
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
101 Chs

Dragon God vs Dragon Slayer

A/N: They are currently in a open field with a few trees surrounding them. The hero and Wrath can be seen fighting in the distance.



Kai and his two shadow guardians were on one side. On the other stood Ezekiel Nach Dragneel, the current Dragon God.

The Dragon God began walking forward, slowly increasing his pace until he was full sprinting. The Dragon Slayer also started off by walking forward slowly, then it turned into a full on sprint. His shadow guardians were following behind him.

"Ezekiel! You know the consequences of joining Wrath's side! Do you truly want this?!"

"Oh I know what the consequences are! Everyone is ready for it!"

As if on cue, hundreds of dragons began to appear over the horizon. They were heading towards the closes human kingdom.

'Fuck. I have to end this soon.' Kai had warned that if the dragons sided with Wrath, he would make sure to end the dragon race. Ezekiel knew he was serious but that didn't matter to him.

What could one human do by himself?

Ezekiel just wanted to finally settle the score between them. The small chance that Kai could actually eliminate the dragons off the face of the planet wasn't even a possibility in his mind.

Ezekiel swung his blood sword, aiming for a kill shot. Kai didn't even attempt to dodge it. Eir appeared and blocked the sword. No one seemed surprised, it was as if this was expected.

"Ah. Lady Eir. You sure are fast."

Ezekiel just chuckled and spoke nonchalantly to her.

"I will always protect my Lord."

While the two had this exchange, Cerberus appeared behind Ezekiel and thrusted his shadow spear, aiming for the back of his head.

"The back of your head is ridiculous!"

"Thank you!"

Ezekiel dodged the thrust by moving his head. The spear went past him and through Eir's head. Eir was unharmed.

"You guys are lucky, not having to worry about hurting each other while fighting."

This wasn't the first time these three had fought. Ezekiel always found them troublesome since weapons used by beings from the Shadow Realm couldn't harm other beings from the same Realm when they were summoned. This allowed for them to fight their opponents without worrying about where their partner currently was.

He swung his left hand behind him and back handed Cerberus. His hand connected and Cerberus let out a yelp.

"Son of a…"

Eir then took the small opening to thrust her spear this time. She aimed for his heart. Ezekiel sensed the danger and prepared himself. He allowed for the spear to pierce his skin, it barely got in before it stopped.

Eir was confused, she tried pulling the spear out but it wouldn't budge. Ezekiel only smiled.

"I want you Eir."

[Blood Fusion]

Ezekiel's blood began moving on its own, it quickly devoured the shadow spear and began moving towards Eir. She tried letting go but the blood already touched her hand.

With her quick thinking, she cut off her arm that was already held. Once she did this, she jumped back towards Kai, Cerberus was also by their side.

"Are you okay baby!!?" Cerberus checked her arm, making sure that none of Ezekiel's blood was on her.

"I'm fine! Focus on him!" She pushed him away. Her arm began shaking and out came a new arm to replace the missing arm.

"Kai, are you going to keep hiding behind those two?"

During the fight, Kai was hiding behind them. He had been preparing his shadows, which he just finished. The shadows wrapped around both his forearms and legs. The arms now had two sharp spikes coming out that curved up and out. The legs had three sharp spikes as well. This was thanks to the shadows he prepared.

(A/N: Spider-Man 2099 lookin ass)

Kai looked at Ezekiel and pushed the two shadow guardians to the side. He signaled for the two to stand back.

"Let's go Ezekiel."

He ran at the Dragon God.

"Our final dance!"

Ezekiel shouted as his body morphed. Red scales started appearing all over his body. His hands turned into claws.

He met Kai halfway and thus their fight began.

The powerful aura that came from the two was enough to destroy the landscape. The two men fought their hearts out. Throwing punches and kicks, some landing while others missed.

Kai would use the spikes from his forearms to do damage to Ezekiel. When his punches missed, he would still swing them back. The spikes would then scratch Ezekiel's face.

After a while, Ezekiel began to not just dodge Kai's hits but also the spikes. At that point he was covered in wounds. Kai was happy with how much damage he inflicted onto him. But it was now Kai's turn unfortunately.

Once Ezekiel adapted to Kai's fighting style, he was ready to counter him. He had an advantage when it came to fighting Kai. He would use his tail as an extra arm. This would cause trouble for Kai.

Ezekiel became very aggressive and didn't let Kai rest. He made sure that the scales around his hands and legs were hard. This insured that Kai's shadow spikes wouldn't penetrate him.

He attacked Kai and moved fast while doing so. Kai tried his best to defend himself but there was only so much he could do. When he blocked a punch, a kick would connect. When he prepared himself for both, Ezekiel's tail would smack him.

Kai moved back, trying to put some distance between the two of them. Ezekiel ran forward and jumped up, slashing downwards with both hands. He wanted to rip Kai's face off. Kai raised up his right arm, the spikes had gotten stronger since he added more mana to it.

His shadow spikes came to life and held onto Ezekiel's hands. They held on tightly, making sure he couldn't escape.

He then pulled his arm back, causing Ezekiel to fly along with it. The spikes on his left hand turned away from Kai's body, making it look like swords. He used his left hand to stab at Ezekiel.

Ezekiel saw this and used his tail to swipe at Kai's left hand. This caused his hand to shoot back, leaving him exposed and unprotected. Ezekiel used this moment to attack Kai.

He had great control over his tail so he slammed down as hard as he could. The tail smacked Kai right across the chest, the force was so strong that it sent him flying backwards. He lost his grip on Ezekiel as he flew back. When he landed, Cerberus and Eir came running to Kai.

"Kai! Are you alright?!"

"Don't let him kick your ass man!"

Kai waved at them, letting them know that he was okay.

"It's okay guys. I'm fine."

Eir tried asking Kai to let them join in.

"Please Kai! Let us help you. It will be easier!"

"No. I asked you guys to stay out of this. I need to end this myself."

Eir tried to convince Kai but Cerberus stopped her.

"Stop, you heard the boy. Let's go, we aren't needed right now."

Eir just sadly nods. The two shadow guardians sunk into the ground and entered Kai's shadow. Kai slowly gets up and faces Ezekiel again. Ezekiel had already moved though. He was currently standing behind Kai.

"Bold of you to fight alone. Don't you always fight along side those two?"

Kai tried moving away but Ezekiel already began his next attack. He slashed down and got Kai from behind. Kai let out a scream and stumbled away. His back had five deep and bloody claw marks.

Kai stumbled and fell, landing on his face. Ezekiel quickly moved and was standing over him now. He held him up by the neck.

"The Dragon God vs the Dragon Slayer. It looks like you lose Kai."

Ezekiel ripped open Kai's stomach. Expecting to see guts spilling out, Ezekiel was excited. As the Blood Dragon, he wanted to taste Kai's blood. The blood of someone powerful enough to kill his kind.

Kai didn't react at all. Ezekiel was confused, not even a scream came from him.

"Hey you-."

Kai suddenly melted in his hands, turning into a living shadow. The shadow began to stick to Ezekiel's arm.

"Son of a bitch! A living shadow!"

Ezekiel tried to shake off the shadow but it wasn't coming off.

(A/N: For visual purposes, think of the living shadow as a black slime that moves on its on.)

[Heavenly Flames]

Ezekiel was left with no choice. He had to use his divine magic to keep the living shadow from consuming him.

The living shadow caught on fire and instantly disintegrated.

All of this bought Kai enough time to attack. He appeared from Ezekiel's shadow and stabbed his legs.


Kai stabbed his shadow spikes into both legs, causing Ezekiel to buckle for a moment.

As he fell, Ezekiel tried slashing at Kai's face again. He was aiming to gouge out his eyes. Kai moved his head but wasn't able to completely dodge the claws. Ezekiel ended up destroying Kai's left eye.

Kai quickly disappeared into his shadow and moved away from Ezekiel.

This time, Kai didn't come out of his shadow. This irritated Ezekiel.

"Dammit Kai! I will destroy everything if you don't come out!"

After a moment, Kai stayed quiet and nothing was heard from him.

"Fine, you made me do this."

Ezekiel released his godly aura. The ground began to crack. The wind picked up speed. The skies began to storm. Ezekiel was about to go all out.

Ezekiel was a battle junkie. He wanted to fight face to face. He hated having his opponents hide from him like this. Since Kai kept on hiding, he feels like he must show Kai everything to force him out.

[Dragon God Form]

Ezekiel's body began changing. His body grew and grew. All the way until he was the size of the Eiffel Tower. His appearance changed too. He now looked like a mighty red dragon depicted in the European stories. He had four legs and a pair of wings that was as long as his body. He roared as he called out for Kai again.

"Kai! If you want to keep hiding then I will follow my people and destroy the human race!"

He readied himself and then flapped his wings. He quickly soared into the sky.

Before he could get too far, he noticed a sudden change in the air. A mass amount of mana was suddenly taken away.


He paused for a moment before he heard Kai.

"The world shall be bathed in darkness! [Shadow Realm: Ancient Deity Summoning]!"


A/N: Thank you to everyone who gave me powerstones over the past two weeks. I appreciate you guys :)