
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

The Chosen Hero


Atlas POV

"Then what happened man? Why did you stop?!"

Ezekiel just laughed at me. Jonathan also smiled. It seems like the two enjoyed my reaction to the fight.

Ezekiel took a sip of his tea before continuing.

"It's hard you know. Having to remember my painful beating!" He was holding onto his head like it was truly hurting him. Obviously he was trying to put on an act.

"Let's go! Just get on with it man!"

I was slightly annoyed. The knowledge that Kai gave me about shadow magic had spells about the shadow realm as well. I really wanted to learn more about it, this was my chance to learn more!

But this bastard lizard has to play around.

"Woah there! Alright, there's no need to look so angry. I'll tell you the rest."

Ezekiel sat up as he saw how serious I was. He continued on with the story.



When Ezekiel heard the spell, his body shook. He quickly descended down, even reverting back to his human form.

Now in his human form, he looked like he was battle ready. His entire body was covered in scales. His arms, legs, body and even parts of his face was covered. He even had his dragon wings still visible.

(A/N: For visual purposes, think of that dragon god from the spider Isekai. Similar look but not as bulky.)

He was scared, no. He was terrified of what was coming. Wrath had warned him of this.

"If Kai summons those beings from the other world, you will loose. Fight for your life at that point."

He prepares himself, hoping that Wrath wasn't serious.

As he faced the direction that Kai's voice came from, he felt a sense of death wash over him. He was a being that has been around since the beginning. The oldest living being and now he discovered what it felt like to fear death.

He unconsciously backed up. While doing so two monsters suddenly flew into the air. They were unrecognizable to Ezekiel but to someone from earth, they would know instantly.

A giant wolf flew into the air and ran in the direction that the dragons flew towards. The wolf had gray fur and demonic red eyes. The wolf was Fenrir the Devourer.

The second monster was reminiscent of a giant sea creature. It had long flippers, a short blue body and a giant head that had layers of blue spikes on top. It was the Leviathan.

(A/N: look up Leviathan from guild wars 2. That's what I imagined.)

The Leviathan was flying through the air, swimming in the direction that Fenrir just ran towards.

'No… if those creatures get near the dragons…' he knew what would happen if the two creatures caught up to his dragon followers. Everyone would be wiped out. He turned to chase them but was stopped by a woman.

She stood at 5 foot 9. Long pink hair and reddish pink eyes. She was wearing a white dress that didn't match her beautiful aura. She was also barefoot and unarmed.

Ezekiel stopped in his tracks.

"Who are you?"

"My poor boy. Did you forget me after all these years? I have been busy in the Shadow Realm but you shouldn't forget who kept you safe all those years."

Ezekiel remembered who she was now.


He turned and ran. He knew that it was his lost now. He understood why Kai was hiding. He was buying time to gather mana and summon these powerful beings… these apocalyptic monsters. Not only that, Kai summoned back Salina, the Goddess of Creation!

As he ran away, he suddenly felt a presence running along side him. He looked to his left and saw Salina floating next to him. She kept the same pace as he did. She cutely smiles and then says to him.

"Don't leave now. You've been causing trouble for my chosen hero and Kai. You have to be punished."

Before he could get a word out, she waved her hand and Ezekiel suddenly fell down. He tried moving but he couldn't. He looked around and noticed that something wasn't right. Salina had turned him into a pile of meats and bones.


Atlas POV

"That's how my fight ended. Salina caught me. She healed Kai and those two creatures killed all the dragons. I am now the only dragon alive."

I could see a sad, self-deprecating smile on his face. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

He could of been considered an apex predator. Unfortunately, he was man handled and had his ego destroyed by Kai and Salina.

"But that doesn't explain why you appeared here in the Elf Kingdom."

It was interesting to hear about Kai and Ezekiel but that doesn't explain how he came here.

"Ah. Well, let me explain to you really quickly."


Basically, Salina, Kai and Ezekiel were waiting for the two monsters to return: While waiting, the so called 'Time Keeper' appeared before them.

According to Ezekiel, the Time Keeper's power was unmatched. He couldn't get a read on his powers at all.

Salina and Kai didn't seem to be surprised like he was. They spoke to him like old friends. They talked from a distance so Ezekiel didn't know what they said.

The Time Keeper walked closer to him once they finished speaking. He tried to get a good look at him but for some reason he couldn't remember what the Time Keeper looked like.

I asked Jonathan if he remembers what the Time Keeper looked like but he also doesn't remember. He only remembered speaking to a man claiming to be the Time Keeper.

Anyways, the Time Keeper seemed to have placed a slave spell onto Ezekiel. No matter who he was, the Time Keeper was powerful enough to enslave a God. That wasn't a good thing to hear.

This forced Ezekiel to seek out the Fallen Dragons and stay as their guardian. The Time Keeper didn't give him much more instructions. The last thing he told him before leaving was that he must become the guardians of the elves someday and that the fallen dragons will be tricked by the Sin of Gluttony. His job was to guide the Sage in the right direction when he was called upon.

From that day forward, he never saw Kai again. His body wouldn't allow him to rest until he fulfilled his new master's wishes.

Just like the Time Keeper said, when the Lost War between the Fallen and the elves ended, Ezekiel offered himself as guardian for the elves. For years, he waited for Jonathan, the Sage at the time, to look to him for help like his master said. However, that never happened. When Jonathan died, Ezekiel decided to go into seclusion. He waited and waited until the Sage would reappear.


"Now we're here! HAHA!"

Ezekiel got up and stretched. Jonathan did the same.

It seems like he won't be speaking about Gluttony. Well, I didn't expect him to. It seems like whoever this Time Keeper is, he is only allowing me to learn a few things about the danger around me.

"So, what now? You said he asked you to help me right?"

Ezekiel looked at me and laughed.

"HAHA! He did! I already helped you as well! I gave you my blessing."

He pointed to the tea cup. I looked and my jaws dropped. The cup was stained red. I picked it up and it smelled like iron…

"Oh no…"

I looked at Ezekiel and he just nods and smiles.

"That's right, you received my blessing after you drank my blood! I have chosen you as my hero!"

I ran at that dumbass and put him in a chokehold.

"Why the blood! Why the blood!"

"Wait! Relax Atlas!"

Jonathan tried pulling me off of Ezekiel. I held tightly onto him. I only let go after I vented out my frustration.

Jonathan pulled me off and Ezekiel got up. He was massaging his neck.

"Eh. Let me explain okay?"

Jonathan let me go after told him that I was okay.

"This was the only way. Now you have my blood coursing through your body. You will be able to use my blood magic."

He came up to me and touched my forehead.

"That's all the spells I created and know of. Usually I would say that you can just begin using them but that isn't the case. You need to train some of these spells since they involve your blood."

I looked through the spells while Ezekiel was explaining it to me. I can see why he said I needed to train some of these spells. I would end up dying from blood loss if I just used it without practice first.

"Now that I've finished my job. I'm free from that cursed bastard!! Woo!!!"

Ezekiel began to glow and then the glow disappeared. His aura was stronger than before now.

"We should go back now Ezekiel. I want to talk to my wife."

Jonathan suddenly became fidgety. We both noticed so he agreed to take us back. We all huddled together and he took us back to the Elf Kingdom.