
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Climax of the battle

As he said it inside he's mind he immediately charges towards Raguel but he immediately saw this so he blocks his attack with his sword and said, "You have a bad temper there."

"No, I don't have any bad temper it's just I can see my self winning." As he said it he toucher Raguel's sword.

Raguel realized there's something off so he shoved Arthur away.

Arthur jumps away and said, "Kid, try and survive this next move of mine."

Arthur raises his hand then suddenly ball of fire made up of convergence of Curse energy appeared at the sky.

Few moments later…

It seems to be doing nothing so Raguel just laugh it all off and said, "Hah, I thought it was going to kill me but it was nothing! Let's just get this over with shall we?"

As he said it he immediately charges towards Arthur. He was so confident that he can kill Arthur until suddenly he felt that he was being pulled up by a invisible force. He looked around and saw a lot of debris was being pulled up in the sky including Lora.

Raguel immediately asked, "What the hell is going on?!"

Raguel use his demonic wings to keep himself steady and he looked up in the sky he saw a rippling whirlpool air slowly pulling everything to up to the sky just like whirlpool at rivers.

Raguel was surprised what he's seeing and asked, "What the hell-"

Before he could finish what he was attacked by Arthur don't slams him to the ground and he said, "Keep your eyes only at me kid or else I'll kill you."

As he was slammed to the ground he floats again like the sky is sucking him.

Raguel's POV…

{Just what the hell is that thing doing in here. Did Antia cast this thing here to help us? If he wants to help us why the hell he's trying to kill us too? Is he a traitor?}

As he was lost in thought Arthur immediately attack again and said, "I said! Keep your attention only at me!"

Raguel managed to avoid it and said, "But you said keep your only at me."

"It's the same thing and beside how long that other friend of yours is going to hide? Does she really think I can't see her?"

Arthur suddenly breath fire like an oxygen and release a destructive fire power that an entire forest and a mountain.

After Arthur blow up a burn corpse appeared from the burned forest and he said, "Hoo, that took a lot. Well, that's what you get for trying to create a sneak attack against me."

Raguel looked at the burned corpse scream and said, "Bellia!"

Bellia slowly regenerates but not very fast and Raguel said, "That's a relief."

As Raguel attention was taken by Bellia's situation Arthur stab him with Alicia's Katana right at his throat and through his chest right down to his abdomen and he said, "I told you to keep your attention only to me. I've already warned you." He said it with an evil grim.

Raguel's POV…

{How the hell is he this powerful? He's already being restrained by the suspended time and yet we couldn't touch him. If we want to regenerate in fast I have to restore the time but that will bring him back to his full power but we could die like this.}

Arthur's POV…

{He's probably thinking that I'm unbeatable at the suspended time. If you didn't release your sword you might have a chance of winning. Thanks to your sword I was able to create a black hole that can convert anything into a curse energy of mine and that's how everything led into this. I can see now why master had me summon my subordinates because among the demon lords and Gods there beings that can stop the time. In a battle in suspended time I could probably handle 1 or 2 demon lords or Gods but more than that it will be a miracle even if my domain and demon form is in play.}

While he was deep in thought the time was restored then suddenly Arthur was soccer punch by Raguel.

Arthur was cought by a surprise and said, "Oh, you finally landed a attack on me but that won't be enough to be bring me down…" Before he could finish what he's about to finish what he's about to say he was punch again countless of times. The punches was so fast to the point that his reflexes couldn't keep up and for the last punch he received an upper cut that throws him away."

As he was thrown away Raguel followed right behind Arthur to attack him but Arthur was enraged and attacks back with Alicia's katana and he said, "I can tolerate you beating me but doing at my sister's body is a different case so I'll take you on seariously so be prepare to die."

Raguel speak up and said, "You'll be the one who's going to die!"

Both of them shoved each other and prepare for their big and powerful attacks.

On the left side Arthur slowly turned into a half dragon. He grew black horns, his skins grew a bit of black scaly skin, his arms turn grew black scales, dragon wings and tails, and he had a purple eye like a snake.

On the right side, Raguel. His hair turn into white as a chalk board, his clothing turned into a black robe with a purple linings and designs, blazing purple line appeared all over his body.

As both of them are done with their transformation both their aura burst into destruction to the point that it could destroy anything if they were mismanaged.

After both of them prepared they aim their swords at each other then few seconds both of them clashed against each other with their swords very fast that nobody can see. Arthur easily severed Raguel's limb over and over but it just keep on regenerating in split but despite all that Arthur still have the upper hand a d Raguel can't land a single hit at all.

While all of this are happening Bellia and Lora just watch in shock as they saw how Raguel was beaten up by Arthur but still keeping up the battle.

Bellia speak up and said, "So even if my brother his ultimate skill it's still useless against that man?"

Lora also speak up and said, "Both of them are the older of the sin pride but that dragon knows it way better than Raguel that why we are all easily out matched when that dragon entered this battle."

Lora's POV…

{Helping Raguel up to this point impossible. Both of their speed us already plus Bellia and I have already used up our Ultimate skill "She used her (Ultimate skill to break free from Amillia's mind attacks and nearly kill Amillia) and even if we still have it we will just hold Raguel back. Raguel is only keeping this long because of his regeneration capabilities and nothing else.}

From faraway there also 4 people watching from a far. (It was Leviathan's subordinates. I nearly forgotten them my bad.)

Ruca speak up and said, "That fighting is so intense. Imagine being close to that scene is giving me chills."

Yukari speak up and said, "No one in their right mind will fight beings like that."

Sendar smirk while carrying Amillia and said, "You are saying that but wasn't it you who us int fighting that demon from earlier?"

"Look, I never expected him to be that powerful, ok? None of us expected it."

Eloana got annoyed and said while carrying Almithra, "That's enough all of you! We should to master. If we wait here any longer we get caught up on that battle so we should move as fast as we could."

Ruca agrees and said, "Yeah we should get out in here and meet with master."

While they were about to leave Lora sense them follow them but Arthur's sword stretches out like a whip and slash Lora's limbs and he said, "Go after them and I'll kill you.". As he said it slashed part of her limbs burns like it's burning her flesh and blood. She screams in pain to the point the whole region can hear.

Raguel got angry and attack Arthur with his sword and said, "What the fuck did you do to her?"

Arthur smirk and said, "I'm teaching them lesson. A lesson that you should also need to learn. If you are right in front of powerful being don't take your off them or else you'll die. It's already a mercy that she survive but there will be no next time."

Lora cut her burning limbs and it regenerates into a normal leg.

Bellia was to terrified to speak about what happened.

Bellia's POV…

{This man, he got his hands full at my brother and yet he can still attack us. I guess that just shows how powerful is he. If he can attack us like this then my brother is so much weaker than him. Is he just toying with him?}

While all of this are all on going, Arthur's appeared at very faraway from them. To be exact that is where Leviathan is.

Bellia was surprised and said, "Oi what's going out there?"

Lora also saw it and said, "What the hell? He's right in front of us fighting Raguel."

Arthur and Raguel stopped fighting for a moment and saw what they are talking about and said, "What is tha-" before he could finish what he's about to say Arthur's sword stretches like a a whip and slash all 3 of them and said, "How many times do I have to slash you until you learn?"

While all of this are happening building at the whole region floats in the air and made their way towards Leviathan.

Arthur contacted Leviathan and said, "What are you waiting for? Will you cast your domain already?"

Leviathan got annoyed and said, "I know what I'm doing so shut up and give me 10 minutes and I'll be done!"

Leviathan's POV…

{Does he even know that I can't use his curse energy? Unlike master who have all kinds of curse energy Arthur has only 1 kind just like me but different. That's why I need to convert his energy using all of this people inside these establishments. All I just need to do is to guide Arthur's curse into increasing a man's pride.}

Leviathan just waved her hand then suddenly Arthur's aura scattered all through out the floating establishments and she said, "Now, it's time for the music to begin." As she said it she smiled and snap her finger. After the snap an echo of countless women saying, "Come here boy and fuck me till morning comes." Echoes all through out the region.

In few moments later countless of moans can be heard and in the midest of the moans there are of countless women who probably failed on luring a man and said, "What? Are you scared? Are weak? I think a boy like you can never best me at anything starting from the bed."

In few moments later the whole sky was filled with the echoes of women drowning in pleasure and men trying hard to redeem themselves because their high and powerful pride that us strengthen by Arthur cannot allowed themselves to be called boy.

As things goes by all of the floating establishments produced black and red aura and they rush towards Leviathan like whirlpool. As Leviathan keeps on absorbing the aura's on the floating establishments she spins around like she's listening to an orchestra music (what do you to a succubus like her?)

Leviathan's subordinates managed to meet with Leviathan safely and Ruca said, "Finally, we are saved."

Few moments later Leviathan stopped on spinning and said, "Now, it's time."

As she said that she raised her right hand in front of her at a eye level with only 2 fingers being risen up. Then suddenly her 2 fingers produced a black and red color flame just like the color of her aura and she said, "Now, it's time to cats my curse energy domain World of pleasures."

As she said it the flame that she's holding created countless tentacles monsters and spread all over the ground.

The tentacles monsters walks away from Leviathan and the tracks that they left turn the ground into bright red color. Then after the that towers of stones with doors that Bellia saw rises up from the ground.

As the towers rise people from the inside of these towers can be heard making noises just like in prison cells and women moaning out of pleasures.

After a few miles away from Leviathan the tentacles monsters have finally stop on moving and rises up and closes at the top like a huge dome. Then the color of the dome changes like a camelion changing it's colors, from tentacles color to a black and red color.

Leviathan speak up and said, "I'm done Arthur, Now it's time for you to end this."

Arthur smiled with joy hearing this and said, "I would gladly not hold back. I'll make them feel hell."

Oh they're dead

JPcoronel_0123creators' thoughts