
Chapter 109

Chapter 109

I swallowed my saliva on hearing that because I know what it means to be beaten up by a muscular guy, I had a similar experience when I was 25 years old, and it all started when I tried talking to this guy who was harassing his girlfriend in public because she refused to give him a kiss and as a good Samaritan, I decided to talk to the guy and it was like a dream when he gave me a hot slap on the face, his five fingers were boldly imprinted on my face like a tattoo and I spent three days in the hospital trying to treat up the injury because it was painful. "Did they fight or what, I can't imagine that people are just turning to animals in human form these days" my wife replied looking a bit angry, "We quickly came to the scene and stopped the fight and our security officials dragged the both of them outside to settle the issue amicably because they were making huge noises in the reception" the doctor replied.

  "Well that's their problem, doctor I have done as you said and It wasn't easy for me at all but I finally opened up to my wife and son" I replied after taking a deep breath, my wife looked at me with a smile as she placed her hands on my thighs, "You did the best thing and I do respect you for this sir" the doctor replied. "Can't believe you kept this from me too even when I came to you several times, asking you what was going on with my husband's health, you men are too secretive in nature" my wife called out to the doctor who kept smiling like a drunkard

"Your husband told me not to tell another soul, so I had to remain silent so that I don't end up ruining the relationship I have with my patient" the doctor replied, he wasn't wrong at all because I would have done the same thing if I was in his shoes so it's a normal thing, "I see, so my husband only has one year and few months to live according to what the test results confirmed?" my wife asked, she wanted to get the information again from the doctor, perhaps she thought i was playing a prank on he. "Yes ma'am, I'm really sorry it has to be this way but I can assure you that I and other doctors have started a research to see if we can get a cure to your husband's cancer, we have also partnered with some top scientist in the country so everything will be fine" the doctor replied, his words were encouraging but I have already made up my mind to accept my fate and move on with my life, there is no point waiting or hoping for cure when I know it's a 50:50 chance because I know it might not go well but I just have to pretend to be hopeful so that my wife doesn't start worrying too much 

  "Thank you very much doctor, we are counting on you" she replied while holding my hands very tight, "That's not a problem but sir I would like to ask if you have any grandchild?" the doctor asked and my wife was quite shocked because she wasn't expecting the doctor to ask that kind of question as it is not related to what we are discussing right now. "I don't have a grandchild and why are you asking such questions, is anything wrong?" I asked looking so uncomfortable, "I don't mean to intrude into your private life but I just felt like asking because most patients who had similar cancer like you often cry when I tell them that they don't have much time left and over the years I have found out that reason for this is because most of them are sad about the fact that they won't live to see their sons and daughters get married and bear them grandchildren" he replied

I remained silent for a while trying to process what the doctor just said because this is the first time I'm hearing such words from his mouth, I have always known him to be a quiet man who doesn't talk unless when necessary so for him to be saying this now means he wants to offer me a solution or advice, "So what do you have in mind for me, you can say anything you want because there is nothing that can hurt me again" I replied while my wife remained quiet as she watched both of us like a movie. "Sir I would advise you to talk to your son and beg him t get married and bear you a grandson or daughter so that you can at least see the fruit of labor, the last patient who was diagnosed of cancer in this hospital kept crying for hours because he's was far more worse than yours, he had only three months as the cancer has eaten deep into his body system and there was no chance of him surviving at all but the painful part that made the man to cry was when he told me that he had eight sons who refused to get married all in the name that they aren't ready to settle down, the man was in his late 70's" the doctor replied.

  I felt pity for the man even though I didn't really meet him in person because it's quite painful to have eight sons who are not willing to settle down and get married, it's better not to have children than to have such kind of children who won't want to see their father smile. "I have already talked to my son to get married and give me a grandchild before the day of my death arrives, it's not going to he easy for him and the confusion surrounding him can be seen from all angles and I can't help but blame myself for putting him through such stress" I replied looking so sad but my wife held me back as she assured me that everything will be okay. "Don't worry doctor, I know you are trying your best to ensure that your patient feels happy once more as you have seen so many patients who died with pains in their hearts but I can assure you that my husband's own will be different. It actually feels weird to live with the fact that the man I'm seeing today will be no more in one year and few months time but I will spend these few months well and cherish it with all heart" she replied as tears flowed down her cheeks 

It was like a joke when we both started shedding tears as the doctor couldn't help but stare at us in with pity on his face "I will cherish the moments with you and see to it that we have the best time of our lives together even it's going to be limited". I replied and the doctor however prayed for me and this was the first time in my life that I'm receiving a prayer from a doctor, most doctors I have seen often try to sweet talk their patients into thinking that they can overcome their sickness when it's just a 50:50 chance but mine keeps it real and promises nothing that he isn't sure of, we left his office few minutes later as we went back to the car.

  The driver opened the door and we sat down at the back seat as he drove out of the hospital, one getting to a particular point, my wife signaled the driver to stop her at the saloon so that she could fix her hair, "I would call the driver to pick me up when I'm done, hope that's okay by you?" she asked after she came down from the car, "That won't be a problem, see you later" I replied and the driver zoomed off immediately but I don't feel like going home right now because I will be bored up so easily, perhaps I should head over to the cinema and watch a movie, "Take me to the cinema, I want to watch a movie before going home" I called out to the driver, "Alright sir," he replied and changed the direction on the GPS and he made a turn on the next street heading to the cinema 

I got to the cinema few minutes later and I walked inside to buy a ticket and some popcorn to eat, the movie was quite interesting and for the first time, I forgot about all my problems as I fully focused on the movie until my eyes got attracted to the guy by my side as he kept staring at me while the movie was still playing. The room was dark and I couldn't see his face clearly but I noticed he was wearing some eye shades, who wears eye shade in the dark?, "Can I help you sir?" I asked when I became uncomfortable with the way he kept staring at me every five minutes.

  "So bad you can't even recognize your own family members when you see them in public" he replied, and I paused for a moment to properly check him out because his voice sounds familiar and I feel he must be someone very close to me, "Please it's dark in here, why don't we come outside so that we can talk more and see each other well" I replied as I stood up from the chair hoping that he would follow me too. We both came outside and I was shocked when I saw his face after he removed the shades, it's my very own brother that I have avoided all these while, I have refused to talk with him ever since I got diagnosed with cancer because he is a medical doctor who works in the same hospital that I normally go for check up, "Daniel, what a pleasant surprise, I didn't expect you to be here" I replied looking a bit shocked 

"Phillip my dear brother, you don't have to hide it from me anymore when I already know the truth about everything, let's go to the eatery section and talk a little" he replied and walked straight to the elevator while I followed him like a sheep, on getting to the eatery section. We both sat down on two soft chairs, "What truth are you talking about brother?" I asked because I know I haven't told anyone anything relating to my cancer so there is no way he could have heard it from someone else, "You think I don't know you are suffering from cancer?, have you forgotten that I work in the same hospital you are just coming from?" he asked.

  "Your work only permits you to treat and take of children and pregnant women so how on earth did you come across such information?" I asked looking a bit angry, "Well it wasn't that hard, I just had to hack into the laboratory system and I found all your test results" he replied. I was shocked to my bones when he revealed what he did to actually get my test results, hacking into the hospital's system is so uncalled for and I don't know how to tell him that he is just being foolish and inquisitive, "Now that you know that I have cancer, what are you going to do about it?" I asked 

"I can't do anything about it because you are the one who is going to die very soon so the only thing I want to tell you is to quickly force your son into marriage or make him impregnate any girl so that you will at least see your grandchild before you die" he replied and for some reason, I feel he is trying to mock me because I don't have a grandchild, "And what makes you think I will take such drastic measures that will ruin my son's life?" I asked with anger.

  "Well I have always known you to very stubborn but I just want to say that I'm sorry for all what has happened between us these past few years, please let's get back together as one" he replied, "I don't want to get back with you, all you want to do is to mock me and you have succeeded with your plan so can you please leave me alone or do you want to insult me the more?" I asked because at this point, I'm very angry and I feel like beating him up. "Aren't you tired of fighting me?, we always fought each other when we were kids, don't tell me you still have that character within you. I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you but I seriously want to make peace between us and I'm also sorry for avoiding you when I saw for myself that you were diagnosed of cancer, that was a big fault on my part and I'm really sorry" he replied

I kept staring at him without saying a single word because I was just too angry to say anything to him right now, he calls himself my brother but he avoided me when he knew I had cancer, well thank God I also avoided him too. Seems we have nothing in common but to let peace reign, I just have to forgive him "I have forgiven you brother" I replied and gave him a hug. 

  "I promise to put in all my efforts with your personal doctor and we will look for a way to cure your cancer" he replied, "How do you intend to do that?" I asked because he just mentioned my personal doctor and I'm pretty sure that my doctor doesn't associate with him that much, "I over heard your personal doctor speaking with other doctors on a conference call and he was calling out to them so that they could come together and find a cure for you, so I decided to join him and offer my support in the research" he replied

I was somehow pleased with what he said and I smiled at him but he didn't even know why I was smiling as he kept looking at me expecting that I would say something. "Alright, thank you so much. I better start going home" I replied and left him at the eatery without even turning back but he quickly ran after me and we met outside again, "But I hope you will take the little advice I gave you because it's good to have a grandchild, I never knew the joy it brings till I had my own grandchild" he replied.

  I simply nodded my head and smiled at him while getting into my car, I told the driver to take me home directly because I'm getting tired of this discussion and I just want to go home and rest my head, it's been a long day already and I need some rest. "Your wife just called me to come pick her up at the salon, she's already done with hair" he replied. If we go to the salon, my wife would know that I went somewhere else but I was ready to tell her the truth anyways