
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Ezekiel Nach Dragneel

"Dragon God?"

Atlas was confused. Kai was the only dragon god he knew. He looked around to gauge everyone else's reaction to what the dragon man said.

Jonathan froze up. Roxy was trying to get everyone out of the stadium. The humans had all ran out already. King Charred and many of the fallen dragons however, were standing completely still. They were all shell shocked seeing the red haired man. Ezekiel saw the people leaving but he didn't care, he could smell the mana that belonged to the killer.

He points. The crowd follows his finger and sees that he was pointing to Atlas.

"You're human? Why do I get the scent of a dragon off of you?"

Ezekiel was straight forward. He didn't waste anytime beating around the bush. Atlas didn't know what he was speaking about since he knew he was only human.

"I don't know what you're speaking about. I was born human, I've never even seen a dragon."

Suddenly, a strong pressure fell upon everyone once again. All the fallen dragons fell down on their knees instantly.

The only ones left standing was Atlas and Jonathan. Ezekiel looked at Atlas. He seemed intrigued by him.

"Interesting. You didn't bow to my Authority. You really aren't a dragon."

Ezekiel takes a step and suddenly appears in front of Atlas. He was about 40 feet in front of him before that.

Atlas' instant reaction was to get away from him but Ezekiel was faster. He reached out and tried grabbing onto Atlas' shirt. Atlas countered by swiftly pushing his hands away and tried stepping back. Ezekiel, who seemed upset by what Atlas just did, reached out again and grabbed onto his throat.

Atlas tried to react again but it was to late. Ezekiel crushed his throat, rendering him unable to speak.

Jonathan stood still, not wanting to seem like an enemy. King Charred, Liza and the other fallen dragons were still prostrating themselves. They couldn't see what happened but they heard Atlas grumble in pain.

Ezekiel looked around while still holding onto Atlas. He released the fallen dragons from their positions. King Charred and Liza were the only ones that stood up. Ezekiel pointed to King Charred and addressed him.

"Your red hair. You must be a descendant of mine. Do you not know what the peace treaty asks of you."

King Charred tried speaking but nothing came out. It seems as if the fear has gotten to him. Liza however, was quick to cover for her father.

"Lord Dragneel. The peace treaty speaks of how the fallen dragons must aid the elves in times of need and in return the elves must have someone marry into the family." Liza steps back after speaking to him. Ezekiel just sighs. He looks at a group of fallen dragons.

"It seems like everything has come true. That fucken Time Keeper."

Once again, Atlas was hearing a lot of the same names thrown around. He promised himself that if he somehow survived this, he would learn more about them.

Ezekiel then looks at Atlas. "If everything is coming true then you must be Atlas. The one from another world." He spoke just low enough for Atlas to hear him.

Ezekiel judged Atlas' reaction and came to the conclusion that he was right. He sighs again and faces the fallen dragons.

"Listen! The peace treaty has been tampered with! You've all been following the wrong rules that were not meant for you." He then turns to Jonathan. "I'm assuming you never said anything because you died soon after right?"

Jonathan, shamefully nods. Atlas tried voicing his question but his crushed throat was still being held by Ezekiel.

He notices Atlas so he lets him go. Atlas heals his throat and begins asking questions.

"Who the hell are you? How can you get all the fallen dragons to bow so easily?!"

Atlas was frightened. The man before him was the strongest person he's faced. He truly believes that Ezekiel could take on everyone here and he would still walk away the winner.

"Ah. Let's talk somewhere more private. Jonathan, come with us."

He waved his hand and the three vanished, leaving only the fallen dragons behind.



Atlas POV

I was suddenly brought to a room. The room looked clean. It reminded me of an old European room. It even had a fire place. In the middle of the room were three chairs and a table for each.

"Welcome to my domain. Please, sit. We have a lot to talk about Atlas."

Ezekiel sat down first. Jonathan sat down and then I did too.


"Ugh. Sure."

Three teas appeared on the table. Jonathan and Ezekiel carefully sipped it. I couldn't though. I was still trying to understand what was going on.

"Sorry about that. Let me reintroduce myself to you. My name is Ezekiel Nach Dragneel. I was once the Dragon God before Kai locked me away."

Ah. That makes sense now. He used to be the Dragon God.

"How did he lock you away?"

Ezekiel looks at Jonathan. Jonathan just laughs.

"You know what Kai did before joining the Hero correct?"

I nod. Everyone knew. Kai slayed dragons. No one knew why but he did. It made him well known and also caused many people to fear him.

"You see. The two of us didn't see eye to eye. Let's just say that I was rather ambitious when I was younger. Before the Fall of Humanity, I tried taking over many human cities and Kai was there to stop me. I was a young and inexperienced god so I fought him head on. At this point he had slayed many dragons and I didn't even know." He pauses to take a sip of his tea. He then continues on with his story.

"I was utterly defeated, thrown around and humiliated. I was furious. I hid away and waited for my time, training and working on myself so that one day I could beat him."

Jonathan sighed. It seems like he knows what happened.

"One day, the Sin of Wrath found me. He spoke to me and convinced me to take over the world. He wanted me to reek havoc again… without realizing it, I foolishly agreed to do so. This was right before the final battle between the Hero and Wrath."

I was on the edge of my seat, listening to everything he said.

"While the Hero and Wrath fought one another, Kai and I fought each other. I still remember everything he said."



"Ezekiel! Stop this! If you go against the Hero! Chosen by the Goddess herself, then you will suffer the consequences!"

"It doesn't matter Kai! As long as I get my revenge! You've killed far too many dragons!"

"That was on you guys! If you only left my family alone…"

Kai and Ezekiel were facing each other. The battle between Wrath and the Hero could be heard in the distance. After a moment of silence, the two came at one another.

Kai had complete control over his shadow magic. With just a thought, his shadow would move on their own.

Ezekiel was known as the Blood Dragon at the time. He was an immortal who used his longevity to his advantage.

Kai walked forward, he pulled a sword out of his shadow and slashed at Ezekiel, aiming to end it quickly. Ezekiel was prepared, he backed up just enough to get a cut that wasn't very deep.

Since his blood was spilled, he could use his Blood Magic.

"Hahaha! Let's see you deal with this Kai!"

[Blood Arts: Toxic Mist]

A disgusting smell came out of his wound. The plant life around him began to die. Kai backed away and used his mana to cover his mouth.

Ezekiel would always consume a poisonous plant before his battles. He would then absorbs it into his blood. He learned that this made his blood far more affective in battle.

"Nasty tricks again. Come out Cerberus and Eir."

Kai mumbled a few words. After that, two humanoid shadow figures appeared from his shadow. One looked like a male while the other looked like a female. The male's name was Cerberus and the female's name was Eir. Both were carrying spears.

"Are we fighting that annoying bastard again? Come on Kai!"

"Honey! Stop complaining to Kai! We are his guardians. We only need to protect him."

Kai was use to this. Over the years he had grown accustomed to listening to Cerberus' complaints.

"Sorry you two. This might be the final battle for us. We need to make him submit to us this time around."

The two faceless shadow people turned to Ezekiel.

"I guess you're right."

"We should do this honey. One last hoorah together."

The two shadow people that had been in all of Kai's battle, faced the enemy.

"You two are annoying as ever."

[Blood Sword]

Ezekiel created a sword from his own blood. He turned it and aimed it at Kai.

"Let's go Kai. One final battle, a battle to see who is stronger, the Dragon God or the Dragon Slayer!"


*A/N: I really liked this chapter. I originally had Atlas, Jonathan and King Charred battling Ezekiel but the battle would of lasted way too many chapters. So instead, I compensate you guys with a flash back fight.

You get to see how Ezekiel fights and also Kai's powers. How Kai fought is also revealed.

I wanted to add more fights since the final chapters of this arc will consist of mostly dialogue. It may bore some readers so I wanted to compensate you guys now.

SamChang1creators' thoughts