
The Quirkless Hero: Variable (Mha)

When he found out he was Quirkless. he thought his dream of being a hero was over. until one day, a villain approached him offering him power. as he shook the devil's hand. he gained the one thing he wanted most, but at what cost? Disclaimer: I do not own the original characters of My Hero Academia. P'S: Mc is gonna be arrogant at first. but he's gonna numb down throughout the story.

KingHadesUltimate · Cómic
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14 Chs

"Duo Cai"

5 minutes after the match, Katashi bombarded Naoya with multiple martial art styles, but the latter was still able to mysteriously tank them.

Katashi can be seen throwing a barrage of strikes at Naoya, who barely dodged and deflected most of it.

He was hit on the cheek temporarily disorienting him, giving Katashi the opening to land a lick on his knees.

after Katashi kicked him in the knees, he grabbed Naoya's right arm and performed a shoulder throw, dropping him on the ground.

"Ghhh! Damn brat" Naoya used his left arm to smack Katashi with the back of his fist, Katashi narrowly dodged the attack and stepped back to gain control.

Naoya then rolled back and performed a down-ward kick hitting katashi on the back of the head. Dropping his face-first onto the ground. He tried to stand up and retreat but was promptly stopped by Naoya who grabbed his left arm.

Naoya pulled Katashi's arm and tripped his foot to then kick him in the chest and shoulder.

"Kah" Katashi spewed blood and tried to punch Naoya on the stomach.


'There it is again, it's what I felt against Uncle Hu' Katashi began to analyze the sound but he saw an incoming punch from Naoya and tried to block it.

The Punch went through his arm and landed on his face, launching him multiple meters and crashing into a wall.


"H-hey Naoya, aren't you going too far?" the other kids began to get concerned for Katashi, but still decided to not move from their spots.

"Tsk, he'll be training with us from now on, the least he could do is get used to the pain" Naoya responded before running at katashi to land a dropkick

However, he felt a sharp pain on his face which lunged him multiple meters away. rolling around on the grand to land on his knees, he began to furiously look for the assailant.

"I think that's enough for now" Cheng hu had decided to end the spar.

"You wouldn't want him to be unconscious on his first day here, I've still got to tell him about our organization"

He walked over to Katashi to lend him a hand and escorted him to a chair.

"You felt it didn't you, That metal bang?"

Cheng hu pulled out a cigar and leaned on a chair.

"That only one of the techniques I'm gonna teach Ya if you join my 'little' Group"

"So, what do you want to learn about first? The technique or our little group?"

A few moments pass before Katashi replied.

"I don't want to learn about your group, just tell me the 'martial' that you promised me"

"Whew, right to business, are we? Fine." Cheng Hu puff on his cigar for a few moments before throwing it away

"Tell me first, why don't you want to learn about us?"

"If I were to know your little group, that'd make me an accomplice, but if I were just to learn something unrelated to 'your group'..."

"Ah I see, you're quite smart, aren't you?"

'So, he doesn't want to get involved with us, huh? That's fine for now, you'll get 'addicted' sooner or later' Cheng Hu said to himself

"Fine, so first off, Our Martial art is called "Duo Cai" It means many-sided skill, It's practically a martial art that can help you adapt to any situation" he paused to inspect Katashi's reaction and body language.

"It targets vital areas, Exploits acupuncture points, it even makes use of different types of weapons. It's a technique that's fit for someone say 'Quirkless'

it even offers other options such as strategic retreat.

In other words, it's a flawless technique better than anything else" Cheng hu stood up from his chair and walked to a wall.

"My quirk isn't super strength but with this technique" he positioned his fist right next to the wall and punched it.

creating a huge crater on the wall which surprised everyone, even his students.

'What the? That's got to be bullshit, how can you punch that hard without a quirk' katashi pondered in his head.

"I can sense that you have doubts, do not feel pressured, in time, you'll be able to perform this as well" he looked at Katashi and his students.

"Are you ready to evolve?"

The kids on the back cheered and applauded Cheng Hu.

"if you have doubts, we can send a student to perform the technique Master Hu just demonstrated"

an old man appeared out of nowhere behind Katashi.

'What the? I couldn't sense him?'

"Oh Katashi, meet my right-hand man, his name is fang Jian" Cheng hu formally introduced Katashi to the mysterious old man. Oozing an intimidating aura. if one were to describe it, they would mention the smell of iron and misery.

"It's a pleasure to meet you"

Katashi was cautious of the man before speaking his mind

"Do it," Katashi said under his breath, but Fang Jian heard it nonetheless.


"Send a student right now," Katashi said louder

"Kazuma, perform the technique Master Hu just performed" the old man commanded one of the kids.

"Yes sir" A young kid replied before jumping off a tall box.

He had spiky brown hair and sporting a black and green jumpsuit.

"You better watch me well, newbie."

He entered a normal fighting stance and began to exhale.

"Watch his arm closely" Old man Fang said to Katashi who looked at him before looking at Kazuma

'To perform 'Iron-Breaker' one must clench every muscle in their body as much as possible, then when landing the strike you must release the clench, the result will be a devastating punch'

Kazuma began to Punch the wall by pulling his arm back as far as possible.


The punch landed on the wall resulting in a small crater. the sleeves of his jumpsuit couldn't contain the force of his punch and ripped to shreds.

"So, Newbie, did you watch all that?" Kazuma pridefully boasted.

"!!!" Katashi was now convinced of the power of 'Dou Cai'

"Oh yeah, Kazuma is also quirkless, just like you" Old Man Fang dropped another Bombshell on Katashi.

"In fact, all of them are quirkless, just like you" Cheng Hu added.

"It seems you're getting along with Fang, that's good because starting from today onwards he'll be your instructor. I'll train you guys from time to time of course~"

Katashi however was still cautious of fang and planned to keep his distance from him during training.

'Will this martial art help me achieve my goal? No, I just fought with Naoya who completely overpowered me with a technique.

I don't know much about this organization, nor would I want to learn more about it. But if this technique can help me achieve what I want, Then I'll gladly shake hands with the devil.

Cheng Hu is observing Katashi from afar, satisfied with his expression.

'Just like father and son, eh?'

What does Cheng Hu mean by that though?

1158 words

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