
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
59 Chs

The plans and goals

All of the armies of dragons, demons, angels, witches, spider-demons, titans, wolves, and humans gathered towards Amand and Shaggnauth while being led by Lucifer.

Lucifer and Kana landed through the broken wall of the dungeon along with the dragon that they were riding.

Kana and Lucifer got off the dragon and the dragon transformed into its human form.

The human form of the dragon is an old man who has a horn like a dragon with grey hair and a beard. He wears a single-lens glass at his right eye and wears a butler uniform.

As the dragon transforms into a human he immediately kneels right in front of Lucifer.

Lucifer spoke up and said, "You don't have to kneel, Fotimas. There's no one here but only us and we're not any formal occasion so there's no need you kneel and that goes for you too, Amand, Shaggnauth."

The 3 of them rose from kneeling and said, "As you wish master."

Lucifer looked at Kana and said, "Kana, why don't you go and play with Fotimas for a while? I have something to talk about with those 2 guys."

"But I want to play with you right now."

"I promise you that once I'm done with my business here I'll be playing with you."

"Is that a promise?"

Lucifer smiled and said, "Yes, I promise."

"Ok then"

Lucifer looked at Fotimas and said, "Fotimas, I want you and Claire to look after Kana."

Fotimas bowed down and said, "As you wish my lord."

Fotimas extended his hands and said, "Now, let's go down Miss Kana.."

Kana took Fotima's hands and went with him.

Lucifer sighed and asked, "So how did it go?"

Amanda answered, "The conquering of the dungeon was successful."

"I already know that. What I wanted to know is how you managed to restrain Lykka."

Amand shakily answered, "I used my curse energy domain to restrain her."

Lucifer sighed and said, "She's a really pain in the ass but I'm glad she's fine. Now that I think about it, I'm grateful that I never thought her the full capacity of her curse energy."

Amand got curious and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Lucifer massaged her head and said, "The Lykka that you fought earlier is not in her full power. If she's in her full power, you might end up fighting each other for eternity."

Amand was surprised and asked, "What? How can be that possible?"

"If she just understands more about the qualities of her curse energy she might end up closing the gap in the battle between the 2 of you."

Shaggnauth was surprised at Lucifer's revelation and he remembered something and asked, "I remember her saying that she's not a pure blood demon and she wants all the Gods to die. What does she mean by that?"

Lucifer was saddened at Shaggnauth's statement and said, "I guess, her hatred never disappeared. Her hatred of not being born as a demon and her hatred towards the cruelty of the Gods never disappeared.

Shaggnauth got curious and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Look, I'll tell you about it when the time has come for it. For now, let's just get along with Lykka like a family."

Shaggnauth and Amand bowed down and said, "As you wish master."

Lucifer snapped his finger and suddenly the whole dungeon was being fixed like magic in an instant and she said, "Enough with this talk about Lykka. Shaggnauth, I want you to take Lykka and Milina to the doctors and also put this at Lykka."

Shaggnauth put the new blindfold at Lykka and said, "Wait, how did you manage to create this in an instant, master?"

Lucifer got annoyed with Shaggnauth's asking questions "Will you stop asking and just go? I need to prepare for a lot of things and Milina's recovery needs to be prioritized."

Shaggnauth got afraid and immediately disappeared while carrying Lykka and Milina at his shoulders.

Lucifer looked at Amand and said, "Amand, I want you to gather everyone right in front of the balcony."

"Balcony? Does this dungeon have a balcony?"

"Well duh, I just set it up earlier right there." Lucifer points her finger at the balcony behind Amand.

Amand smiled and said, "Alright, I'll gather everyone as you wish.'

Amand immediately went while Lucifer was walking around and she said, " Oi Kamui, are you there?"

Kamui came out of Lucifer's shoulders and said, "What is it that you wanted, master?"

"I wanted your opinion about my plans. What do you think about it?"

Kamui asked, "What is it exactly that you planned to do, master?"

"Simple, I'll bring the eastern empire into the palm of our hands, and also I want to spread the religion about Luciferianity all over the world."

Kamui gave a direct and honest opinion and said, "Look master, your plan will lead to the destruction of many nations."

"I know, that's why I did it."

Kamui got curious and asked, "What do you mean by that?'"

"What do you think when I give Lancelot the task to create a huge influence within the holy church? What do you think when I have Leviathan take over the black market? And lastly, what do you think when I forced Inglis to retake his rights to become the King of the Eastern Empire? How will those things benefit our country in the future?"

Kamui was just dumbfounded and Lucifer continued and said "Look, the horrors of the holy church will soon bear fangs, and grabbing the opportunity to create a religion is the best time right now. The worshippers of the holy church will lose their way and Lancelot will be just there to lead these lost lambs to our religion. In this way, we will be able to establish a good reputation and Leviathan's role is to light up the fire by spreading the inflation regarding the cruelty of the holy church. In this way, our country's ideal will be spreading all through the world that our country promotes equality among all races. It might sound like my goal is to pick a fight but all I wanted is to make the whole world realize that Demons and Demi-humans are not evil creatures so they deserve to be treated with respect not like what the holy church has been teaching. They don't deserve to be persecuted.

The battle with the Western nation is unavoidable but I'll try to keep it as minimal as possible to make everyone see that we're not going to make an enemy of anyone."

Kamui asked another question and said, "Then if you don't want to be an enemy why do you want to take over the eastern empire?"

Lucifer asked back and said, "You are aware of how powerful the Eastern Empire is when it comes to trading business right?"

"Yes, they're currently the second to biggest business country all over the world."

"That's right, I just realized before that if I destroy the eastern empire the business market of this world will fall for a while. It will increase extreme poverty all over the world starting from the weakest country like ours. That's why I have Inglis to deal with taking the royal throne of the eastern empire and having him establish diplomatic relations with us. In this way, our country will become politically, economically, and religiously influential of course with the help of the black market that was being ruled by Leviathan."

Kamui was amazed and said, "Wow, you've thought this far master? You're so amazing. At this rate, no one won't be able to touch you and your kingdom. After all, your kingdom's military power is insanely powerful, and not just that your subordinates are exceptionally strong, and also you're strong, master."

Their conversation was interrupted when suddenly a woman barged and kneeled to the ground and said, "Master, I've finally finished my task. I already know what's making the monster's population grow rapidly." It was Rosean herself.

Lucifer asked, "That was so fast, anyway, tell me what did you find out?"

Rosean took out a tablet and upon the tablet, there was 4 orb that had 4 different colors that signify their properties and they are red for fire, green for plants, blue for water, and brown for the earth. The 3 orbs are already broken and all that is left is the brown orb.

Lucifer's 3rd eye opened up and smiled and said, "I think, I already know how to find the dragon rider from the future."

Rosean curious asked, "What do you mean by the dragon rider?"

"Look, the dragon rider that I'm talking about is a person that has the ability back and forth through time. I don't know exactly what will happen in the future so I'm going to need his help."

Rosean got confused and asked, "I thought you could see what will happen in the future. Was that a lie?"

Lucifer sighed and said, "It's either a lie or a truth. You see my ability only allows me to see what my future selves can see and beyond that, I have no idea at all."

Rosean said, "I see, so there are still some parts of the future that are a mystery to you?"

"Yes, and also I want to see the outcome of the war between my kingdom and the northern empire."

Rosean was surprised and asked, "Wait, we are going to wage war with the strongest country?"

Lucifer sat on the throne and said, "Yes, we ended up waging war with them. I only saw how the war began but the ending is what I can't see."

"Does that mean your future self is not there at the end of the war?"

Lucifer nodded and said, "Yes, and I don't know why and how it ended up that way."

Rosean got more curious about the tablet and asked, "And how is that tablet has to do with you being able to find the dragon rider?"

Lucifer raised the tablet right in front of Rosean and said, "This tablet is where that dragon is sleeping and soon it's about to be awakened. These orbs are chains that keep the dragon in this tablet. You can only break these orbs if the curse energy around the world increases. It probably started to break when I got reincarnated in this world along with my subordinates."

Their conversation ended when Amand came in and said, "Master, it's time."

Lucifer stretched and took a deep breath breath and said, "I guess, it's fine to introduce my people to this world."

Lucifer stood up and gave the tablet to Rosean and said, "We'll talk about this again later."

Rosean bowed down and said, "As you wish my lord."