
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Evacuating the Planet

The people were running 

up and down on the street as they don't know what to do, the soldiers had just received words from the Mayor and they were wondering what to do, the Mayor didn't tell them what's going on but just to evacuate the planets but they all knew something is going on at the teleporter station, spreading the bad news to the people, they were all running around the street and they don't know how they will leave the planet since the battle is taking place in the teleporter station, some mages with teleporting ability had quickly left the planet with their family and people who could draw a teleporter circle had also left with their family but there are still many people on the planet, there are about thousands of them on each region, east, west and north as south was where the battle was currently going on.

"What do we do." A soldier asked his colleague as the people were shouting in anger and fear.

"How are we meant to leave the planet now."

"We'll all die here."

"Those damn mages, they left with their family without caring about others."

"The Black Fauna will soon get here."

"Where the fuck are the demon hunters, they're supposed to protect us and fight against the demons." A young boy shouted.

"We are sorry we came late." They all heard voices being projected through the sky. Three people in black and red uniform appeared out of thin air, two women and a man. They are the three mages who had teleported the other members to the south, when they got there, they decided to check other parts of the planet if something is going on.

"They're the demon hunters' members." A man said and seeing them had calm everyone down.

"Is this everybody on the planet." The man at the front asked.

"No, there are other people on east and north." One soldier said as he moves forward, they're currently on the west region at the Mayor's domain.

"That means we need to spread out." The man said and the two other women disappeared. "Okay everyone form a circle around me." He said and they all circled around him including the soldiers leaving the man at the middle.

"Is this everyone in this region?" The man asked and the soldiers replied. "Okay make sure you hold onto your family tightly so you won't be left behind." He stated as his body was glowing yellow as a large portal was forming below them and they all sink in appearing at the other side.


Appearing on a region they didn't recognize, looking to their left another group of people were coming out of the ground and the same could be said when looking at their right, they hadn't noticed this before but as they look through the group of people that just appeared they could see one person in their middle grasping for air, then they look at their own middle they could see the same sight.

The grand mages were suffering from the effect of mass teleportation, they have used up their mana to transport about thousand people from one planet to earth.

"You guys are on earth and this is the 4th base of the demon hunters so you'll be save here." The man at their middle said as he was grasping for air, they look up and could see the large words written on the building. A man came out of the building and by his side was a young beautiful woman.

"What's happening on the planet." The man asked.

"The Black Fauna, they plan to take over the planet, they're coming out of nowhere nonstop." The man on the floor said. "The members are still fighting them but they'll be exhausted in a second, they have to leave the planet now or else we'll lose them." He said as he was trying his best to breath,

"They plan to take over Makgi planet?" The man lament."This is not good, we must protect the planet, we won't allow them to take over our planet again, Nancy get me a teleporting mage." The man said as he walk back in.

"Are you going there alone?" Nancy asked but there's no reply.


Coming out of the portals were uncountable demons the people who had just arrived couldn't believe their eyes as demons were coming out of the portals nonstop, now they could see why the first team was exhausted.

"Let's see you how far you people can go hahahaha." The five smoke demon said with a sinister laugh.

The old woman was the first to act as she opened her palm and a large ball of energy shot out of her hands eliminating an entire row, others also started firing out different attack at them, fire ball, ice, wind, water slash and so on, some even engage in combat with them using different type of weapon but they're coming at them nonstop as they keep pouring out of the portal.

"You will exhaust yourselves fighting this ugly things, use your head and attack the smokey demons." Jeff shouted as he was getting frustrated of the situation, he and his team were still lying there.

"And how are we meant to get to them when these black things keep coming at us." One man shouted as he was using Ice to bind them and shattered them into pieces.

"Just use your damn head man." Jeff shouted. They all thought of what to do as Jeff keep saying the word "Use your head" because they all knew this is a lost battle and if they keep fighting like this they'll surely be exhausted and be killed. Standing up from where he was lying was Chuks, he had gained a bit of his energy back, running forward he touch three people, two men and one woman, they appear behind the smoke demons. The ice user not thinking of anything or asking why had transported them, he charge forward and created a large sword of ice, he swung it straight at one of the demons and as it was about to hit, the smoke quickly move towards the attack stopping it in place.

"Is that not a cheat? Attacking us from behind." The smoke demon said as they all turn around, the other two started throwing there attack at the demons but only one of them demons came forward and the other four moves back a little bit.

"Let me deal with them." The demon said as it created a black sword out of the smoke that was swirling around, the sword was swung at the air making all of the attack that was hurl at them disappear, the demon look at the ice user who was in front of him and swung the sword hard towards his head but the attack had stopped and the black smokey sword was disappearing and the portals that the demons were coming out of had also disappear.