

indeed an adventure, crime, power. let us see what will come of the enthusiasm to reach the top

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7 Chs

The Beautiful Butterfly

Unlike my brother, I am a totally different person.My names are Asunmo woleola. I have always been a good boy from the moment I was born. I attended many competition for my primary school, Auntie Toyin n/p schools. if not the best, I was one of the best student in my school. I graduated winning different awards like the state best student, the cowbell competition award, the macmillian best student, the most generous, the most punctual student and many more awards. everone in my school liked me including my teachers for being good, excellent, kind and generous.

I had my dreams, how will I ever compromise it. when I was even in the secondary school, I had even taken the school to the world level in terms of competition. my team and I had won several competition, both home and abroad.

the wind blew a dry brown leave rationally, as it was at the peack of the hamarttan. I was having a walk with Mariam Tayeitan. she was a writer. Mariam wore a pink scarf on her head, covering her hair from the middle to the back, showing the dark beautiful wavy hair arranged miraculously.

the sun was so hot that she had to hold an umbrella, though not big enough for both of us.

"what is your next project" I asked ." the sunshine, mr wole" it is a topic I just thought of. she said before glancing at my face with a very broad smile showing her white spakling upper teeth and the dimples on her chick, that has been making me forget my name anytime she smiles. she had been someone I loved from my jss1.

"... hope you've read my last novel?" she asked

"hnmmm, yes ...." I replied

"wow!" she exclaimed as she smiled again

I have always been your number one fans" I said with a smiling tone.

she threw me a friendly jab that immediately landed on my chest before I grabed it.

" Maryam, you just punched my heart!,"

"your heart? that goes a long way"

" of , course you just punched my chest with your blow, but you punched my heart by having a walk with me!"

hnmm! reepoorter! she emphasized

"stop flattering me" she said with a smile as she focused on the plastic bottle at the road side.

" novelist! you've started turning things off as you did some years ago"

she returned her focus to me and laughed showing her white sparkling teeth again.i moved closer to her and held her hand gently trying to pluck my lips on hers but she interrupted.

but, how did you settle your crisis with your father?

she asked, changing the discusion.

"crisis?" "settle?"

"I don't think my father his ready to settle any conflict" he has always choosed my bro over me, I paused " we just have to get along" I continued.

"but he latter agreed for you to study journalism, didint he?

"no he didn't" I replied

mtchew!, two stubborn lions, she interjected

" just let us be, I hope he realised that journalism is my passion in the future."

"okay oo" walking silently beside me while I was doing the remaining talking

I really wanna be a journalist, he suddenly came up with the idea of being a lawyer.

lawyer my foot! I will have a wig on my head and put on a black garment everywhere. I said

I only agreed for a while before moving on with my own career" I included

I paused and realised Tayeitan was absent minded, "Mariam!!! I called three times before she could avert her gaze back to me.she was confused as if she just woke up from a deep slumber

" what is the problem was what I managed to say"

" I love you" looking away instantly

my jaw droped.siliver was even rushing out of my mouth. I had never had been this shocked .

"that's good! that's good!! that's good!!! was all I could say. I couldnt even care more about the butterflies in my belly as I was so happy. the reply I have been expecting for long, I thought

" but" she stopped

but what, I asked immediately as my heart is beating at the highest speed

I am scared" she said

of who? I questioned

Eyi, your brother, she said as she stopped for a while

he had always been pastring me, she said

don't worry much about that, I will handle him, I said

he even threaten me.

he will do nothing to you if he knows that you are my woman now, I said

she moved closer to me and pluck her lips on mine. I cannot be less happier. there we stood in that silent street, it was getting late already when my phone "hmmm! that is my favourite song AM ALIVE BY CELLIN DION" an evergreen she said.