
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The endgame

Arthur looked up in the sky and laugh like a madman.

{Finally, it's time for me to go all out. I never expected that I will do this again!}

Arthur slowly return back to his human form and unsheath his sword and produce a droplet of fire.

As he drop the fire the ground starts to have cracks like something below the ground and suddenly lava's risees from the ground.

Few seconds later al mountains l around them starts to errupt wether they are extinct, dormant, or active. Then the whole world starts bath in lava and burn everything to the ground.

The whole world starts to lose its magnetic field that causes all of it to shatter like a ocean destroying a boat.

After a few moments the near by planets caught up with it like a plague infecting other people until it reach even further to the point that even the sun, Stars, Galaxies, and so many Celestial bodies. Slowly meet there end and all that is left a huge sphere created by Leviathan's domain and a woman sitting at a throne with a black crown with a dragon designs (it was Arthur himself.)

Arthur looked around to find Raguel and the others but he can't find them and he said, "I guess they can't survive my domain's violen-... So you survived."

As he said it Raguel appeared behind Arthur and try to slash him with his demon sword but Arthur caught with his bare hands and crush it like a sand.

Arthur looked at Raguel with a smirk and said, "Is that all you got? I guess you can't handle fighting me within my domain." Arthur looked at him from top to bottom.

He looks so messed up like a homeless man with burned clothes and he's also looked someone who survived the heat of desert with he's own naked body (because his whole body is smoking)

Arthur felt pity towards Raguel so he steps down from his throne and walk closely to him an said, "Look, can we just stop this already. You're not going to win, no you'll never win. I don't know in the future but today you can't win. If you're so eager to win why don't you just give up for now and come back when you're strong."

Raguel speak up and said, "No, we can't give the portion of black market realm. The balance of power will be destroyed the moment we gave it away."


"It's better for thing to be left unknown."

Arthur stood up straight and looked at another direction and said, "Well, if you can't answer my question. May be they can… Oi, you guys over there how long do you plan to hide. Do you really think I can't sense you?"

Raguel looked at the direction Arthur and saw 2 people walking towards them ( A man and a woman.)

A man with a brown skin, blonde hair, muscular body, wearing sleeveless black jacket, and wearing a flashy black pants walking towards them along with a women that's overflowing with sexiness, long black silky hair, white and smooth skin, cherry like lips, a decent clothing like a corporate clothing but still too revealing due to its tightness.

The man speak up and said, "That's unexpected. We hid our presence very well yet you found us right, number 57?"

Number 57 speak up and said, "This is really unexpected but it's still going along with our Master's plan. The plan is still in tack Number 55."

Number 57 POV…

(But even saw this woman, no man. He's someone we should watch. He casually destroy almost 5 universe with an attack that we're not aware of {it was caused by Arthur's curse energy domain.} Even if he is this terrifying we have to get our hands on that energy sphere.)

Arthur speak like he wanted to dig out information and said, "Oh, so you're after something that's within this region. Well, if it's something that keeps the balance power but our master ordered us to take over this region and I were never ordered to keep that thing you're looking for safe. However, I think the reason why my master ordered me and Leviathan to takeover this place is because of that thing.

I guess, I have no choice but to protect it."

Number 55 speak up and said, "Just because you nearly destroyed 5 universe it doesn't mean that you can beat us."

Number 55 POV…

(Sure, he's stronger than the 2 of us in one on one battle but if we combine our power he's nothing.)

Number 55 talk to number 57 and said, "Alright number 57, let's do this."

The 2 of them charges towards Arthur to kill him and Arthur speak up and said, "You know, trying to pick a fight against me is pointless. You'll never win and for you to understand that I'll show you the fraction of my power."

Arthur snaps his fingers then suddenly so many huge stars appeared out of nowhere.

The both of them stops because of what they saw and Number 55 said, "Do you really think creating countless stars will kill us?"

Arthur smirk and said, "I wouldn't speak too soon if I were you because… (the 2 of them got crushed.) I guess I was too late."

The 2 of them was crushed all together as one like a crampled paper and Arthur said, "Come now, you said if you work together you can beat me so what now?"

Raguel's POV…

(I already know he's powerful but to this extent? This is beyond my expectations. He can create thousands of stars like nothing and use it's magnetic field to crush his enemy.)

Arthur walks away from them and stretches like he just came out from exercising and said, "They have the guts on spying on me but when they were at this situation they look so pathetic."

As he walks away the 2 slowly regenerates their body while struggling due to the intense and powerful pressure that the gravitational field that the stars produced that was created by Arthur.

Arthur glare at them and said, "You still want to fight like that? You know I'm not a big fan of toying with a weaklings like you so I'm going to end this now. Let's enter the 2nd phase of my domain."

Arthur snaps his firnger then suddenly all of the stars he created blows up like a supernova and everything insight.

The explosion created a massive destruction not just inside his domain but also 100,000 light years from his domain.

Arthur's POV…

(I guess I went overboard. Well, that will serve as a lesson to those entities who wish to pick a fight against us. If they wish to pick against master they'll have to go through us the strongest demons of demon kingdom.)

Arthur looked at Raguel and said, "Now that you've seen a fraction of my power I hope you won't try to pick a fight against us."

Raguel's POV…

(What? That was just a fraction of his power? If he's capable of this mass destruction then there's no way we can stand against him at his full power unless the God's and Demon Lords stands as one. Now thinking about it he said he has master. If he's this powerful then I couldn't imagine how inferior his master is. If we can't beat his subordinates then there's no way we can reach his master and it will still be our lost. Just who the hell are this people?)

Arthur's POV…

(He looked so surprised probably because he thinks I'm not capable of such attack like this. I haven't even gone to the 3rd and final phase of my domain, I didn't used my demon king form, and used the full power of my demon form. Well one day I might encounter someone who can rival my strength and power. That's outside the kingdom.)

While Leviathan was just watching along with her subordinates.

Sendar speak up and said, "So this is the pinnacle of Arthur strength. No wonder he's labeled as the strongest among the 7 pillars of the demon kingdom."

Leviathan smirked and said, "That's to be expected with Arthur. Only a few people can match up with his strength."

Yukari speak up and said, "Arthur is really so strong. No offense but I think Arthur surpassed Leviathan a lot. It's not yet his full power and yet he already demonstrated how powerful he is."

As the battle is already over the place that they're staying shakes and saw a huge light from a very distant universe like a very large explosion occurred that wiped out galaxies.

Arthur also saw this and said through telepathy, "Ivanka, why is master blowing up that galaxy?"

Arthur's POV…

(Judging by this energy it is master's doing.)

Ivanka answered, "I don't know the exact details but Amand and Lykka was sent to that galaxy to save Fiora (She showed up at Chapter 35.) It seems that the enemy caught wind of her betrayal so master wants to pull her out of there."

Arthur's POV…

(So I was wrong? Well it doesn't matter as long as everything went successful at their side as well.)

As he said those things inside his head a huge drawing of clock made up with curse energy appeared.

The clocks starts to strikes counter clockwise and reverse all of the damages caused by the battle started from the beginning till the end was restored back like nothing.

Arthur speak up and said, "So master was still watching at the very end of the battle. Well that's to be expected."

As time went by Bellia and Lora return back like nothing happened and Bellia looked around like confused and said, "What just happened? I thought I was going to die there for a moment but here I'm all fine."

Lora said, "Same goes with me."

Raguel looked down with shame at his expression and said, "We were just have been spared we were about to die but we were spared. We are outmatched and there's nothing we can do up to this point.

Arthur speak up and said, "You 3 should go now and leave before our master change her mind."

Raguel slowly walks out along with the 3 and said, "We may be defeated but it doesn't mean we won't try to retake this place again."

"Feel free to keep on trying nobody is going to stop you but keep this in your mind. As you have witnessed in your own eyes we're not an easy enemy."

Raguel and the other 2 listen for a moment and disappear like magic.

Leviathan undo her domain and stretches like she just came out from bed and said, "Finally, it's all over for good."

Arthur walks closely to Leviathan like he wanted to lean on her and said, "I'll leave her to your care."

As he said it Alicia's falls towards Leviathan and Leviathan immediately catches it and she said, "You can leave this to me and thanks for helping us."

Meanwhile on another universe there's a woman kneeling to the ground covered with chains like prisoner and right in front of her there are 3 people sitting at the high ground looking down at her like they are going to judge her crime and there are a lot of people watching as a witness as a judge states it's verdict.

The judge speak up and said, "I Roan Von Beatrix here by declare, Fiora Von Alexandrite be sentence to death! Due to her betrayal of spreading information to our enemy She will be hanged to death while being burned alive into the blaze of our people's hatred. On those who wish to oppose this decision will be branded as a accomplices! That's all!"

As the verdict is already stated the whole court room rumbles like there's an earthquake.

As the rumbling goes on a knight runs inside the court room and bow down at the person in the middle and said, "Your Majesty! I have an emergency report."

The person in the middle said, "Let's hear it."

The knight speak up and said, "There are intruders outsidjdjdsu.". The knight became sluggish with his speaking because she litterally turned into an old man and diel like a dried leaf as if the time was speed up for his life."

The person in the middle lost his composure and asked, "What the hell is going on here?"

The 2 judges besides the person slowly starts to panick along with the people who's witnessing the event slowly starts to panic but they all shuts up when Fiora started laughing like a crazy mad woman.

Fiora speaks up and said, "Now starting to see the reason why I joined them because I'm not an idiot. I'm not like the King who's sitting right infront of me right now thinking he can beat that. The person that even the goddess of Multiverse fear the most. You will die of your own foolishness and stupidity along with the people who supported you. Now you will claim the price of killing him Charles."

The king just laugh it off and said, "Do you really think I fear that Demon lord? I managed to kill him once through my scheme's and I can do it again."

After saying this the rumbling has stopped and a voice of a little girl echoed throughout the room saying, "So you were that person who made those human's so cocky enough to kill our master!" (It was Lykka herself.)

As the voice echoed the ceiling of the room shattered like a glass and a blindfolded little girl can be seen floating and slowly going down.

The walls behind the king and the 2 judge shattered a huge fist of a Titan passes through like the wall was being punch and the king and the judge was being thrown away. The fist returned back and created a huge hole.

A tall and good looking guy entered the huge hole wearing a business and smoking tabacco slowly entered and said in a cold tone, "Can you repeat what did you just say?"