
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasía
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59 Chs

The hero arrives

{What the hell? How did he get in here? It should imposible to enter my domain without my permission. Wait where is everyone? What happened to them?}

The man speak up and said, "Who are you people? Why are you doing this?"

Leviathan speak up and said, "Huh?! Do you really think putting me at this situation will do something? I think you're underestimating me."

{Well, I can just regenerate myself… Wait, why is it not working?}

The man speak up and said, "Trying to regenerate? Sorry I won't let you."

Leviathan saw down her neck a black flame that's constantly burning her neck.

Leviathan smirk and said, "Do you really think this is enough to restrain me? Sorry to say this but you're in a wrong place."

"Oh? I'm in a wrong place?"

As he said it Leviathan started to scream in pain. She can feel a pain that's slowly crawling inside her head.

She speak up while enduring the pain and said, "What is this? What are you doing inside me?!"

The man give a grim smile and said, "I'm just giving you the most painful death that is worst than those 2. I don't care whoever you are and and what is your goal here but touching my sister and a fellow demonlord merits a painful death that you can have in your life. Now it's time for you to die."

Leviathan started to scream in pain and as she scream in pain the whole domain starts to crumble like it's falling apart.

{Shit, this will really kill me, I'll be burn alive. Will I really die

As she was screaming in pain a ray of fire blast from outside the domain and shoot towards Leviathan and the demon lord and created a smoke screen.

As the smoke slowly a girl slowly walk inside and said in a male voice, "I'm coming in."

The smoke clears and Leviathan saw Alicia in a Yukata clothing with her sword on the side.

{Wait, Alicia is alive and well. Wait that's not Alicia. That's her creepy brother!}

[She's right on that, it's Arthur himself.]

Arthur speak up and said, "Oh Leviathan, what happened to you? For a second to the strongest demon king beat up like this. Are you even using your domain properly?"

Arthur giggles after saying that.

(Leviathan starts to regenerate again.)

As Leviathan regenerates she grit her teeth in irritation and asked, "Did you come here to make fun of me or help me out. You made a hole at my domain and nearly killed and you're just smiling like nothing happened!"

[The blast created a huge crater that ends up burning anything.]

"Sorry about that. The truth is I only came here to save Alicia but after seeing you like this. I can't over look this."

"If you were here earlier none of this would have happen!"

Arthur got annoyed and said, "If it weren't for the barrier that you guys set up I could have come here and wipe out all of your enemies."

{Wait, wasn't master who ask me to set a barrier. Did she anticipate that this creep will come? So she ask me to create a barrier that will keep this lizard out? No wonder those demons managed to enter the battle without a problem but I don't understand what is her goal here. If Arthur was already here earlier the battle will be over in a minute.}

Leviathan contacted Ivanka and asked, "Oi Ivanka, did master told you anything else before she left?"

"About what?" Ivanka asked.

"It's about the barrier that she asked me to create. If the barrier was not there earlier the battle would have been over earlier."

Ivanka answered, "She didn't mentioned anything. She just left living a message that I told you earlier. What, is there an issue with it? You're alive and already winning and yet you're still complaining."

Leviathan got annoyed and asked, "What are you on about now?"

"The possible reason about this is that she wanted to see something. Well, if we're basing at her expression from earlier she looked like someone who have seen what she wanted to see."

{That's probably the possible reason. If we are looking back at the events earlier Alicia managed to pull out her own domain which should be impossible for her age and her low amount curse energy that she can utilize. There's also the appearance of the former demon king sword. That demon sword is the sword of the first demon king of succubus. It's appearance might cause an uproar among the followers of the first demon king. I'm sure those old geezer will celebrate for this. There's also the appearance of the ancient Protos. If we haven't come prepared we will be the ones who is dead by now. This are probably the reason why master asked me set up that barrier, huh?}

Leviathan smirk and said, "Thank you Ivanka."

"You don't have to thank me but if you insist you can just treat me to a drink when we meet again."

"Sure, I'll invite you to a drink once I finish my business here."

Arthur asked and said, "Oi, can you explain what's with that barrier from earlier?"

Leviathan smile and said, "No it's important. What is important right now is to finish this battle."

The demon lord interrupted and said, "Oh, you're still alive? I thought you're dead for good. I guess you have a thoughness that can withstand my attacks but the other one is already dead." He was smiling and all until he realized that Arthur is not insight. Then stabbing gaze behind and whispered, "So you were the one who nearly killed my sister?"

He turned around in an instant and as he turn around he was thrown as he was punch at his gut.

{So fast, how did hell did she become this powerful? Wait… this presence its not hers. It's someone else. Just who is this person possessing her body?}

The demon lord looked and Arthur was not around then suddenly he was attacked by an invisible force all over his body none stop. Like a group of mob is beating him.

As this were on going Arthur appeared out of tin air created a black ball of fire that's created with an immense curse energy that is equivalent to a energy of a star.

The demon lord tried to evade but he can't because of the nonestop beating so he ended up taking the full blast of the attack.

The attack created a devastating destruction that even destroyed Leviathan's curse energy domain.

Leviathan looked at Arthur and said, "Oi, what the hell is wrong with you…" before she could finish what she's about to say she stop as she's staring at Arthur that's oozing blood lust. He have the atmosphere of someone that's aiming to kill hundreds of lives.

{I can't argue with this person if he's like this. All I can just do is to wait for his bloody aura to subside. The last time I'm staring at him like this is when Alicia is working at the red light district. He nearly killed me for it. If it weren't for his sister's interference I'll be as good as dead back then. He's a monster that won't hold back when it comes to master or his sister.}

Arthur looked at Leviathan.

{His gaze givese the premonition that if I stare at him for too long I'll die. He's so frightening.}

Arthur speak up and said, "Oi Leviathan, I want you to fix your domain and keep your comrades in it."

Leviathan just smiled and said, "Ok, of that's what you want."

{You bastard, you're asking me to fix my domain while there's nothing to fix on it at all. You destroyed like while it took a lot of time to cast it. If you only know how to hold your anger my domain will still be fine and good.}

Arthur speak up and said, "I'm searious about this Leviathan, I won't be holding back."

After hearing this words Leviathan got her eyes wide open and immediately move as fast as she could while Arthur slowly walks away.

{Damn it! When he looks at me like that I can't retort back. He's giving me the looks like he's going to use he's domain. According to the records his domain can make the whole multiverse tremble in fear. Normal domain like mine needs to bend the reality in order to construct it's dominance while he's he's domain doesn't need to do those things because it crushes reality itself with Its violence. Its violence can burn anything in an instant wether it's a planet or universe and even domain like mine won't stand a chance but still he gave the guarantee that we will be safe inside my domain. That's the least we can count on. If we got cought of on it I'll kill you if I have the chance.}

Leviathan looked at Arthur at the eyes and asked, "How can I trust that you won't crush my domain. From the looks of it you're about to lose your mind."

Arthur smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll put a special curse protection at this spot where every of my attack won't be so much strong and it will strengthen your domain's survival rate to the point that it can stay still inside my domain."

"Was that even possible? If 2 domain's were cast out at the same place they will have clash at each other and the supperior one will win."

"Yes you're right but I think you've forgotten how we were able to watch master wiped out countless of God's. Didn't we also establish our own domain just as he ordered us to do so that we can't get cought up with his domain's power?"

"Yes but didn't he used some kind of technique of his own? Wait, you figured out how to use that technique?! Ae for real?!"

"Yes, but it requires a lot of energy to construct. The bigger the protection I need to create the longer it will take to cast it and it will consume a lot of curse energy. If I cast out that technique and my domain I'll need to eliminate the enemies all at once before I passed out."

"Can you really handle it? I mean possessing your sister is already consuming a lot of your curse energy and you plan to cast that technique and your domain all at once."

Arthur smiled and said, "Are you underestimating me? I may not have the same level of curse energy like Amand, Lykka, and Master Lucifer but my curse energy was never average. I can hold out at least an hour or so. So you don't need to worry about me. Just focus on protecting your subordinates and I'll handle the rest. I'll give you at least 20 mins to do all that and after that I'll go all out."

As he said it he left to chase down the demon lord and his accomplice.

Leviathan smiled and whispered, "You really are a monster that I can't imagine to touch. You're on a different dimension of level than me."