
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Smokey Demon

The Black fauna is what the humans believes another race which is full of demon, the demon race, they have been facing these demons for years now but as it first started they thought of them as mindless beasts, before they only encounter them in the forest and they weren't much as at that time, maybe a group of five adventurers meeting one or two of them in the forest and they will be killed with ease, the humans has classified them as a level four beast but they didn't have beast core so if they see any of them that didn't attack them they will let it be but as time goes on these demons were getting stronger that five average adventurers were not enough to deal with one of them again and they're also increasing in numbers instead of moving in one or two like they always did they now started moving in five, ten and twenty and before the humans could realize this, they were already attacking them in groups and started taking over their planets one by one and before they knew it they had already grown stronger and become a race of their own calling themselves the Black Fauna, the humans realizing that they weren't a match for these demons form a unit known as the Demon Hunters and this group of people had been doing well in protecting their kind although they haven't gone in a war with these demons or trying to take back the planet they had taken over but they have been doing well in eliminating any stray demon they found on their planet.

Jeff and his team had been working for the demon hunters for years now and they have been doing well in completing their mission but in their years of experience they haven't encounter this kind of demon before and they knew no members of the demon hunter have done so and looking at this thing they knew it's dangerous and not only one of them but five, quickly making a decision, Jeff brought out a communicating crystal.

"This is Jeff from Team 9, we need back up now, we need an emergency back up on planet makgi, you copy?" Jeff shouted inside the crystal.


A large building could be seen standing tall and gigantic, it was painted red and at the front of the building was a large bold "DEMON HUNTERS BASE 4" written in black, this is the base Jeff's team had come from and this base is located on a Kingdom known as Chaves, the demon hunter has 6 bases in total, one belonging to each Kingdom but they all work together and have their own team but it doesn't mean everybody in this base belongs to the kingdom the base was located, Jeff was originally from Plateau kingdom and he works for base 4 in Chaves kingdom.

"Copied." A young beautiful lady with blue eyes and blue curly hair said as she just received the message from Jeff, her name is Nancy. "Sir I think team 9 is having a little problem on planet Makgi, they requested an emergency backup now." She said to a man who was sitting behind her wearing a black hood and a large sword besides him.

"An emergency backup?" He asked in surprised.

"Yes sir." Nancy replied.

"Why would they request for an emergency backup, did the demons outnumbered them?" He asked, "Even if it's that, they won't ask for emergency." He said.

"Should I send team 7 to aid them." Nancy asked.

"Send at least three teams." The man said.

"Three teams? The base will be empty and what if an emergency mission came up." She said.

"What about other teams." The man asked

"They've gone to protect other planets." She replied.

"Don't worry if there's any problem we'll contact other bases, I'm feeling that something bad is happening on planet Makgi." He said as he stands up and held his sword, "Make sure one teleporting mages is around the base maybe I might also appear there myself."

"You want to go there?" Nancy asked as she dropped what she was doing and turn around.

"I mean if they can't handle it." He replied.


Chuks just teleported them all out of the room and Jeff wasting no time had communicated with the base, he knew that they can't handle these five demons even at their full strength. Five black portal open in their front and coming out of it were the same five demons.

"I thought you guys call yourselves demon hunters so why would you run away." One of the smoke demon asked as they landed on the ground. "They said you guys are doing a great job in eliminating the black faunas, you're killing our kind but you are all done for encountering the five of us today." The demon said as they all raised their hands and five black portals appear above them, coming through the portals were demons holding different weapons, they look around and when their eyes click on the eight humans at their front they all charge forward like an army of ant, the five smoke demon move backward.

Jeff seeing this knew they're really done for as they are all exhausted, they were all shaking including the Mayor and his guards but Yuri didn't shake at all as he produced a large great sword in his and charged forward.

"I've killed many of you before and I'll continue killing your kind." He said as used the last bit of his energy to swung his sword hard as he could, the sword moves at a great speed and a faint yellow line of aura left the sword but nobody saw it, the sword hit the ones that was close to him while the yellow aura had gone a great distance and eliminate the first set of the demons, he had killed more than fifty demons with just a swing of his sword, Jeff gaining his confidence back quickly brought out his axe and was ready to charge forward but he stopped as he could see that Yuri had collapse on the floor.

"We are all dead, he used every bit of his energy in that attack." Jeff said, "Let's do the same and kill them all, Dean tell your people to leave this planet now." He shouted as they all charge forward and the demons did the same stepping on their falling comrade, before they get to Yuri, Chuk quickly teleport himself there and towards them him out of the way, dropping him on one side.. 

Jeff threw one of his axes in the middle of the demons, the axe didn't multiply as it always did because Kelly had used up all his mana and was now using the sword Yuri gave him, the tattoo man was controlling the axe as it was moving in between the demons and piercing their body and killing them on spot.

Hundreds of fireball ball shot out of nowhere and yellow ball of energy followed behind, Jeff and his team stopped as they noticed this and in a second all the two hundred or so demon were killed. 

"Is it these little things you can't deal with." A man asked and appearing out of nowhere were 12 members of demon hunters, 8 men and 4 women. They looked around and could see that they were about thousands of dead demons on the ground.

"How are they so many like this, did they attack this planet." An old woman asked but nobody replied them as Jeff and his team were just looking behind the demon hunters' members who had just arrived.

"Wow, you people are quite strong so let's see how you deal with this." One of the smoke demons said as they had appeared behind them and moving their hands hundreds of black portals were opening above and coming out of them were demons.