
The Return of the End: Apocalypse Reborn

When the apocalypse strikes, The world as we know it started to come to an. The once-blue skies turn dark and Black rain started to fall, the streets run red with the blood of the fallen. The apocalypse has arrived, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. But for one survivor, the end is only the beginning. Thrown back in time to a moment before the catastrophe, he must navigate the treacherous landscape of a world about to be destroyed. Create a team of powerful personnels with his knowledge of future.With the clock ticking and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, he must race against time to survive the impending doom once more.

Devil_Yagami · Acción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

chapter 25:- Mutated Elements

Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events, people, or places is coincidental. The author does not endorse or promote any harmful or illegal activities, including violence, discrimination, or harmful survival practices. The novel's content is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as a guide for real-life survival or preparedness. Always prioritize safety, respect, and well-being in your actions and decisions.


After hearing about her brother's situation and noticing the uncertainty on his face, Ji-yoon stepped forward, her determination evident. "Give me the Nexarion," she demanded.

Min-su didn't hesitate. He handed it to her, and Ji-yoon quickly ingested it, sitting down in a lotus position to meditate. The group watched in tense silence, but nothing happened. The air remained still, her aura unchanged.

Min-su frowned slightly but remained composed. He gave her another Nexarion. Ji-yoon swallowed it and resumed her meditation, yet again, nothing occurred. No spark, no sign of transformation.

The group exchanged nervous glances as Min-su handed her a third Nexarion, then a fourth. Still, the same unsettling calm. By the time she had ingested the sixth Nexarion, whispers began to spread through the crowd. Was something wrong with her?

But on the seventh Nexarion, everything changed.

A surge of energy erupted around Ji-yoon, enveloping her in a fierce, blazing aura of bright orange. The sheer intensity of it forced everyone to take a step back. The air crackled with heat, and Ji-yoon's figure was cloaked in a radiant orange glow that pulsed with immense power.

Min-su burst into laughter, the sound cutting through the roaring energy. "Hahaha! I've found a diamond in the coal mine!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Kang-min, cautious and protective of his sister, approached Min-su warily. "Why are you laughing? What's happening to her?"

Min-su turned to him, a wide grin still plastered on his face. "Your sister... is a fire mage. And not just that—she has a mutated element."

Kang-min's eyes widened with concern. "Mutated element? What does that mean?"

Min-ho, intrigued, stepped forward as well. His curiosity got the better of him. "What's a mutated element?"

Min-su's expression shifted to one of anticipation as he addressed the group. "Since Ji-yoon is still meditating, let me explain. You all know the basic elements one can awaken, right?"

The group nodded in unison, their focus entirely on Min-su.

"Among all the elements, only two have the potential to mutate: fire and thunder. And when they mutate, there are seven different variations they can take. Min-ho," he said, turning to his brother, "your fire element is a seventh-grade Red Scorching Earth Fire. But what Ji-yoon has is something extraordinary—a sixth-grade Orange Sunglare Fire."

The group listened in awe, the tension in the air thickening as Min-su continued. "The difference lies in their burning temperature. It's incredibly hard to extinguish a fire of this grade. The potential power and control she'll wield is unlike anything you've seen."

Min-ho's eyes widened, and the others exchanged shocked glances. The reality of what it meant to have a mutated element was sinking in.

Min-su's smile grew darker as he surveyed the group, his voice filled with promise. "This is just the beginning. The power of a mutant with a high-grade element is almost unimaginable. We're standing on the verge of something great. Some of you may also awaken a mutated element, so give it your all and let's survive through this hell altogether."

Everyone roared with their newfound motivation and desire to strive for strength and power.

Min-ho's curiosity deepened as he absorbed everything Kim Min-su had said. Unable to hold back, he asked, "What about the remaining grades of fire and thunder elements, Hyung?"

Min-su's eyes gleamed, as if recalling something both awe-inspiring and dangerous. "For the fire element," he began, "the fifth-grade flame is called the Golden Dragon Fire. The fourth-grade is the Green Lotus Flame. The third-grade is the Netherborn Fire, the second-grade is the Majestic Phoenix Flame, and the most powerful, first-grade, is the Heaven Annihilation Flame."

Hearing those names, Min-ho and the others could only imagine the immense power behind those flames, their minds racing with possibilities. But only Min-su truly understood the terrifying potential of each. He had both witnessed and fought against them, and the memories lingered like scars.

'Among those flames,' Min-su thought grimly, 'the Majestic Phoenix Flame was the most irritating. Even if its wielder's body is split in half horizontally, it can regenerate them completely. A fire that restores life itself...'

Min-su looked up, noticing the expressions of awe and disbelief on everyone's faces. He allowed a small, knowing smile before continuing.

"As for the thunder element," he said, his tone once again commanding attention, "the seventh-grade is called Azure Spark Thunder. Sixth-grade is Tempest Void Thunder. The fifth is Primal Storm Thunder, the fourth is Obsidian Gale Thunder, the third is Abyssal Pulse Thunder, the second is Phantasmal Echo Thunder, and the strongest, first-grade, is the Celestial Void Thunder."

As Min-su finished listing the thunder grades, the group was left in stunned silence. The sheer power those names invoked was enough to leave anyone speechless.

But Min-ho wasn't done with his questions. "Hyung, what are their properties?" he asked eagerly.

Min-su chuckled lightly. "That's a story for another day, Min-ho," he replied, his voice teasing but firm. "Right now, let's focus on Ji-yoon. She's about to emerge from her meditation."

The attention of the group shifted to Han Ji-yoon, who was still sitting in meditation, bathed in the faint remnants of her orange aura. Though her eyes were closed and her breathing steady, Min-su, with his decades of experience, could tell that the fire energy coursing through her had been absorbed and was calming. The once violent mana fluctuations in her aura had settled, indicating that her transformation was complete.

"She's nearly done," Min-su murmured, a note of pride in his voice as he glanced at Han Kang-min. "Congratulate her when she opens her eyes. Your sister's strength has just taken its first step into something extraordinary."

The group watched in silent anticipation, the weight of Min-su's words hanging in the cold air. The storm clouds above them seemed to thrum in resonance with the moment, as if nature itself was acknowledging the power that had just been awakened.