
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The battle of black market

As the blood moon rises the whole world starts to tremble because everyone knowa that having a red a moon is a bad omen.

As the whole world starts to get worried about the red moon the situation at the black market is getting worse.

Lora speak up and said, "I see, the demon realm was really destroyed will everything be ok if we move forward?'

Roja speak up and said, "Everything is going according to plan since the demon realm was destroyed they'll be forced to come and become our reinforcement. All we just need to do is to hold out until they come."

"I see, so the only way for us to suvive is to wait for them to come. Who are they exactly?"

"You're a demon lord of lust and you know nothing about them?"

Lora looked away and said, "I don't know what you're talking about. If I were a demonlord I would have killed that woman without any problem."

"But you didn't because you're fascinated with the level of lust that is running all over her body. It's your first time seeing someone that has a level of lust that can rival yours. Well I don't care if you want to feign ignorance forever but I'm warning you that woman is on a whole another level. Although me and you can deal with her but I don't know about the person behind. It's probably on a whole another scale of level that's beyond us. At this battle to you'll be forced to reveal who you are. You can't hide forever. After all, that person destroy the demon realm. It's been 6000 century since the last time we encounter something like this."

"You mean there's another being that could pull this kind of attack?"

"Yes, so far that man is the only being that we fear since then but right now, I think we have another threat to deal with. There's also a possibility that he got reincarnated so we can't let our guard down at this battle."

As they were talking Roja felt something and said, "Oh the barrier is being doubled."

Lora speak up and said, "But it's too weak to suppress us… Wait they were instantly killed?"

"I told you your subordinates are weak there's no way they could survive that."

Their conversation was interrupted when they heard voice behind them saying, "Yes, they are weak but they are great food for us."

Lora and Roja jumps away when they saw Leviathan behind them and Lora said to herself, "What the? How did she get in here in fast. I just saw killing my subordinates outside the barrier seconds ago and how come I didn't felt her presence?"

Roja speak up and said, "Oh, you're recklessly coming to us all by yourself. I guess you're that much of a fool."

Leviathan smirked and said, "I hate to break it to you but I brought some back up."

As Leviathan said it the sky produce a very bright light beam to the ground and as the light beam disappears 3 woman appeared from it dress in jet black disguise with a black mascaraed. (They are Amillia, Alicia, and Almithra.)

"Now, before we kill you let me ask you one thing "

The 2 of then looked at Leviathan and she said, "Are you willing to bow down to our God? If you agree we will spare you lives and if you don't you must die here."

Lora snapped and took out a sword out of nowhere like magic and charge towards Leviathan and attack her but Leviathan managed to pull out a sword like magic and block her attack.

Leviathan is holding a black sword while Lora is holding a red sword.

Leviathan said, "I guess this is your answer. Very well, I'll gladly kill you."

The 2 of them moved so fast to the point that no one can see them with their own eyes.

Roja speak up and said, "Sigh, Lora went off on her own already. I guess I'll just have to play with this weaklings."

Roja looked at the 3 but they were not there and suddenly someone punch her so hard that it throws her away from where she's standing. She looked around and saw no one and she said to herself, "What is going on? Those 3 disspeared and now I'm being attack by a invisible entity. Wait how come I couldn't sense them just like now we weren't able to sense them coming. It should be no problem even if they are invisible I should be able to sense them through my reflexes that's on par with Yune. After all that's a natural ability of elementalist."

As she talk to herself she's starting to receive slashes out of nowhere and she said, "That's it, you're pushing me at my limits."

Roja punch the floor and the floor turned into huge waves just like waves that the surffers use.

Alicia appeared out of nowhere like she was hit by he waves and Roja said, "Finally, I can see you."

Roja immediately attack Alicia but Almithra came out of nowhere and block Roja's attack by punching her.

Roja smiled and said, "Oh, you can handle this level of punch but let see how long you can last."

Roja started giving endless punches so fast while Almithra is trying hard to punch back and as she punches back their fist hit each other until. The fighting was so intense to the point that their battle is creating tornado.

Almithra started to scream in pain as she started to p feel pain from her hands. Then suddenly her arms were crushed Roja's punches landed all over her body that throws her away.

Alicia appeared behind Roja and tried to slash her neck but she failed because her neck is so durable. Her slash just leave wound.

Alicia jumps back and said, "You're not the person we fought earlier. Who are you? Where is that other guy. Well, we don't care what ever happened to him. After all, we wish he's dead."

Roja smiled and said, "I see, so you were the 3 girls that he mentioned. Well,he offered his body to summon me so he's already long dead."

"So you're a demon?"

"Nope, we're far more supperior than those mindless bats. Well, I'll just leave you guessing of who I'm. I hope you can have a clue before you die."

As she said it she charges towards Alicia and attack her but Alicia already saw it coming.

Alicia evades the attack on time but despite all that Roja's attack is just so close like she barely dodge the attack and she said to herself, "Just how fast is this monster exactly. Her speed is way beyond me."

Alicia put herself in a lower position in front of Roja and she said to herself, "If slashes only give scratches may be thrusting will Pierce though her heart."

Alicia thrust Roja's chest with all of her might but to her surprise it didn't pierce through.

Alicia was surprised and said to herself, "What? It didn't pierce through? But my slashes were working earlier so how come thrusting is not cutting it. That's strange, thrusting should give more fatal damage than slashing so why it didn't work."

She jumps away to get away but before she could land Roja was behind her aiming to attack her again and she said to herself, "Damn, am I being played? From the way how she moves so fast she should be more powerful than me but she deliberately making herself look weaker. She's obviously mocking us. Fine then, I'll take her head on."

As she said it to herself her aura changed into a violent one and her eyes turned to purple and she has a dragon tattoo all over her face.

She slash Roja's incoming attack and it still didn't slash through but it made deeper slashes than before.

Roja smiled and said, "Wow, your packing much more than before.". She said this while being happy but that happiness changes suddenly Alicia's sword created a purple flame that causes so much pain all over her hand.

Roja got angry punch her with her free hand and hit Alicia but she was surprised again when she Alicia she turned into a cloud like a magical trickster.

Roja looked around to look for Alicia and Alicia appeared right behind her like she's falling from the sky upside down and aim to slash her again. Roja saw this coming so she turn around and attack Alicia. Alicia smiled and said, "Are you sure you want to focus at me?"

Roja was baffled at what she said and she notice there's someone right behind but before she could look she punch by someone that throws her away.

She was surprise at what happen so she look for the person who punch and it turns out it was Almithra but somewhat different. She little demon wings like a baby demon and has little horns. Almithra smiled and said, "Surprise seeing me well?"

Roja speak up and said, "So you're a demon but a different demon or to be precise a demon from another world."

Alicia and Almithra grew their eyes wide open out of shock and Almithra said, "We don't know what are you talking about."

"Playing dumb won't help you. Well, if you guys are here that means Lucifer is defenseless now. We can attack her anytime we want now. Wait, if I could remember she lived at the Oratio Kingdom. Oh perfect, I guess we will help Valentine at this battle. We will make sure that demon lord is dead."

After hearing this words Alicia and Almithra was being enraged and Alicia said in a gruesome voice, "I guess, I take that as your last words."

"Huh? My last words? I think you're to weak to say that to me so you better be prepare."

Alicia smiled and asked, "Or else what? You're a lot more powerful than me and yet you're threatening us."

After saying it Roja smiled and said, "I warned you."

Gravity field is a skill under elemental power. Gravity field grants the user the ability to manipulate gravity within the field of her aura

Elemental power is the power that Roja uses as one of the ancient Protos. This power grants the user the ability to manipulate natural law to her liking. It also has the ability to warp reality.

As the said skill activated the gravity around the area becomes stronger pinning Alicia and Almithra to the ground.

As the 2 of them were being pinned down Roja sighed and said, "How long do you plan to hide and tamper with my senses? Do you really think I don't know you're trying to invade my mind?"

A woman appeared in black clad and hooded cloak with black mask appeared out of nowhere (it was Amillia).

Amillia speak up and said, "Took you a while to figure me out."

"Yeah, you're quite a tricky one. You're tampering with my senses that made things difficult but it doesn't mean you have the upper hand."

Amillia smiled and said, "Oh, why don't you try and see?"

Both of them smiled and looked at each other eye to eye. Then suddenly both of them disappear right in front of Alicia and Almithra.

Alicia was surprised and said, "What the hell? This speed, it's beyond me and Almithra. We can't see them at all."

Almithra speak up and said, "So that bitch was just trying with us from the beginning."

"What? You just figure it out now?"

While they were talking Roja and Amillia appeared while trying to hold each other down as if they are in a wrestling match.

Roja smiled and said, "Wow, I never thought that you could keep up with me like this. May be I'm having a hard time assessing my opponents abilities."

"I agree, you might have already become to arrogant."

Roja smiled and said, "You're right, I'm starting to becaome too arrogant but it doesn't mean I'm stupid. I can see that I'm going to die at your hands if I don't kill you now."

Amillia looked at her seariously and said, "Sounds like you're getting serious now. I guess I'll go all out." As she said it black horns, tails, and long demonic wings.

Amillia created a black whole and drag a sword out of it like a portal.

Amillia looked at Roja and she looked troubled and Amillia asked, "Can't call out your sword?"

"You managed to even block me from calling my sword out. Well I have some other ways of killing you just like this."

Roja snap her finger and suddenly a powerful light beam coming from the sky shot towards Amillia.

Amillia saw the light coming she tries to move away but before she could move a plant sprung out of nowhere and strangle all over Amillia's body.

Amillia said to herself, "Damn it, I won't be making it in time."

Amillia spread her arms like she's about to cast something big and suddenly the ground turns into a mountain shape that cover Amillia.

Roja smiled and said "Even if you cover yourself you're good as dead."

The light beam passes through Amillia's defenses and made a huge explosion.

After the explosion all they see is nothing Amillia's lifeless body that's being thorn into pieces.

While all of this things Amand was watching and he contacted Lucifer and said, "Master, the situation at the black market is getting."

Lucifer speak up and said, "I know that."

"Then why aren't you making a move."

"The battle at the black market will be over in instant if I make a move and even if I don't make a move those 2 will be enough to handle the situation there."

Amand starts to get irritated and said, "You mean Alicia and Almithra will control this situation? Are you out of your mind? There's no way they can survive this. They're going to die!"

"Sigh, calm down Amand. She has already awaken her demon sword, look."

As she said it a huge explosion occurred out of nowhere. Almithra appeared holding a sword that has an intense aura.

Almithra looked at Roja and she smiled and said, "I'm going to kill you."

While watching Lucifer smirk and said, "See, what I told you? I won't send the 2 of them if they have no chances of winning."

Amand couldn't believe what he witness what he saw speak up and said, "But how? I never saw any signs of her demon sword awakening and also that she's holding it's from the demonking of Succubus so how the did she get her hands on it?"

"I don't know? Probably she got lucky she was able to call out to her own demon sword for the first time."

"You know very well that it's impossible to get your hands on that demon sword right since that sword died along with the first demon king of succubus."

"That's why I told you probably she got lucky because it's impossible to get your hands on that ancient demon sword. Regardless on how she got her hands on it I can see promising future for her. She might become the next demon king of succubus because right now she's the rightful successor of the throne. If this goes on it will be interesting to see what she will do next once she realizes her worth."