
Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Phillips POV


I stayed in the living room while waiting for Andrew to come back home because it's getting late now and he hasn't returned back from his outing and this is making become quite worried, "Won't you go to rest your body sir?" Stella called out to me in a soft tone, she was wearing a night gown which truly exposed her beautiful shape as I kept staring with her before I regain my consciousness "I will go to sleep once I see Andrew, it's late and he is not yet back" I replied looking a bit worried as she came to sit close to me, "You don't need to worry yourself about Andrew anymore, he is now a full grown man and I'm pretty sure he can take good care of himself and avoid trouble" she replied while trying to sweet talk me to bed but I wasn't ready to give in to her trap.

  "i know he is very matured but he is still my sweet little boy and I will always get worried when I feel he is staying out late but I won't start calling him so that he won't think that I'm disturbing" I replied with a smile, "That's okay though but I feel he is passing through a lot right now coupled with your last request, it's not going to be easy for him at all" she replied looking a bit worried, I felt it too when she mentioned that fact but there is nothing I can do because time is running out on me and it's running very fast. "Yes, it's gonna be hard for him but I'm sure it will be a walk in the park if he listens to your advice and follow in your footsteps, I know why I created a branch of my company in Nigeria and you won't believe that you are the main reason why I'm fully rest assured that everything will go fine" I replied looking so happy, she looked a bit confused but she was however quick to carefully process the information and get the full idea 

"You of all people should understand that your son is one hard man to control, you wouldn't believe that he once wanted to leave my house because he felt my fiance was giving him issues" she replied, "are you serious right now, Andrew can be a hell of trouble sometimes, why didn't you tell me since" I replied. "It's nothing though because I have already sorted it out and things are going well as usual so it's better it remains that way for now but he will one day need to move out to his own house because he is gradually becoming a more matured individual and I fear that my fiance might have troubles with him based on the fact that he would want to have some privacy with me" she replied.

  "What privacy are you talking about, I'm pretty sure Andrew doesn't interfere into your private time with your sweetheart because he was not brought up in that manner at all" I replied looking a bit worried and confused with the way she branded the privacy part, "My fiance is one kind of guy that loves to do crazy things with me in every part of the house and one certain time, Andrew almost caught us red handed and my fiance is really getting a bit tired of having to control his urge to do something crazy all the time" she replied

That fiance of hers must be one kind of guy who doesn't even know how to control himself, "Why doesn't he practice his intimate character with you in his own house because I believe you are the owner of the house or does he own the house?" I asked so that I can be sure before saying something that might get her angry because getting a lady is very simple and the problem comes when you try to make her happy again, "He has his own house in Lekki and the house is quite expensive and far more spacious than mine but he chose to stay with me because he was lonely in his own apartment" she replied, I kept thinking on what to reply for some minutes before something flashed into my mind, "Then why don't you move over to his apartment when you feel the urge to do something freaky?, just a thought though" I replied trying as much as possible not to sound like I'm telling her to move out of her own apartment for my son to take over.

  "I can't just move to his apartment yet, remember we aren't married yet so it's better like this for now" she replied with a smile and just at that very moment, I heard a car drive into the compound and coming out to check it, I found out it was the car Andrew took out few hours ago so I simply went back to my chair to question him why he stayed out late. "Good evening dad" he greeted as he walked straight to the stairs, I remained quiet while I watched him move upwards like someone in haste, perhaps I should give him so time to freshen up before I talk to him later, "So now that your son is here, I would advise you to go to bed right now" Stella said as she left me all alone in the living room but I still stayed there even when she left as I told one of my guards to bring me a chilled wine from the fridge. One hour later, I walked to Andrew's room and I opened it only to find out that he was still wake with his face fixed at his laptop's screen

"Good evening dad, is there any problem?" he asked looking a bit uncomfortable with my presence and it wasn't really hard for me to notice that he wasn't expecting to see me in such an odd hour of the night, "I thought you would be sleeping right now, but now that you are awake, I would like to ask why you came back late?" I asked while taking my seat on the soft chair close to his bed. "I went to hang out with some of my friends, I haven't seen them in five years so I used this opportunity to meet them and do some fun things before I fly back to Nigeria" he replied but my attention was drawn to the pictures on his laptop screen, I turned my head a little to get a clear view and I saw a naked woman which was used as his wallpaper and this got me completely shocked because I have never seen him take pride in using this kind of pictures.

  And he seems he was searching for something relating to night club because a chrome browser was minimized at the side of his screen, "What are you doing son?, never knew you were into naked women pictures" I replied with no intention to question him further on this topic because I know he won't want to talk about such things with me. "Dad it's just a wallpaper, that's all and by the way I do like most of these naked pictures I come across on the internet" he replied, "But you are searching for something relating to night clubs in Lagos, Nigeria, what are you up to this time?" I asked looking a bit serious this time 

"Dad I think this is not really necessary right now because you are the one who requested that I get married and bear you a grandchild, so I see no reason why I should start revealing my plans on how to successfully carry this mission without mistakes, just relax and I will bring my dream wife to you for prayers before we proceed to the final stage, hope this okay?" he asked looking so serious and at this point, I figured that I should leave him to do what he needs to do because asking him any question will make him angry and I'm the one who is going suffer if he eventually gets angry because I'm the one who wants a grandchild badly so I have to cooperate and keep cool, "Alright son, I will head to my room now" I replied and left immediately before I get angry.

  I walked to my room and sat down on my bed thinking for a while as my wife continued to enjoy her sleep before she eventually woke up to meet me in a deep thinking state, "What is going on sweetheart?" she asked and her voice startled me a little because I didn't expect her to wake up all of a sudden, "I feel I made a big mistake by telling Andrew the truth, I should have told only you and make sure it didn't get to that young boy's ears" I replied looking so depressed. "Baby you think too much and it will make you live the few moments of your life looking so depressed, you have to free your mind and let everything happen at the right time and by the way, you did the best thing by telling your secret to Andrew because I would have leaked it to him in one way or the other" she replied

"The way Andrew acts makes me so sad, he acts like someone who doesn't want me around at all and this makes me feel sad all the time and I don't know how to tell him this that's why I was thinking that I made the wrong decision by revealing it to him. Perhaps I should have kept to myself and die with my cancer at least he will know about it when I'm gone" I replied as tears rolled down my eyes but she quickly cleaned it up with her night gown, "Please don't cry, trust me when I said you did the right thing, don't mind your son, I seriously need to talk some sense into that young fellow because his habits are getting sour by each passing day" she replied and tried walking out of the room when I held her back. "There is no need to talk to him about, he is obviously going crazy with the idea of getting a good wife for himself so I think that's the reason why he is acting like this" i replied

  "Hmmmm, alright let's go bed then because I can't sleep until I confirm that you are fast asleep" she replied and we both slept together in bed while cuddling each other like fresh lovers, sometimes I do imagine what life would have been for me without my wife, I still remember the first day I met her, she was like the dream girl of every guy back then because she dresses so beautiful and sexy too. I got her number when I approached her like a man and believe when I say it wasn't easy for me to even approach her at all but I shut my eyes, hoping to say the next day 



I woke up the next day looking so energized for some reason so I quietly freshened up and brush my teeth before I heading downstairs to sat my breakfast as the chef has prepared salad for everyone this morning, I had to see my doctor today so I better hurry up to the hospital but I met my wife in the garage when I sneaked out of the house again like a thief in daytime, "Where are you going to young man?" she asked with her arms crossed, waiting for me to throw a lie at her so that she could prove me wrong that I'm lying, "I'm going to see my doctor, you can come along if you want" I replied and the look on her face changed suddenly and she smiled a little. "But what are you going to see him for?" she asked, "I want to run some test on my body so that I will know what's up and what to avoid so that I worsen up my case" I replied with a smile. 

  "Alright then, let me get dressed and follow you, just give me few minutes" she replied and ran inside quickly while I went to the garden to explore some of the new flowers, seems the gardener has been doing a great work ever since and I didn't even pay much attention to all these things few months ago because I was greatly occupied with a lot of things, Do you like them sir?" the gardener called from behind as he walked to me to send his greetings, "They are amazing, you did a good job by the way and I will reward you handsomely when I get back" I replied and he walked away with a broad smile on his face.

Looking at the right side of the garden, I found someone sitting close to the beautiful rose flowers so I walked closer to see who it was and I was shocked to see Andrew sitting there with his eyes gazed on the flowers, he didn't even notice my presence so I kept starting at him for more than thirty minutes until my wife called my name to see if I ran way without taking her along with me, Andrew was shocked when he finally realized my presence "Good morning sir, I'm really sorry the way I spoke to you last night, I was only sad because of many things that has been happening lately and I don't know how to process all these informations the way they are flocking into my head" he replied looking so helpless, I walked towards him as gave a tight hug.

  He didn't expect it though but he crossed his arms around my back which signified that he wanted to hug me all these while, "I have forgiven you and I also understand what you are going through right now and believe it when I say that I'm greatly pained to see you like this" just take out time to rest and process everything", I replied as I walked down to met my wife and head straight for the hospital because I just got a text from the doctor now, seems he won't be on seat for long so I have to see him while I can 

We got to the hospital after a forty five minutes drive although I wasn't the one who droved the car, had to make use of my personal driver because my wife won't even allow me to touch the steering wheel and on getting to the hospital, I saw the doctor in the reception and he quickly walked to him and lead me to his office while my wife followed us like a lost sheep, "Wasn't expecting to see you in the reception" I said after me and my wife sat down on the two chairs in his office, "I had to come meet you myself at the reception because a fight broke out here yesterday because one man came from nowhere and made his way to the doctor's office based on the fact that he is super rich but a muscular guy who appears to be a body builder however brought the guy down" the doctor replied