
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

Lust vs Wrath part 2

It's still rated 18 so don't read it if you're below 18

The woman kept on checking the doors one by one and she stumble upon a old man. The old man is heavily chained like he was heavily keep inside there and make sure he won't escape.

The woman was about to close the door when suddenly the old man speak up and said, "So, you are the new prisoner here. I wanted to know exactly who you are but I change my mind because you are a lot weaker than I expected."

The woman got annoyed and said, "Oh, are you underestimating me?"

"I'm just starting the facts that you are weak."

The old man looked at the woman. The old man had golden eye like he's a God and suddenly the old man's aura burst out like a violent storm that can destroy a ship.

The woman was surprised like it's her first time seeing something like this and said, "What the hell is this? How was this possible?"

The man said, "Look, I'm stronger than you and that woman and look at where I am now. That woman is weaker than me. She utilized that weakness of hers and defeated me countless of time like nothing."

"Hah, that weakling can overpower you like this? You're trying to make me laugh aren't you?"

"I've seen much worse than you kid. Even if you manage to by pass her battle intelligence it won't matter because she's just a subordinates of someone that's much more terrifying than you could ever think of. Among that Demon's subordinates she's not the strongest nor not the weakest. Among his subordinates there are 2 much more powerful subordinates than Leviathan. 1 can put a universe into a deep nightmare while the other one can make countless universes collapse like a sand castle without breaking a sweat. I was fortunate enough to lose to Leviathan because if it were those 2 I'm dead for sure. All what Leviathan can do is to seal within her domain and turn me into it's food. Sooner or later she will surpass you. As her domain get stronger she will get stronger as well. That is the true nature of her domain and that's why shes doing all what she can to hold you down here. You must break free from the domain's grasp and run away."

"I can kill her so you don't have to worry. I can kill her even if we're inside he domain. I don't need to run."

The man sighed and said, "Kid, I'm far older than you could ever imagine. I meet countless of people that you could ever think. Everytime I meet new people I'm always on guard with them because I've learned to fear the unknown the hard way. Ignorance is a bliss but it will slowly kill you just like sickness that the mortals experience. The more you ignore the more you will draw yourself near to death."

The woman walked out silently from the prison the man in while keeping in mind what he just said but before she go the man speak up and said, "Oh I almost forgot, if you have someone with you should leave them they are beyond saving. Moreover, if you saw an undead run away don't look at them in the eye."

{That man, I want to kill him for underestimating me but there's also a part of me that who wants to trust in him. Well, I'll just see who exactly is this Leviathan. I'll take vengeance for what she did.}

The woman continued searching for the door way insidee and out. She was surprised when she saw at one of the doors there lies a little girl (her servant that she killed) was being fucked by a teenager that she's not aware of.

The teenager is wearing the clothing that the butler she brought with her earlier.

The woman got irritated and asked, "Oi! What is going on here, Rein!"

Rein looked at her while being sticking out her tounge because of static feeling she feels from every thrust of the man and said, "Oh, his majesty is already awake, good morning your highness."

"What the hell is going on here?!"

While being fucked she explained everything, "When you killed us inside that illusion I woke up being covered with sperm all over my body. I wake up with this strange feeling of doing something pleasurable. I tried to fight the urge of my feelings. However, when butler Lang came in with his naked body I gave in. His every strong thrust feels so good that I want to do this for Eternity. Oh shit, butler Floir thrust feels so good.

Ahh! ahh! ahh! I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming!!!!!"

Rein went limp and falls to the ground.

As she fell to the ground the d*ck came out of her pussy and aimed at her butthole.

Rein speak up and sounded so tired and said, "So you want to try it at my butthole now, huh? You're so hope-"

Before she could finish what she's about to say Floir fuck her again like a bitch.

{So this is what the old man told me about. She's beyond saving now. Also he told to beware of the undead.}

As she was thinking she saw a maggot crawl out of Floir's body and her eyes grew wide open and she said, "Don't tell me."

As she looked at Floir's she noticed that he smells like a rotting corpse and she saw his hair falling down little by little.

Floir stopped his thrusting and Rein said, "Oh come on!! Why did you stop moving?! I'm almost there!" Rein is shaking her hips like she wanted more.

Floir slowly look at the woman and said, "Our king is going to leave us. We can't just let her go without letting her taste the pleasure."

Floir really looked like a rotting corpse the woman just didn't noticed it because of his clothing and also the d*ck he used to fuck Rein is rotting.

Floir stood up and he stood up and his rotting cock was left at Rein butthole and regenerate a new one.

Rein stood up and took out the cock from her butthole and she said, "Let's make sure her majesty enjoys the pleasure of sex."

Floir slowly approach the woman and said, "Come on your majesty, there's no need to resist us. Come and join us and you will feel the excitement of extreme pleasures." He said this while his cock slowly regenerates.

"Let's see if you can force to become a bitch.

While a fight is about to break out again someone a telephaty message to the woman and said, "Oi Belia, are you okay? I finally managed to get through you."

"Brother, what took you so long to contact me? What happened to you?"

"I should be the one asking that, when you're about to kill Icarus you just suddenly banished and huge mass of black done appeared out of nowhere. I think you're trap inside of it so I tried breaking in but there's nuisance to deal with."

While he was talking to Bellia Alicia came charging to kill the man but it was one handedly blocked. Then he punches her so hard that she was thrown away and her head shattered into pieces and she got thrown away.

Her head imedietly regenerated but before it can fully healed the man moved in a blink of an eye to smash Alicia down but before he could do that Almithra came just in time right behind the man to slash. However, the man already noticed it so he jumps away.

As he jumps away he and he said, "I already dealt with the other 5 through exhausting them since physical attack doesn't work. I might force myself to use my Trump skill and wipe put their souls. Anyways, I won't be helping you for a while. I'll have to deal with this two so do all the think that you can to survive longer, I'll be there As fast as I can."

Almithra (the sword that took over Almithra consciousness) speak up and said, " I guess we will have a long fight a head of us."

The man lick his head and said, "We sure are having a long time."

The 3 of them smiled like they are enjoying the fight and clash against each other.

Bellia laughed so hard like a maniac and said, "I guess I have no other choice left. Then I'll kill everyone that stands in my way."

While things are going around outside Leviathan was just drinking wine while sitting on a throne.

The whole place is shaking like something terrifying is cimg and she said, "Oh finally, she's… here?"

As she said it she was surprise when the door suddenly blows up and she was thrown to the side like a powerful force attack her but it didn't do much at all.

She look at her throne and saw a black mass of aura standing in front of her throne.

"She's so fast. What the hell happened to her. My restrictions haven't even lifted."

Leviathan was being attack again but this time she managed to evade.

{Wait, this aura. It reminds of Lykka's battle earlier. Is this also Wrath? There's no way I can beat this but it doesn't mean I'll back out and I'll give it my all.}

As she said it to herself. The tone of Leviathan's aura changed. She turned into her demon form and a lot of veils came and wrap her up like a coccun. Then suddenly Leviathan burst into a very bright light and out of that light a beautiful demon with long horn and black wings like a crow with a red emerald 3rd eye and wearing Yukata appeared (it was Leviathan herself.) She delecate body, beautiful skin like a beautiful a doll and lips like cherries. Her Yukata a red flower designs that signifies death.

Leviathan speak up and said,"You have my praise for forcing me to use my demon king, empress of lust form. It's been centuries since I found a worthy found opponent like you. I hope you can entertain me more."

(The demon king, empress lust. This ability is one of the sin series of demon king form. Demon king form is an ability to utilize the full power of curse energy domain and curse energy domain grants you the ability to become powerful being due to it's ability to give you endless power. It's source of energy varies dependently to what kind of curse energy you have like for example, Leviathan. Her curse energy domain utilizes the power of lust so her demon king uses lust at it source and that is coming from the inside of her domain.)

While this things are happening Ivanka speak up and said, "Isn't that form that you used to try and defeat his highness, Amand? No wonder he has a thing for you."

Leviathan just heard something world and said, "What did you just say?"

"Oh nothing, just focus on your fight."

"I'll end this in a single flash."

As she said it she instantly move like she teleported behind Bellia and this time she's holding her demon sword that no one knows how he got it since everything happened so fast.

Her sword has dripping blood like it hits something earlier and when she looked at Bellia she was sliced into pieces like nothing.

Leviathan smiled and said, "see, it's over in a flash."

Before she could finish what she's about to say. She felt a very dangerous presence. When she looked around she realizes that she have no more body and the only thing that is left is her head and right infront of her is her headless body lying on the ground.

{What the hell just happened? I don't understand. I know I win so how come I was the one lying down there? Wait, I feel like someone is touching my head.}

She was being force to being forced to turn around and she saw the demon lord outside is already inside the domain and it's holding her head.

The demon lord state at her eyes closely with anger asking, "How dare you hurt my sister."