
the pirate avenger

Carl Queen was an ordinary boy, if you could call anyone ordinary in this chaotic world. He was an average high school student, living in the suburbs with his loving parents, attending classes, and hanging out with his friends. There was nothing exceptional about Carl—at least, that's what he believed. But life, as it often does, had other plans. "Where am I?" Carl muttered to himself, trying to shake off the dizziness. Suddenly, a holographic screen appeared before him, with text written in a font he recognized from countless hours of watching One Piece. The screen read: [Welcome to the Marvel Universe, Carl Queen. You have been granted the One Piece System. Your adventure begins now.]

B_M_2829 · Película
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32 Chs

Chapter 24: The Price of Power

Carl leaned heavily on Steve as they made their way back to the Quinjet. His body still ached from the battle with the shadows, the strain of using the Set of Ancient Powers leaving him drained and exhausted. The others exchanged glances, their concern evident, but no one spoke. The tension hung in the air like a thick fog, weighing on them as they walked in silence.

The Set around Carl's neck had dimmed, the once-blinding light now reduced to a faint glow. He could feel its weight more than ever, not just physically but mentally. The struggle with the shadows had been more than just a fight—it had been a test, a battle for control. And while Carl had won, he couldn't shake the feeling that the darkness was still there, lurking just beneath the surface, waiting for another chance to strike.

"You did good back there," Steve said quietly, his voice breaking the silence.

Carl managed a weak smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Thanks, but I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up."

"You've been through worse," Steve reminded him, his tone firm. "We'll figure this out, together."

The others were already aboard the Quinjet, Tony typing away on a holographic console while Natasha and Clint exchanged low words near the cockpit. As soon as Carl and Steve stepped inside, Tony glanced up, his brow furrowed.

"So, are you going to tell us what the hell that was?" Tony asked, his tone a mixture of curiosity and frustration. "Because last time I checked, fighting literal shadows wasn't on the agenda."

Carl sat down heavily in one of the seats, running a hand through his hair. "I'm still trying to figure that out myself," he admitted. "The Set… it's not just a tool. It's connected to something bigger, something ancient. Those shadows weren't just random enemies. They were after the Set."

Natasha crossed her arms, her gaze sharp. "And what happens if they get it?"

Carl hesitated, feeling the weight of their eyes on him. "If they get the Set… they'll have control over a power that could tear reality apart. The shadows aren't just creatures—they're part of a dimension that exists outside our own. If they break through, we'll be dealing with something far worse than anything we've faced."

The room fell silent again, the gravity of Carl's words sinking in. Tony frowned, leaning back in his seat. "So, what's the plan? Because if these things come back, we're going to need more than a light show to stop them."

Carl closed his eyes, trying to steady his thoughts. He hadn't fully processed what had happened, but one thing was clear: the shadows weren't gone. They were waiting, and they wouldn't stop until they had the Set.

"We need answers," Carl said, his voice resolute. "I need to understand what the Set really is, where it came from, and what these shadows want. If I can figure that out, maybe we'll have a chance of stopping them for good."

Steve nodded, his expression serious. "Then we start digging. We'll find out everything we can about the Set, about the shadows, and anything else that might help us."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "And where exactly do we start? Ancient shadow-dimensions aren't exactly my area of expertise."

"We'll start with what we know," Natasha said, her voice calm but firm. "Carl, you mentioned the Set is connected to something ancient. Are there any leads you've already uncovered?"

Carl thought back to the moment when the Set had activated, to the voice that had spoken in his mind, urging him to embrace the darkness. There had been something familiar about it, something that felt like it had been there all along, waiting for him to unlock it.

"There's a place," Carl said slowly, piecing the fragments together. "A temple, hidden deep in the mountains of Wakanda. The Set was found there centuries ago, but no one's ever been able to fully unlock its power. If there's any place that can give us answers, it's there."

"Wakanda?" Tony smirked. "Well, at least we know they've got the tech to help us out."

Steve shot Tony a look, but there was a hint of agreement in his eyes. "We'll need to coordinate with T'Challa. If anyone can guide us through Wakanda's hidden history, it's him."

Clint, who had been quiet until now, finally spoke up. "So, we're going to Wakanda to play archaeologists? Great. As long as I'm not the one dealing with more shadow monsters, I'm in."

Carl chuckled, despite himself. Clint's sarcasm was a welcome distraction from the tension that hung over them. But even as he smiled, the heaviness of what they were about to face lingered in the back of his mind. Wakanda held secrets—secrets that might be the key to everything. But unlocking those secrets would come at a cost.

As the Quinjet took off, Carl leaned back in his seat, his thoughts swirling. The Set pulsed faintly against his chest, a constant reminder of the power he now held. But that power came with a price, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep it at bay.


Wakanda's capital city was a breathtaking sight, with its gleaming towers and advanced technology blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. As the Quinjet descended, Carl couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Wakanda was unlike any place he had ever been, its rich history and culture evident in every detail.

T'Challa, the Black Panther, awaited them at the landing pad, flanked by members of the Dora Milaje. His expression was calm, but Carl could see the curiosity in his eyes as he approached.

"Welcome to Wakanda," T'Challa said, his deep voice carrying authority. "I have been briefed on the situation. You believe the Set of Ancient Powers is connected to an ancient threat?"

Carl nodded, stepping forward. "There's more to it than just the Set. The shadows we fought—they're tied to a dimension beyond our own. I think the Set is some kind of key, but I don't fully understand what it unlocks. I was hoping Wakanda's archives might have some answers."

T'Challa considered his words for a moment before nodding. "Wakanda has guarded many secrets over the centuries. If there is knowledge to be found, it will be in the archives of the Golden City. But be warned—the answers you seek may not be what you expect."

Carl swallowed, feeling the weight of T'Challa's words. "I know. But we don't have a choice. If we don't figure this out, the shadows will come back. And next time, we might not be able to stop them."

T'Challa's gaze softened slightly, and he placed a hand on Carl's shoulder. "Then let us begin. The archives are vast, but with time and determination, we will uncover the truth."

As they made their way toward the city's heart, Carl couldn't shake the feeling that the deeper they delved into Wakanda's secrets, the closer they were coming to a revelation that would change everything. The Set of Ancient Powers had chosen him for a reason, but what that reason was—and what price he would have to pay—remained to be seen.