
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


The hundred or so black Smokey portals had completely disappeared and the unlimited demons were now dwindling down, the others who were fighting the demons were having different thought as they couldn't see through the horde of demons.

Did the three others killed the smoke demons? Are the smoke demons exhausted of energy? Or is it because they are fighting with the other three that the portal had closed. Different thoughts running through their heads.

The smoke demon looked around in confusion as the attack it made had just disappeared, a kick came out of nowhere hitting the demon in the stomach sending it back, the smoke that was around the demon's stomach had disappear for a second before coming back, normally if an attack was made, the smoke will act on its own blocking the attack but this had moved away for the attack to make contact before coming back.

Appearing out of nowhere was a man in black holding a large great sword with him and a duel blades by his side, the ice user seeing him quickly knew who it was.

"Captain!!!" The ice user shouted, it was the base four demon hunters' captain, after seeing the occupants of the planet being transported to the base he knew something big is really going on.

He was transported here by a mage, before he came out of the portal he had seen everything going on, it was a yellow portal so with the sun shining brightly the people and the demons couldn't see it.

Swinging his great sword twice several yellow aura had come out hitting the portals that were created by the smoke demons making it to disappear then moving forward he had made the demon's smokey sword to disappear before stepping out of the portal he had come from, turning around he look at the three people behind him and smile.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this guy." He said.

"Captain." The other two said as they could now see who it was.

The demon stood surprised as it was wondering how the attack had hit, the other four demons also moved forward.

"His attack hit you?" One of the demons said in surprised but the other didn't reply as it charged forward forming another sword, this one didn't look smokey like the first but it was solid black and thick, the demon swung the sword hard with great power behind it, the captain blocked the attack with his own sword and he could feel the great power behind the attack which had made the people behind him feel a tingling sensation in their stomach and the momentum of the attack had also pushed them back but the captain stood their firmly no shaking, holding onto his sword with his two hands as it was still stuck with the demon's sword at the middle, they were both playing a game of strength.

'How was he able to able to withstand that attack.' The demon thought as that was its strongest attack, the captain tired of the little game he was playing with the demon lose his grip on the sword making the demon thought he was tired, he removed one hand from his sword moving it to his side he brought out one of the duel blades swinging it hard towards the demon's stomach, it had happened so fast that the demon was unable to react, it hit the demon straight in the stomach sending it backward at where the battle with the lesser demon was taking place which was already coming to an end.

The other four smokey demons wanted to charge forward but they hadn't as they waited to see what had happened to their colleague after taking the strike, they didn't know if it died from the attack or not.

The smoke demon grunts as it landed on top of dead demons piled up, it grunt hard as it could feel a great pain in its stomach, not minding the pain, it stood up walking forward wanted to continue the unfinished battle but it felt something off on its body and looking around its own body, it confirm and the other four demons didn't even know what to say, the captain and the people behind him was also surprised seeing the demon.

"The attack didn't slice him into halves." The captain said in surprise but he now get it as he could see the full appearance of the demon. "The smoke, so it was protecting them."

Standing opposite them in a distance away was the smokey demon the captain was fighting moments ago but the appearance was now different as the smoke that was covering it has completely disappear and standing there was a creature not different from the lesser demons but it had several small horns all over its body.

'The smoke, it has gone completely, how?' The demon thought as it look up seeing the captain walking towards the other demons.

"You! What have you done to me?" The demon shouted and it charge forward, a black portal open in its front which it had gone through makin it disappear with the portal.

"Don't worry, we'll deal with him." One of the demon said as it had open a portal making the angry demon gone through.

They charged forward at once towards the captain and as they did, several smoke spear had appeared hovering above the air, the spears moved as the demons moved, they were all pointed towards one person.

Putting the large great sword in its scabbard on his back, he brought out his two duel blades and running forward, he keeps swinging it as hard as he could and several yellow aura shot out hitting the smokey spears and as it hit, they were all disappearing, the demons seeing this continue running forward and the spears keeps appearing out of nowhere, the captain knew attacking the spears is pretty useless it will just worn him out, as the demons were getting closer, he swung one of his blades downward in a semicircle motion and a large thick yellow aura shot out of his sword going straight for the demons, they were already close enough to him so they couldn't parry the attack and knowing full well of the consequence if the attack was to hit them, one of them rushed forward and forming out of its hand was a large solid black shield covering the four of them, as the aura hits the shield it had shattered into pieces and the yellow aura was also disappearing but the remnants of the aura had hit the demon who was holding onto the shield, the pieces of the shield had falling to the ground, it didn't disappear like others.

The demon fell to the ground and the smoke around it quickly disappeared, it wasn't the large yellow aura that hit the demon but it was the remnants so they all knew if the real attack was to hit them, they'll be dead by now even as the smoke was protecting them.

The other three quickly pick up their colleague, it wasn't dead but there were several holes on its body, one of them carried their fallen comrade as they stood opposite the man who readied his sword waiting for the next move.

"Don't you think it's over here, we are coming back you." One them said as a black portal opened behind them but it quickly disappeared.

"Where do you think you're all going." The man said as he had already attacked the portal they opened making it disappear. "Let's finish it here."

"Really?" The demon said and thousands of smokey spears and sword covered the whole area from where they were standing back to where the others had fought the lesser demons. "Then deal with this." They all said as another portal appear behind them and stepping into it, the thousands spear and swords rained down at a fast rate.

"This is bad, everybody will die." The captain said as he stood at the middle swinging his sword in a circular motion and several yellow aura were coming out of it, if the weapons were pointed towards him alone, he would've dealt with it easily but as there were many people around him there's not much he could do as he stood in the middle swinging his sword.

The others were doing their best to protect themselves, they were using their ability to attack the weapons, Yuri had woken up and he quickly created a circular shield protect himself with Chucks and Kelly who were besides him, Jeff and the tattoo man were together and the Mayor with his guards were besides them, throwing one of his axes up, the tattoo man was using it to attack the spear before they got to them and Jeff was also using the second axe to attack any spear that had gone past the tattoo man.

The three who were behind the captain were also doing well, the ice user first used his ice to deflect the weapons but as he was getting tired, the old woman moved her hands and a large energy ball had come out hitting the spears and the swords, clearing up the area once.

"So you can do this before and you keep suffering us." The man besides her complain but she didn't reply as she fell on her knees huffing and panting.

The captain looked back and see that it was cleared then moving forward he saw Jeff and his team were having problem, he ran towards them at full speed then swing his sword it hit two spears that were coming towards Jeff, he looked back and saw the person who had just saved him.

"Master Lee." Jeff said with his mouth left wide open, he had seen the person fighting the Smokey Demons before but he hadn't seen his face clearly but seeing that it was his Master and captain he was very surprised.

The tattoo man distracted by this had forgotten that the spears were still coming at them, two spear hit him at his back, falling to the ground he spat out blood, several spears gone past him hitting the Mayor and his guards then coming towards Jeff, Master Lee kicked him in the stomach making him lose balance and with a swing of his sword, he eliminates the spears.

Wanna be serious about this novel, so support me please, start voting now.

Dropping two more chapters tonight.

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