk practice when using Blue. Resulting in some 'going missing'.

"You know, you don't have to look at me like that," Satoru mentioned, feeling his brother's gaze on him.

"Well you are always so quick to borrow, yet so slow to give it back," Madara said, remembering how his pencil case still hasn't been returned.

"Now you two, we can just go and buy more after breakfast." Said their mother who then was struck by an idea. "Why don't you two call your friends. It might be fun to go out with them."

After having a memory dream Madara didn't have an opinion on it and agreed to it. Satoru just gave a thumbs up while yawning.

The two brothers called their three friends and quickly set a time and place to meet up in the mall where they planned to shop. Their mother loaded them with money, more than enough for them to be able to buy supplies, and go out and eat with their friends.

After finishing breakfast the two got dressed and made sure they had everything they needed. They left the house and jumped into the car and a short ride later arrived at the shopping mall a couple of minutes early, than the intended time.

"Alright, you two be careful and have fun. I'll be there if you need me." She then proceeded to point at a clothing store behind her.

Just as two of their friends came into view their mother kissed them on their cheeks and ruffled their hair, wishing them luck before walking away.

"She really wants to embarrass us," Madara stated.

"I don't mind—" shrugged Satoru, "—it just means she loves us."

The first friend had rocks for hair and was wearing a black hoodie with blue jeans, his name was Kaseki and they became friends after he was transferred to their class during their last year in elementary school.

The second friend to arrive with him was a girl named Aki, she has orange hair and cute chubby cheeks. She was wearing a white shirt tucked into her bright blue jeans. The three have known each other since kindergarten but they became friends when they started elementary school.

With that, Satoru turned and waved at the three incoming friends, and shouted— "Yo! We're here."

"I think they noticed us before you did that." His brother said.

"Nah, you have to be formal." Satoru shone with what could only be described as an aura of 'approachability'.

"In what way is 'Yo' formal?" Madara questioned with a look.

But Satoru didn't get to answer as the friends came close enough and spoke out.

"Long time no see." Kaseki came up and fist-bumped Madara.

"Yeah, we haven't seen you guys since last month!" Aki said.

"We've been busy a lot this past month," Madara explained, avoiding mentioning that they were hard at work, training their quirks to their max.

Soon after, a green-haired boy approached the group, hunched over trying to minimize his appearance.

"H-hello, Madara-san and Satoru-san!" Midoriya waved shyly. "Thank you for inviting me."

"No problem." Satoru waved it off. "The more the merrier after all."

"Oh hey! Nice to meet you, I'm Shirudo Kaseki." The upbeat stone-haired boy shook Midoriya's hand with a smile while Midoriya mumbled an 'h-hi'.

"With introductions out of the way, we should head out and get what we came for."

"Oh, don't be such a spoilsport, Uchiha-san." Aki pouted. "There's a lot more we can do here than buy some boring school stuff."

"Like—" Kaseki began but was interrupted.

"Going to the arcade!" Like a child on Christmas, Satoru exclaimed.

"Get your priorities in check, we need to buy our school utensils before spending all the money on games," Madara said while looking at his brother.

"But then we have to carry it around everywhere." Kaseki groaned out of annoyance.

"Well, I have my priorities," Madara told them

"Yeah, yeah, fine, let's just not stand around here then," Satoru said while starting to walk to the mall.

The group began to make its way toward the store. Madara and Satoru walked first, Kaseki and Aki following behind, and Midoriya in last place.

They made their way to the school section of the store where they each picked out their stuff.

"Think we should get a stapler?" Satoru asked.

"What for, we're twelve, not thirty-year-old businessmen," Kaseki said dumbfounded by Satoru's question.

"Oh, look at this notebook. It has Midnight on it." Kaseki waved the item in question.

"The marketing department couldn't possibly have thought that was a great idea," Aki said while looking at the notebook Kaseki was holding.

"Well, it works fine enough for me to buy it," Kaseki said.

"Look at this, there's a sale for a batch of pens," Satoru called Madara.

"Might as well get that. Along with some folders." Madara said. He preferred to have his material properly organized. He turned to take some but felt someone poke his back.

"Hey Madara, hey, hey," Satoru called. "What do you say?"

When Madara turned around he saw Satoru holding a batch of stickers in front of his face.

"You should get those and put them on the cover of your notebook, it'll look so cool!" Aki exclaimed and took a batch of stickers from where Satoru had taken them.

In the end, they spent more than they had imagined but had money over for a trip to the arcade and some eating money too.

They entered the arcade. It was a place filled with cabinets of different types of games, shoot-em-ups, beat-them-ups, racing, or platformers.

"They even have Pac-Man!" Satoru practically slid over to the cabinet and was prepared to insert a coin when he heard the sound of crackling.

Midoriya seemed to freeze and Kaseki noticed.

"Isn't that–" Aki started and turned to where it originated from.

"What a shitty game. You only won because my buttons were messed up." A spiky blonde-haired erupted angrily.

"Chillax Bakugo, it's just a game. Anyway, why don't we hit that one over there instead." One of his friends suggested, trying to ease his anger.

Bakugo looked at where his scrooges had suggested playing only to notice the people next to the intended cabinet.

"What the hell are they doing here!" Bakugo exclaimed in anger.

'The hell! Why is that quirkless idiot here— and those damn twins?' Bakugo thought, ignoring the other two and mentally labeling them as 'extras'.

Satoru was the first to react to Bakugo noticing them and gave an unconcerned friendly wave.

"That bastard…" Bakugo popped a vein on his forehead.

"Let's just go Bakugo, I don't want to get kicked out of this place." One of his friends tried to defuse the situation.

"Tsk, fine. But those three better leave, the extras too!" Shouted at them before departing to another aisle of the arcade.

"Who was that?" Kaseki asked, noticing that Bakugo acted as if he knew them.

"A bully who's not worth our time," Aki affirmed and looked at Midoriya who was shaking.

The boy nodded and regained his composure. Seeing this Madara felt it would be better to leave as Bakugo suggested. After all, he didn't want to get kicked out for beating that idiot up.

"Let's just leave. I'm hungry anyway." Madara took the lead and began to leave.

Satoru's stomach growled and he smiled sheepishly, "Guess I am too."

"Let's go then." Kaseki agreed.

But just before the excited Madara saw Bakugo playing some fighting and sneakily put him in an illusion where everything he was experiencing happened a second after.

Both Satoru and Madara smiled as Bakugo raged while they left. The two fist-bumped each other in secret.

Not wanting to waste time looking for a restaurant the gang decided to pick the one right in front of the arcade.

The five sat down by a table and picked out food from the given menus. When the food did arrive the five chowed down while conversing.

"So what was the deal with that Bakugo guy anyway?"

"Meh, he's a general pain. He thinks himself as better than everyone because he got a good quirk," Satoru stated.

"But aren't you two stronger than him?" Aki wondered. While she didn't have an entire grasp of their quirks she knew that they were able to fend off Bakugo.

"Of course we are, he's the weak one after all," Satoru said with a cocky smile.

"Don't underestimate people," Madara warned but ultimately did agree that they already surpassed Bakugou in strength and would remain stronger.

"Kaachan isn't weak, his quirk is really strong but–"

"I'm not talking about his quirk in general," Madara started, "It's the way he perceives things that's flawed."

"W-what do you mean?" Midoriya asked.

"Bakugo believes that working hard alone will make him achieve his dream. But… working hard alone doesn't assure you that you'll achieve your dreams. If he learns to take pointers from people around him and cooperate with them. Then he will be truly strong. But that doesn't mean he will be able to reach his dream, as some dreams are too unrealistic, for example: Being the number one hero when I'm alive." Madara said looking at the group

"'Truly strong', huh." Satoru leaned his palm on his cheek with a neutral expression. "Even if he did listen to others, he'd never be 'Truly Strong'. Maybe strong, but nothing else really."

"Listen to you two, arguing about that idiot." Aki smiled in disbelief. "Let's talk about something more interesting."

They soon switched topics after that to something else and eventually finished their food. Their mother called soon after and informed them that they'd need to go home soon.

They said goodbye to their friends and headed back to the mall to find their mother again.

When they found her she was about to pay for the clothes she'd picked out for herself and some for them. The cashier rang the price and Satoru cringed.

"Geez, with that amount of money I'm wondering how we're not in poverty yet," Satoru said looking at their mother and checking the price tag on a dress.

"No kidding." His brother said while waiting for their mother

After finishing the purchase Yuki smiled at her two boys and asked, "How was your day?"

"It was fun," Satoru started, "We bought the utensils we needed and some cool stickers."

"We also ate at a restaurant, so we can skip dinner," Madara informed as he wanted to practice another Jujsu at home.

"Alright, alright." Yuki agreed.

They walked to the parked car which she unlocked and let the brothers jump into.

Madara as usual leaned to look out the window on their way home while Satoru laid back and relaxed against the car chair waiting for the perfect moment.

"Don't think about it."

"Eh? What am I planning?" Satoru smiled innocently, hiding something behind his back.

"You were planning on sticking stickers on me weren't you."

"You have too good of a sense." Satoru placed the stickers that were behind his back away and smiled, returning to his relaxed position.

When they arrived back home, they got out of the car and walked behind their mother, and helped her lift all the bags of clothing for the three.

When they walked in from the front door they were met by their father who had just come home from the hospital.

"WASSUPPPP!" Satoru shouted to his dad while stretching his arms out horizontally.

"WASSSUUPPP!" Tajima shouted back while mimicking his son's movement.

Madara and Yuki only looked at them and sighed while removing their shoes.

The two brothers went up to their room with their new clothes.

"She can be a real shop-o-maniac when she is out shopping," Satoru said as the two were folding their newly bought clothes and putting them in their dressers. He then continued, "Like, look at this,"

Madara turned to look at his brother who was holding up a blue t-shirt with an All Might print on the center

"I believe that it would look good on you," Madara said with a teasing smile.

"Ha, Ha, well this goes furthest down in the dresser," Satoru said while lifting all his clothes in the dresser to hide the shameful t-shirt.

After they had stuffed their new clothes in their dressers, they went downstairs.

When they were walking down the stairs they saw Yuki showcasing the dresses she had bought. From the look that Tajima gave, he seemed to like them.

Madara and Satoru proceeded to walk to the front door to put on their shoes.

Their mother who noticed them asked— "Where are you two going?"

"Brother wanted to get some more training before the tournament next week," Satoru said, putting on his last shoes before continuing. "So I decided to keep him company."

"Okay, but dinner will be ready in two hours so be home by then," Yuki said looking at the clock.

"Will do," He said looking at Madara who was nodding.

They then opened the door and walked out…


The upload schedule is a bit rough right now, but I am doing my best to upload consistently.


The story is getting close to the anime. Let's see how it proceeds. Thank you for reading, and tell me your thoughts on the chapter.


I have a question. Do you guys want me to remake Madara's Mangekyō Sharingan abilities? It wasn't really explained clearly in the anime.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank you for reading!

Fushiicreators' thoughts