
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

New enemy new revenge

Leviathan threw away Amandele's dead body and she said, "Now then, I wonder what will you do now that you know you're out of reinforcement. How are you going to entertain me and my subordinates tonight."

Icarus spoke up and said, "I told you we can't win this."

Leviathan was surprised as if Icarus's voice sounded familiar to her so she searched for Icarus and said, "Oh wow, so this is where you've been all this time, Icarus. Finally, I can exact my revenge."

Icarus started to sweat a lot. His fear is taking over his body and he said, "Please have mercy on me Leviathan."

"When my mother asked for mercy while you're constantly fucking her to death right in front of me, did you grant her any mercy?"

Icarus looks away as if he realizes it's pointless to ask for mercy and says, "But I didn't mean it. He ordered me to do it."

Leviathan looked at Icarus face to face with a murdering glare and said, "And who's controlling your body? Was it him, or you? Do you really think I'm convinced that you regretted killing my mom like that?"

"I've already regretted what I did so please let me off the hook."

Leviathan one-handedly twisted his neck and said, "Do you remember what you said to Mom when she was taking her last breath?"

Icarus went silent as if he was acting like he didn't remember anything.

Leviathan got angry and smashed his face to the floor that his face being crushed and she said, "Now do you remember it?"

Icarus cried and said, "Yes I remember!"

"What is it that you said?"

"A hostess is a bitch and a bitch deserves to be fuck to death just like you."

Leviathan let go of Icarus and said, "I kept those words in my mind and waited for this moment to exact my revenge on you and your new family in this world."

Icarus's eyes grew wide open and said, "How did you know about it?"

"Well, we could just say it's thanks to my ability to read the minds of every last person that I've conquered within this dimension. Even gathering information about your family is just an easy thing. With my abilities, you ain't going anywhere."

Icarus cried and said, "Please! Leave my family out of this!"

Leviathan looked at Icarus seriously and said, "Why should I listen to you? Did you even listen to us when me and my mother begged for mercy? Do you even know how it feels like for you to be crushed when staring right in front of your lifeless loved ones, no right? That's why I came here to make you feel the pain that I'm feeling. I'll make sure that you'll regret that you let me live."

As she was talking Lucifer contacted everyone through telepathy and said, "Everyone, I'll be gone for a while and I'll be keeping my distance. I assigned Amand as your temporary leader so if you have something to know you can just ask Amand, Goodbye, and see you later."

Leviathan was filled with questions and so were the others but she couldn't ask anymore because Lucifer cut his line of transmission.

Leviathan said to herself, "Damn it, just what the hell is going on. What's with this master's decision? What is going on? Maybe I should try asking Amand about this.."

As she was about to contact Amand she realized something and said herself, "Wait, if I contact Amand we will just have a faulty telepathy transmission because those other 3 might do the same thing since all of us are shocked. Maybe I should go and meet Amand personally."

Leviathan looked at Icarus and said, "I guess you're lucky that you could live today but there won't be next time, and don't even think of running away because I won't let you escape."

A portal appeared out of nowhere and Leviathan went to the portal to leave.

As she left everyone was finally able to move and Lora asked, "What the hell is with that woman? Was she really that powerful?"

"How are we going to win if we are already hopeless from the start?" Nadia asked

Gasper shakingly stood up and said, "Whatever is that woman we can't beat it. It's too powerful for us. There's no way we can rival its power."

"From the way it attacks mentally, we are being paralyzed to the point that our body is not listening to us." Hellick said.

Zenith looked at Icarus and said, "Wait, that woman was targeting Icarus earlier, right? Maybe we can just surrender Icarus's family and himself."

After hearing it, Icarus broke free from being paralyzed out of fear and said, *Don't you dare?!"

"Oh, I will! From what I have heard from her you're scum and you deserve it."

Lora slammed the table and said, "Are you an idiot? Do you really think that woman was just targeting Icarus?! If that were the case Icarus would have been dead a long time ago."

Zenith angrily asked, "What do they want?"

"That's what I don't know."

"Damn it, with all the things that's unfolding right in front of us I'm starting to doubt if we can win this fight."

Lora sighed and said, *I pray that a powerful being would appear out of nowhere to save us."

Hellick smirked and said, "As if it would be as easy as that."

As they were discussing a man with shattered clothing entered and they were all surprised. Nadia asked, "Oi Roderick, what happened to you?"

Roderick smiled and said in a woman voice, "I felt so refreshed and alive after killing those lives that Roderick offered."

Nadia stood up and asked, "Who are you? What did you do to the armies outside the black market?"

"Oh, those insects are irredeemable, to make the story short Roderick summoned me to create a temporary contract and have me kill those insects and in exchange, I can have the lives of those 3 and that works with me since I need to find that hero as soon as possible."

Lora got curious and asked, "Hero you say? Isn't it just a legend?"

"It may be a legend to lower beings like you but for us she's a threat that needs to be exterminated or else ouf

R plans will be ruined."

Zenith looked at the person and said, "You already said too much but you haven't introduced yourself."

"Is there even a need for that when I'm just on a temporary contract? I'll be gone once the contract is done."

"Then you should just leave. We don't trust strangers and since you don't want to introduce yourself just get out."

"For a demon fairy like you, you have a sharp tongue. Do you want me to polish it for you?"

Zenith got annoyed and said, "You really don't want to live that longer anymore, aren't you? Then let me do the honor of taking your head."

As Zenith was about to attack the person he was stopped as if his strength was suddenly leaving his body. He looked at Roderick's hand and saw his left hand sullied with blood while holding a beating heart.

The person spoke up and said, "You impudent demon fairy. Do you think that you can defeat that easily?"

Zenith felt something dripping out of his body and he looked at it. As he looked at it, he saw a lot of blood gushing out of his chest and saw a big hole. As he saw it he immediately blacked out like he died."

"You're my descendants and yet you're too disrespectful."

Lora spoke up and said, "From the way you speak and the way you act are you one of the ancient gods called Protos?"

"Did I accidentally give out my identity? Oh well, it can be helped. I'll properly introduce myself, my name is Roja, the the weakest among the rankings of Protos and the 1st generation king of the RedBlood Moonn fox."

As everyone heard it they immediately kneeled to the floor as if they were paying their respect to a God.

Roja smiled and said, "I guess, you know how to show respect not like this trash demon. Anyways, I know you guys have a lot of questions like why did I appeared out of nowhere after being silent for 4,000 centuries. Why am I targeting this summoned hero and who is she in front of my eye? I will answer those questions one by one but for now,w let's just settle down."

As she said it they all settled and Zenith's body regenerated like he's an immortal being and Roja said, "Oh, you're still alive? I guess your immortality is the only great thing that saved you."

Zenith immediately kneeled and said, "I'm sorry for my ignorance I hope you can forgive me for picking a fight without knowing who you are."

"I'll only forgive you if you can bring me one of the heads of those annoying demons who are causing chaos throughout the black market."

Zenith smiled and said, "Consider it done my God."

Roja sighed and said, "For now just settle down. As far as I can see with that demon from earlier our chances of winning Ares are close to zero even if I interfere."

Lora got curious and asked, "Why did you say saw?"

"It's simple, that woman that you've met earlier is equal or maybe a tiny bit weaker than me and if I'm going to base battle that occurred outside the black market, you will lose this battle because that woman that destroys the mentality of the soldiers earlier is on a different level than you. Also, those 2 who fought Roderick earlier haven't shown their full power yet plus there are another 4 we don't know about."

"Do you plan on how to deal with them?"

Roja grinned and said, "Oh yes, I have a plan."

Lora sighed and said, "That will be great If you do have a plan."

Roja smiled and said to herself "Now that I'm here. The battle at the black market should be starting to get intense. I wonder what those other worlders demons will do?"

As these things were going Lucifer managed to return back to Crimea and she returned all she could see was a nightmare.