
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The 2 demon kings all-out battle part 2

Amand observed Lykka from head to toe and said to his mind, "The blindfold is about to go off soon. If I don't act on restraining her right now we will be put into a tight situation."

Lykka breaks the emerging silence and says, "Oi, what are you looking at?! Are we going to fight or what?!"

"Oh nothing, I'm just worried about how our fight will end."

"What do you mean by that?! Are you saying that I'm weaker than you?!"

Amand smirked and said, "Why don't you see for yourself?"

Lykka charges towards Amand and gives him a powerful punch that creates a very loud explosion that creates a huge smoke.

As Frederick watches Lykka attack Amand she asks, "Wow, is that guy alright?! That punch could obliterate his entire existence."

Shaggnauth returned to his normal self and said, "I think you're underestimating Amand too much. He's not an easy opponent just like Lykka. This battle will become the 2nd intense battle since the last time I saw master wiping out the Gods."

Frederick's POV…

What the hell is he talking about? Is he trying to say that there's someone among that is much stronger than them?! If that is the case forget calling out for my master's help we have to call out for the help of the 10 superior rulers. These people are out of our league.

Frederick was surprised when he saw Lykka being thrown away out of the huge smoke and saw her coughing a lot of blood like she had a damaged organ.

Frederick saw a shadow of Amand from the smoke wave his hand and as he waved his hands the smoke disappeared and saw that Amand wasn't hurt at all.

Amand spoke up puffing a cigarette and said, "Is that all that you got? I haven't shown a bit of my power."

"What did you just say?! You used your curse energy to block my attack! There's no way you can just let yourself be hit by my attack and survive without using your curse energy!"

"Oh yeah, then why don't you look behind me?"

Lykka looked behind Amand and saw the destruction caused by her powerful attack earlier.

"Look, I never used my curse energy to block your attack and I'm not using my curse energy to fight you yet because this battle would have already ended in split seconds."

Lykka seriously looked at Amand and asked, "Are you saying that I'm weaker than you?"

"Whatever you think it's all up to you."

Lykka's eyes grew wide open and she said, "I'm gonna kill you!"

Lykka takes out a sword and charges towards Amand.

Amand gave an observing look and said, "I see, from the looks of that sword you're trying to copy my swordsmanship capability but you're still too young to understand its ways."

Amand gave an upper-cut punch at Lykka and took a direct hit that shattered not just her jaws but her sword as well.

"I'm the one who created my style of swordsmanship and I know all of its capabilities and weaknesses." He said these words with a haunting expression.

Lykka's jaws regenerated and said, "I see, so I can't use all of your fighting styles against you because you know all of its weaknesses, huh? You really trained yourself very well."

"Well, despite that you're slowly losing your mind you still have some intelligence left in your brain."

Lykka grits her teeth and said, "At my next move, I'll make sure you're dead!"

Lykka's forehead glows with a sigma symbol that burns the blindfold she's wearing and suddenly the whole place starts to rumble like there's an earthquake and all the things that they see around slowly separates like a chunk of stone until the sky slowly shatters like a land creating a crack.

Amand looked at Lykka seriously and asked, "Do you think you can defeat me by using your curse energy domain?! I think you're overestimating yourself too much."

The whole place became very dark like outer space Amand and Lykka are just floating like they're in outer space and there is no land or anything that you can step to walk or stand. Everything is just floating around.

Lykka smiled and said, "Look, just how vast my curse energy is. This is nothing compared to the likes of yours. Within my domain, you will never win."

"Sigh, do you really think the quantity of curse energy is everything? I guess, you're a lost cause. Oh well, I got no choice but to use a bit of my curse energy."

Amand looked at Lykka seriously and said, "You better get ready Lykka because I'm about to show you what it means to have a superior quality of curse energy."

Amand snapped his finger and suddenly a titan showed up right behind him. It only has an upper body and it's holding a gigantic bow with an arrow in it and aiming it to shoot Lykka.

The titan looked at Amand while he was puffing a cigarette and he said, "Just do it."

The titan launches the arrow to shoot Lykka and as the titan launches the attack the arrow grows bigger and turns into a powerful vortex.

After seeing this Lykka immediately created a big curse energy circle that's 10x bigger than what she used earlier and created a powerful light beam that goes head to head with the vortex Amand created.

The clash of their attacks created a massive explosion and shockwaves within the domain like nuclear bombs clash against each other.

As time goes by Lykka is having a hard time keeping up with the power of the vortex and Lykka's hands start to shake until the arrow just passes through Lykka's counterattack and blows her up. The blow nearly destroyed the domain Lykka created.

Lykka's POV…

Is this the power of the king of the demon titan? Well, I should have expected this. I mean he was created by master Lucifer and used his blood and his brother's blood, Shin but even so, he betrayed his master so I have to do everything that I can to kill him.

Amand noticed that Lykka was silent and said, "What? Are you going to give up now? Have you finally realized that you're never gonna be able to beat me?"

"You're right, I just realized that no matter how much curse energy I have I can't win against someone who has superior curse energy quality but it doesn't mean I'm going to give up! I'm gonna give my all to crush you!"

As she said those words horn grows out of her forehead and her sigma turns into 3rd eye, it's almost identical to what Lucifer has. Demon wings sprung out of her back like magic and she created a long staff like magic.

Amand said to himself, "Damn it, she's about to go all out now. I have to stop pulling my punches and finish her in my next move or else everything will be destroyed. I guess, I have no choice but to use one of my trump cards."

Amand calmly throws his cigarette to the ground and steps on it and he says, "Playtime is over, Lykka."

Amand raises his right hand and snaps his finger.

Lykka waited for a few moments but nothing happened and she said, "Was that it? I thought you were going to finish me off?"

As she said those words Amand smiled then suddenly the whole slowly shattered like glass a blood-red sky and vast land with gigantic skeletons and at the center of the vast land there was a sky towering tree made up of meat, flesh, and bones.

Lykka fell to the ground and said to herself, "Just what the hell happened? How the hell did my domain disappear in an instant? It's not just that, I feel the flow of curse energy has stopped flowing within my body. It kind of feels like this place has no curse energy."

Lykka was surprised when she heard a whisper behind her saying "You're right and also wrong at the same time."

Lykka jumps away from being shocked and saw Amand behind her and she asked herself, "Goddamn it! How did he was able to read my mind that easily?"

Amand smirked and said, "It's simple, When you try to copy my fighting techniques I detect your curse energy creating a tunnel unto my own energy. It was a great technique you used back there but only works on someone weaker than you. That tunnel that you created to go inside me is what I use to enter inside your mind. Thanks to it, I was able to predict your next moves."

"Wait, are you saying that I already have me back then but you were able just to know my next move?"

"Who knows? It's up to you to find out."

Lykka got annoyed and said, "I see, so you're trying to make a full out of me?! Then I'll kill you!"

Amand sighed and said, "I guess, playtime is over I'll finish this here."

Lykka charges towards Amand like she wants him dead.

While all of these things are happening at the curse domain. Shaggnauth was just patiently waiting as he nursed Milina and kept an eye on Frederick.

Frederick said to himself, "While those 2 are gone I'll use this opportunity to run as far as I could."

Frederick was about to run away but suddenly appeared out of nowhere and turned into a portal.

Amand came out of the portal along with Lykka's unconscious body.

Shaggnauth immediately ran towards Amand and asked, "How did it go? What happened to Lykka?"

"She managed to force me to use my curse energy domain and the end."

"Wow, that's surprising."

"What's so surprising about me?"

"Your attitude, it's surprisingly annoying."

Amand got annoyed and said, "Anyways, enough about me. Did you tie Frederick up?"

Shaggnauth just ended up catching his head and laughing it off.

Amand gave an annoyed smile and said, "You're so annoying."

The conversation was interrupted when they heard countless roars coming from dragons followed by the sound and feeling of rumbling like something big was coming.

Amand and Shaggnauth looked around outside through the broken walls of dungeon and they were surprised about what they saw and immediately bowed down.

Up ahead of the mountains, they saw a lot of black dragons, fallen angels, demons, and witches. At the foot and top of the mountain, a lot of Titans, half-spiders and demons, Giant wolves, and horse-mounted humans can be seen.

Among the dragons, there was the biggest dragon that was mounted by 2 people and as you look closely you can see Lucifer in his black clothing riding on it along with Kana while wearing a mask.