
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

3 vs 1 the prideful one vs the prideful one

Bellia managed to go after the demon lord and shake him to wake up and said, "Brother wake up, you can't pass out like this."

{It can't be, that little runt became so powerful like he's being possessed by a much more powerful being than my brother. This people will shake throne of the rulers of this world. Their phenomenal power will bring destruction upon us. We have to run and warn the other about this.}

Her brother managed to slowly wake up and sit down and said, "Ouch, my whole damn body hurts. Just what the hell is with that girl. Her power suddenly surpassed me out of the blue like she was being possessed."

As he was recovering Lora came out of nowhere and said, "Raguel, you finally came to help us but you're a bit too late. The ancient Protos who's with us is already dead."

Raguel speak up while touching his head like he has a head ache and said, "So even Protos couldn't win, huh."

Lora disagree and said, "No, we just let our guard down since they have no magic to be precise they are using a different power that's similar to magic."

"True, I can sense that they are using a different source of power that we don't know. This beings are threats that we can't ignore."

Bellia looked at Raguel and said, "Brother, we have to run away, We can't win this, we have to warn the others for an incoming threat and prepare for war against this."

Lora speak up and said, "Sorry kid I understand that there's a possibility that we can't win but if we let them took over this place it will be over for us."

Raguel agrees and said, "She's right, if they have this place it will be over for us if we let them have this realm we will suffer a big blow from it."

"I don't understand, what's with this realm. What's so important with it."

"This realm is."

Before he could finish what he's about to say they heard Alicia (possessed by Arthur) right behind them listening closely saying, "I also want to know what's with this realm. Why is it so important."

When they turn around and saw Arthur all of them backed away like they saw monster and said, "What the?"

Raguels POV…

{How did this guy got behind us unnoticed? Is there some kind of trick he's using? Was my perception is broken?}

Raguel looked around and saw the other 2 was also surprised.

{So it was just working fine. Wait, our perception only can detect beings with magic and this guy doesn't have any magic at all. Well I guess fighting him is our only last option. There's no room for escape.}

Raguel looked at Arthur…

{She seems to be deep in thought. Well, we can just take this as an opportunity to attack.}

Arthur's POV…

{No wonder master wants to take over the black market realm because there's something important here. May be I can squeeze information out of them for a bit and then kill them later.}

Raguel looked at Bellia and Lora and said through telepathy, "This is our opportunity to fight back."

Bellia disagree and said, "Let's use this opportunity to run away."

Raguel got annoyed and said, "I told you, we can't."

Lora shouts and said, "Raguel! he's gone!"

Raguel and Bellia looked at where Arthur was before and they really couldn't see him at all. Then suddenly the whole luminates like a sun is rising even though it's impossible since it's midnight. 

They looked up in the sky and saw a giant ball of fire. The ball of fire keeps on getting brighter and the brighter it goes the hotter the surface area gets like the sun is going closer to them.

As it goes brighter and hotter it blows up destroying everything including the red night sky and all thats left is a huge crater and a stary night sky.

Up in the sky Arthur can be seen and he said, "Now, why don't you tell me what is with this realm. Why are you so eager to keep us from taking over it. If you tell me I might spare your lives for it (he's lying.)"

The smoke from earlier seems to disperse and a huge black dome can be seen. As the smoke disperse the black dome disperse and all that can be seen is Bellia.

Arthur looked around to search for those 2 then suddenly the 2 demon lord appeared behind him and he seems to be defenseless.

The 2 give there most powerful attack as their magic creates a huge ball of lightning created by their magic. Both of them throw it to Arthur and Raguel said, "You can know it ones you're dead."

Both of them hope that attack will kill him but to their surprised Arthur reacted so fast and create a black ball of fire and hit the huge ball of lightning that results into another huge explosion that sends trees flying away.

Arthur waves his hand and the smoke immediately and said, "Sorry, I have no interest with dying so if I were you I will just say what you want to know."

Raguel smiled and said, "If you want to know then force me."

Arthur smiled and said, "So that's how you want to play. Then let's play your game."

As he said it he move so fast and slam both of their faces back to the ground and they were thrown and kick like a soccer ball. Then he immediately rushed and kick Lora at her gut with his knee.

Lora's POV…

{What a tremendous power. I knew that I can't take her on in a glance but I didn't expect. He was this powerful. There's no way we can win this. Bellia is right, we should have run away.}

As Arthur turns to looked at Raguel. Raguel moved so fast. Fast enough to surprise Arthur.

Raguel punch Arthur that throws him away and he spit blood.

He smiled and said, "Finally, you're starting to climb to my level."

Raguel charges towards him again but this time he managed to evade it and said, "You're almost near my speed but this won't be enough to beat me."

After he said it he immediately throw a punch that throws Raguel away.

Arthur looked at his hands like he felt something strange.

Arthur's POV…

{That's strange, that punch should be able to his head but it kind of feels like I just let out a normal punch.}

Arthur looked around and saw a lot of debris floating, the air stopped from moving, and saw Lora just floating.

Arthur smiled like he figured something out and said, "So you have an ability to stop the time."

Raguel stood up and said, "Oh, you're quite sharp. You managed to figure things out in fast but that doesn't change a thing because you will die here." As he said it he draw out a sword out of nowhere like a magic. The sword has a black and purple aura that signifies it's an evil aura.

Arthur draw Alicia's sword out from it's saya and said, "Oh, for someone who I met for the first time you're acting so arrogant like you know me very well."

"I may not know you but I know stopping the time is stopping or slowing the flow of your power."

He smiled like he's agreeing with Raguel.

{Oh, he's smarter than I thought. Sure stopping the time is affecting the flow my power and it's putting me at 2 choices wether I let Leviathan die or leave everything to luck. In my first option if I want to win this fight I'll have no option but to cast my domain now but Leviathan and her subordinates might end up dead also I can't fully utilize it's full power (because of suspended time.) but it will be one sided battle. In my second option ,I'll just use my demon form and leave everything to luck after that. (It's not advisable to use demon form in a suspended time. To fully use the power of demon form he have to consumed curse energy on his surrounding and in suspended time it will be hard to do it because time is absent so the flow won't go smoothly.). What should I do?}

Raguel charges towards him and slash him but Arthur managed to blocked it and said, "You'll regret getting in our way!"

Arthur smirked and said, "I have no regrets when it comes to protecting my sister I will do anything without any regrets."

"Oh, you're also here for your sister?"

Arthur's POV…

{Wait, he knows that I'm possessing my sister to protect her? I like this guy but he's my enemy because he nearly killed my sister.}

Raguels POV…

{So that woman Leviathan is his sister and he's here to protect her. I like this guy but I have to kill him.}


They both exchange blows after after blows with their sword.


Arthur pushed Raguel with his sword and slash with Alicia's sword like a wip and retracts back to sword form.

Raguel smiled as he looked at Alicia's sword and said, "That's a fine sword you got there. It can be used a sword and wip."

Arthur also smiled and said, "Of course, it will be a fine sword but I'm much more interested at your sword. It's full negative energy."

{To be precise, it's full of curse energy of pride that's the same as mine.} That curse is my food.}

(Negative energy is the opposing energy of positive. It exist to balance the positive energy same goes with negative energy. Negative energy originated from the emotions of living beings whether they are from sadness, depression, and etc. Within this negative emotions there are 7 exceptional emotions that became source of Curse energy that only exceptional demons can use it and they are the 7 deadly curse energy series…

Curse energy of Pride

Curse energy of Lust

Curse energy of Wrath

Curse energy of Sloth

Curse energy of Greed

Curse energy of Envy

Curse energy of Gluttony

With in this curse energy what we already know that Leviathan is the sin holder of lust, Lykka is the sin holder of Wrath, and Arthur is the sin holder of pride and the rest is still yet to be known.)

Arthur smiled like a hungry beast and said, "That sword, you value it so much."

Raguel smiled and said, "Of course, just like you. I made this sword just like you did. I put my pride upon my sword. My sword have gave me countless of victories during the investitures of Gods and demon lords. A mere being like you can never withstand it's power."

Arthur smiled like he found a new form of entertainment.

Arthur's POV…

{You have no idea that your weapon is my food. I'll make you see how fool you are… Oh wait, I think 3rd option. I'll force this guy to restore the time using his sword. Kekeke, you're going down kid.}