
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

the rise of the Demon Garden

As Lucifer steps closer to the balcony her face changes like she's growing into a mature and tall woman.

Amand. was mesmerized son what he had witnessed and said, "Wow, I never thought that you'll be this beautiful, master."

"Oh, just shut up, and let's get this over with."

As Lucifer steps out of the balcony the crowd starts to scream like they're seeing their idol.

They kept cheering and showing affection to Lucifer and all of them were in their human form.

While they are all screaming and cheering a demon in a nun's clothing flies towards the balcony carrying a crown.

Lucifer saw the crown and said, "Oh yes, my coronation is coming."

The demon landed beside Lucifer and she said, "Your majesty, will you please let me do the honor of crowning you."

Lucifer smiled and said, "Put the crown aside and let me ask you. No! I want to ask all of you that are present here!"

The crowd went silent as Lucifer spoke.

Lucifer continued, "I want you all to tell me! Why do you want me to wear this crown?! Why do you still want me to be your ruler? Am I still worthy?! I failed all of you! I failed to create a place for us demons to live and at the cost of it, I lost my wife and let the humans have their way. I've killed all of their Gods but nothing happened. Our kingdom falls apart under my leadership. Our kingdom falls apart because I let the humans have their way. Our kingdom falls apart because I stick to my idea m thinking that everything will be better as long as the Gods are gone but it never made anything good, it just made things worse and caused us to suffer."

Now let me ask you again, am I worthy to be your ruler? Am I worthy of your praises?"

After Lucifer speaks an individual from the spider demons speaks up and says, "Actually, we the spider demons were quite disappointed."

As Lucifer hears this she feels ashamed and Amand gets angry and says, "Hey, you bastards!"

Amand is about to attack him but Lucifer stops him and says, "That's enough Amand, they have the right to criticize me since I brought this upon myself."

Lucifer bowed her head as she accepted those words but she didn't expect that spider demon to add another word and said, "We're disappointed because a man of your stature is looking down at herself! What the hell do you think we're?! Do you think we don't want you to rule over us?! We have high hopes for you that's why we keep on giving all of our trust and faith within you as our God, Lord, and king of the demon kings.

We may be the lowest beings among the demons but you never looked down on us. You created a kingdom where there is no discrimination and every race is welcome to live in it. You even saved us from our demise during the revolution along with your brother and our ancestors who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the freedom that we have right now!"

The spider demon kneeled with respect and said, "And for that, we gave our full trust and faith in you."

After he said it one of the Lycans spoke up and said, "We feel the same way as the spider demons. We owe you our lives, if you didn't save us we would just end up staying within that temple and get experimented by the Gods for eternity. We will never escape that nightmare if you didn't revolt against the Gods."

The Lyccan kneeled and said, "And for that, we will be forever in depth with you and we will be one of your most loyal subjects even in the coming future."

After the Lyccan said it one of the black dragons spoke up and said, "Back in our darkest times humans persecuted us along with the Gods because our power is too destructive and the scale that we have can be used to forge weapons so greedy humans keeps on chasing us even at the ends of the world but thanks to you and our ancestors bravery we are finally being set free from the burden of endless running away and fear of being caught."

The black dragon kneeled and said, "And for that, we will be forever grateful to you and we will give you our undying loyalty."

After the black dragon said this a succubus spoke up and said, "We feel the same way as well. Back then when we were still a slave of God countless men would come knocking at my door to have sex with me. We succubus may be prostitutes but we won't let our pride and dignity be destroyed no matter what. We have our principles but we are too weak to protect them. I thought we would be living that kind of life forever where every day and every night we are required to have sex by countless men and we have no right to refuse."

That's why we will be forever in-depth with you and we will be forever loyal to you."

As the succubus said this a witch spoke up and said, "Back then, during those eras that we're still a human we witches are scorn to humanity. They created witch-hunting to hunt us all down and burn us all just because of their unreasonable accusation about the calamity that keeps on falling to them. Those people who managed to hide very well were the lucky ones while me and my other fellow witches experienced hell at the hands of those humans. Every day they tortured us to death and every night we had to attend to every soldier in bed. We've already lost all of our hopes. We're all broken and we never thought that we would never be set free not until your army managed to invade the kingdom that we're in and save us all from our demise and continue to invade other kingdoms to rescue more of our kind."

The witch kneeled and one of the angels spoke up and said, "Back then, when we were still a newcomer to your kingdom there were a lot of demons who hated us since we're enemies but you teach the demons to accept us and force them to know that we are not enemies despite our race are always in war against each other. You helped us make the demons realize that we are family, we shouldn't be killing each other, and every one of us is important so we should cherish each other. We are not tools for war but rather we are a tool for peace. With your overwhelming passion, you never gave up making us angels and demons live in one kingdom until we are labeled as fallen angels along with our ruler Milina."

The angel broke into tears as he kneeled and said, "That's why, we're forever in depth with you. We will follow you through brimstone and fire until it reaches us to destruction. We will be there for our lord and God."

After the angels one of the humans spoke up and said, "Back then, when you're about to execute us you showed us mercy and gave us a new life. You showed us that humans and demons are not bound to be enemies. You helped us create a nation that became an ally of your kingdom and showed the other kingdoms what peace between races would look like. At first, I thought that your ideals are foolish but as time goes by we realize and feel the peace that you want to reach."

The human kneels down and says, "We became addicted to the peace that you gave us so you have to take the responsibility and take that crown and become our lord and God! Please, I'm begging you."

All of the other races kneeled and begged Lucifer.

Lucifer looked around with a surprised expression and said, "Wow, I never expected my people's undying loyalty. I guess, I should give this a shot."

Lucifer turns around and to her surprise, Lucifer sees Amand and the demon nun kneeling and says, "We're also begging you to take the crown and become a God that rules all over us."

Amand said, "Without you master, I don't how are we going to carry on."

The nun spoke up and said, "Without our God, our religion is good for nothing so we need you as our God."

Lucifer spoke up and said, "All of you, I order you all to stand up!"

All of them stood up and Lucifer said, "Since you guys want me to be your lord and God I have no choice but to take it but I hope if I end up leading us into destruction you will remain loyal up to the very end and if not I wish that you'll still remember what you just said now.

I hope that you will stick to me at the very end and also this time I want you to know that I won't hold back anymore! I'll do whatever it takes just to make our country the strongest country in this new world. Whoever messes with us they will experience my kingdom's mighty wrath and I will make sure none of them will survive. This time it's our time to fight for our place and in this fight I will make sure that we will be victorious and no one will be able to rival our power even if it's the strongest God or the God Killer itself.

Today as I stand here as the God of the new kingdom I will declare war on all of our future enemies and I will make sure that every last nation of this world will know this kingdom as the strongest existing nation that's named "Pandemonium" or Demon Garden!"

As Lucifer was on a balcony Frederick managed to escape and said to himself, "Damn it, I'm so lucky that I was able to escape from those people. I will be dead if I stay here longer."

He was running so hard as if his life depended on it until a bloody and busty woman appeared with demon wings at her back (It was Rosean herself).

Rosen smiled and said, "Do you think you can just escape that easily?"