

indeed an adventure, crime, power. let us see what will come of the enthusiasm to reach the top

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the prodigal2:The Bad Egg

wole's POV

Immedietaly officer Asunmo williams, I frozed. not that I wasn't happy to see my father, but my father and I had not been in good term from time in memorial. he had always love and favoured my brother over me.

My father fathered two children, my Older brother and I .my older brother names are Asunmo Eyitayo. He is an handsome young man with well built muscle. he had tattoo all over his body.to everyones surprise, they actually taught we twin brothers bit we are not. we are almost of thesame height, I was just a little bit taller than he was. he had always been the jack that stares the bad boats. he had always cause troubles for the whole family right from his child hood.

when he was in primary two, he used a compass to stab a classmate beneath his laps, because the boy had refused to give him candy at break time.

he once ganged up to beat his teacher when he was in primary five.

brother Eyi has been a good brother to me despite been the bad egg in our family.

he joined the notorious one million boys when he was in secondary school. sometimes we would discuss all the atrocities he his used to commiting both at school and in the neighbourhood. he often tells me how he bullies people. how he and his friends would go to club, smoke ganjers and got bursted by the police, how he had stolen people's phone and other accessories.

There was a night, I went out with my brother. this was the night I experinced one of the my brothers bad deeds, that he has always been bouyant of. that fateful day, a lady was passing. the lady was our of our neighbours. she lived down the street opposite the big hall in our community. Eyi had always been fond of this epitome of beauty. he had approached her several times but was turned down.

immediately bro Eyi saw her, he grinned devishly.

"stop that girl for me" he said

pointing at Cynthia. Cynthia was a very gorgeous lady who was still looking innocent. every man would like to have cannal knowledge of her at any given opportunity.

hey, stop there! a topless man said.

I could sense his muscle and six pack of the man from his voice. his mere voice makes everywhere panicked.

Cynthia shivered Immediately she had the voice.

you! I have been asking you out but you kept on turnig me down, my brother said with a very angry voice.

take him to that room" he commanded, pointing to an un completed building.

I instantly felt rejected amongst this gathering. I couldnt bare it anymore. I had to excuse myself from the scene.the rest that hapened there that day was what I don't know.

The second day, very early in the morning cynthia and his family came to our house screaming at the top of their lungs. they even called the police but my father had to bribe them, so that they could they could bury the hachet.my father gave cynthia's family the sum of nine hundred thousand which they collected have some minutes of arguements. they couldn't reject it because there was nothing they could do to my family.besides they didnt even know what to eat for breakfast that very morning.

hnmm! that is what poverty could cause. no justice for the poor", I thought.

After a week, he fled out of the country to United State of America where he lived for a long time before the death of our mother.