
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
59 Chs

The red blood moon

Lucifer saw Leon as her own copy lying on the floor like she was being murdered and she said, "Oi Leon, can you stop playing dead and tell me what happened here?"

Leon immediately rose and turned into a dog and said, "Certainly my master, I'll tell you everything."

Leon started explaining…

"That time me and Sophia were doing chores and Silva was doing her sword training.

It was peaceful during those times when suddenly 2 strange men with pointy ears with long hair came in as a customer that looked like a human. It's my first time seeing such species with human-like features so I didn't tend to those customers."

Lucifer said to herself, "Well, wolves have the tendency to distance themselves from the beings they don't know and I didn't expect that it would be the same case with as Leon. Wait, I didn't know a thing about those creatures eather."

"New creatures you say."

"Yes, it's something new to me."

Lucifer looked behind her and wispered, "Kamui, do you have any information regarding about those creatures?"

Kamui appeared behind Lucifer like a little black goo and said, "According to data that I've gathered so far this creatures are called elves. Elves are highly actual beings than humans. They don't grow old, they more superioagic, they're one with nature, and they are mostly revered as God's."

"Elves huh! That's a new interesting knowledge to me. Why did they attack us?"

"That's something that I don't know, master. I'm sorry I couldn't answer that question of yours."

Lucifer rest assured Kamui and said, "You don't have to worry about it, it's fine. You can just return back and wait for me to call you again."

Kamui returns back to Lucifer's body like magic.

Leon continued his explanation…

"Those people seems to be looking for something that I don't know. They're also times that I can feel them staring at me but I pretend I didn't feel since we don't want to gather attention."

"That's a good decision so how did it end up in this situation?"

"Hmmm. I think it started to turn into this when your sister joined us on the restaurant chores. She approach those people and take their orders. As left their table I can see them glaring at your sister's every steps a creepy pervert.

They were glaring like they were looking at something at her back and I look as well and I found the reason why they are glaring."

Lucifer got curious and asked, "What is it that they are trying to look at?"

"I saw something like a birthmark at the back of her neck but it doesn't looked like a birthmark to me since it's a drawing of a sun with sunlight. However, it was imprinted within her so we could say that it's birthmark with a very artistic design.

That must be the reason why they are here."

Lucifer looked Leon seriously and said, "So, where is my sister?"

Leon looked at Lucifer eye to eh a d said, "She was kidnapped by those people and cause this mess due to struggling to stop them. Your mother was easily killed by this people while me and Sophia were killed by the other person."

As Leon keeps on explaining Lucifer clench her fist as if she's getting angry on what happened. Lucifer was about to sunk into deep anger but she realized something and said to herself, "Wait, what's with this overwhelming anger? Why do I feel like I wanted to murder those elves. I think it's not that long since I have reincarnated at this world so there should be no sense attachment between me and this families. So why do I feel so angry. Oh right, how could I forget at my past life my entire family was killed. That might be the answer to it but to get angry to this extent. Did I even create a family bond to this people? No matter how hard I dig through my memories since I got reincarnated I can't feel that bond at all so why the hell am I angry like this? Nah, it's probably that I'm just too exhausted to what I've been doing this past few days so maybe I should take a break for a while and let Amand handle the rest."

Lucifer looked at Leon and asked, "Leon, where is that kid I brought here?"

"Oh, you mean Sophia?"

"Was that her name?"

"Yes, she introduce herself after waking up."

"Well whatever, hurry up and wake her up we are leaving."

"But she's heavily injured my lord."

"Injured? Where is her injury?"

Leon looked at Sophia and to her surprise Sophia is all well and unscathed and he said, "How was that possible? She was heavily wounded just know and now she's all well? Wait, was it your doing master?"

Lucifer looked at Leon and said, "Can you just shut up an do what I tell you to do?"

"I'm sorry."

"Damn, you're quite a handful one."

Lucifer thinks of something and said to herself, "Well, no demons can do what I did just now. All I just did is I manipulated my aura into healing her. I can do anything in the surrounding as long as it's withing the reach of my aura and that includes watching every movements of people inside this country. Wait, something is strange. There's a lot of dead people laying around here but there are no soldiers responded to the scene and also there are no soldiers patrolling all over the city. What the hell is going on?"

Wait, it kind of feels strange. "This people died an hour ago and yet there are no kingdom forces to retrieve and investigation."

Leon speak up and said, "That's probably because of that demon lord."

"What do you mean by that?"

Leon started the explanation and said, "After stunts that you created at the central plazaa demon lord came here to declare war against Oratio kingdom."

"Eh? Why did that demon lord declare war out of the blue?"

"The Valentine family is a descendant of that demon lord. He was enranged by her family's execution and also he's looking for you."


"Have you forgotten that Luna is part of the Valentine family? You kidnapped her out of nowhere and send her to dangerous mission."

"I did it because I have to and besides if that demon lord managed to find me I can just kill him like an ant."

"I guess you're right. There's nothing to worry about that little insect."

Lucifer looked at Leon and said, "By the way, howwas Sophia's doing? Is she finally waking up?"

"No master, she's still unconscious."

"Well, it's fine since we're not in a rush but we have to prepare. 3 days from now for a lot of big and huge bats will fall from the sky and it will be a good opportunity to boost my reputation as the nameless adventurer that save the Oratio Kingdom from a calamity."

"Bats? What kind of bats could threaten an entire kingdom?"

"You will see soon."

Meanwhile at the black market…

Leviathan is having a meeting with her 5 subordinates Along with Almithra and Alicia.

Leviathan speak up and said, "As you can see right now there's a change plans since we don't know how to break that damn barrier that's blocking as from invading people's mind. Also master seems to have another matter to settle but it doesn't mean she's not watching so we better give her a good show to watch."

The girl with ponytail black hair and brown skin with a lewd clothing speak up and said, "So what's the plan now." That's Sendar.

Leviathan looked at Sendar and said, "Simple, I'll be going inside the barrier again along with Alicia, Almithra, and Amalia."

Sendar asked a question and said, "What about the four of us? What do you want us to do just stand by and watch."

Another girl speak up and she look so much pure than the others. She has white hair and expressionless face that is ice closed and she's wearing a Yukata and she said, "What about the demon lord and the other force that's going interfere at this battle? Master warned us about those people right? Also this battle become much more intense because we are going to fight against the combined force of demon lord and that unknown being." And she's Yukari.

Leviathan answered, "The 4 of you will take charge on controlling the civilians that I've invaded and destroy the barrier as soon as possible. Also Yukari, you shouldn't be worrying about those beings scenes master might have a plan against them."

"So we're just going to leave this Lord Lucifer?"

"Yes, I don't know she plans to dispose of those people but I'll have faith on her."

Another person speak up and she have white hair with a piercing look and she ears a bikini armor and at her side she has a wip and she said, "I get it where you're getting at so can you tell us now where are we being stationed. I'm not rushing things but our Lord might be anticipating this battle." Her name is Ruca.

Another person speak up that's has a short white hair and wearing a sexy battle armor with a fencing sword at her side waist. She said, "But still you sounded like you wanted to rush things up. Lord Lucifer is not the type of person that loves to rush things up." Her name is Elcana.

"I guess you haven't heard what happened earlier. Lord Lucifer saw in front of her own eyes how Lena was mercilessly killed and probably right now she's dead set on finding out who and where are those people and she's probably going to use the black market's influence to find them."

"She might be dead set on finding those people but she knows that there's a demon lord nesting within this region and Master Leviathan might have no power against it so attacking without thinking would be a fatal mistake that may lead to failure."

Amelia broke her silence and said, "Will you stop arguing already and let's finish this discussion peacefully."

Leviathan speak up and said, "I get what your point is and sounded like you have a lot of doubts about Master Lucifer's decision. She won't give me this task if she knows I'm going to fail. She knows my capabilities better than you guys so if you had any problem about this mission then go talk to Lucifer, that's if you have the guts to do it. If you have no guts just shut up."

Leviathan looked at Elcana and Ruca as they became silent and she said, "Now then I'll give you stationed locations. Yukari, You will be incharge of taking over the east. Sendar, I'll give you the Northern part. Ruca, I'll leave the West to you. Lastly Elcana, I want you to handle the southern part. Now a gave you your assignments are there any questions?"

No one answered and Leviathan said, "Since there are no more questions you are all dismissed and prepare for battle."

All of them bowed down and said, "For her highness King Leviathan and our Lord and God Lucifer we will reign victorious!" They all left the scene to prepare for battle except for Leviathan.

Leviathan talk to Lucifer and said, "Everything is going according to what you plan to do but there's something bothering me. At my current power there's no way I cant fight against a true demon lord so how are you going to handle them?"

Meanwhile Lucifer was sitting at the window watching the night sky saying, "I've already sent 3 helpers to handle your situation so you shouldn't worry about this things."

"Wait, isn't it just the 2 of them who cane?"

"Ara, do I look like someone who doesn't know how to count?"

"No master."

"Then there is no mistake. That person is probably just running late. Just have faith on that person. Oh wait, once the battle has began can order your subordinates to erect a barrier that can keep anyone that's weaker than you away?"

"Yes master, consider it done."

"Now you may go."

"Yes master."

Their communication was cut Lucifer took a deep sigh and said, "hahhh, the new era of rulers is about to come. I wonder if the old rulers can handle this. Well, I'll just wish them luck and keep working hard until you fall."

Lucifer looked at the moon and the moon turn red and she said, "Chaos will fall all over the world soon and nothing will stop it."