

indeed an adventure, crime, power. let us see what will come of the enthusiasm to reach the top

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THE GUBERNOTORIAL1:" having a meeting with HPC party leaders at 10:00am".

James Ipoloju POV

"grrrrn !" "grrrrn!!" "grrrrn!!!." I was woken by the sound of the table clock beside my bed. it was 8am in the morning. I sat up and checked my routine " having a meeting with HPC party leaders at 10:00am". that was the first schedule on my routine.

I entered my bathtube and picked the soap on a little table beside the bathtube. there was an inscription beside the soap written " Topflight cosmetic " that has been the product I have been using before I left the country some years ago. after twenty minutes, I was done bathing, dressed up in my white luxurious agbada that cost fortune with my fila and my expensive hand made shoe that was made in turkey by the best craftman in the world.

I stepped out of my elegant house in a grand style.

hnmm!" I sighed

It was indeed an amazing view, to see my beautiful extrior decorations such as the beautiful ornaments, the golden statue of cristiano ronaldo posing like a commando. I bought it the last time I visited Real madrid in Spain. and a building made of onix-natural non tumbled new english wall. I also needed to pick one of my best bugharti in the parking lot.

after 45minutes, I arrived at the party headquarter, came out of my car as I was a little bit emotional

the day has come" I thought

I stepped inside the building and saw one of the staff in the building aproaching me.

"welcome hon. james Ipoloju" the staff said.

"thank you" I replied, "where is the way to the conference room?"

I shall lead you there sir" he answered.

I gently followed his direction has he was walking beside me.

we stopped immediatly we reached a very beaitiful building,

"thank you" I said to the young man that just led me to the conference hall.

"it is my pleasure sir" he replied

I entered the hall and saw some top political leaders on the sit, including the party chairman, national leader and others. there was a sit that has already been prepared for me to sit as the guest of the day. I greeted everybody with a handshake and a slight bow of my head to show a sign of respect and humility, before sitting down on the chair.

hon. peter who was the party state PRO.

stood up and introduced the leaders present one after the other. even though non of them was a stranger to me

ghmghm!" he cleared his throat

HPC!" he shouted, raising his right in the air

We are honoured!" we chorused,

the hall filled with the echo of deep voices.

let me introduce the party leaders to this our new member, hon.james" he said pointing to me.

on the highest at the middle is the party state chairman, hon. fasunwon popularly know as pa dawaka" he concluded, so I bowed my head towards the man with a reverent mood.

"helro" he greeted, as he gesticulated with his right hand."you are welrcome".

"and by his right is the state vice chairman, the person of honourable Saro"

"HPC!" hon. Saro exclaimed

"we are honoured" we replied

and by his left" the PRO continued, "is honourable Dr. Oladele ; the state leader of the Honourary Progressive congress

"HPC!" he shouted

we are honoured we echoed

"and as for me, I am hon. Fagunwa Smith. the state PRO this noble party"

" our able PRO" everybody echoed with a uniform clapping.

all the party leaders has been introduced, you are expected to introduce and state the purpose of summoning this meeting.

I stood with my hands hanging in the air.

Hpc! I said and everybody replied with the party slogan.

thanks to the chairman, national leader, and other leaders in the room, it is my pleasure to be given the opportunity to stand before you. my names are Hon Eng JAMES IPOLOJU and I have the intentions to be contesting as a gubernotorial candidate under the flag of this party, I wish to make this state a better place by providing good electicities, employment, social ammenities and take the party to a greater height by appointing good ambassadors into political offices from the party." I concluded before sitting down

there were moment of silence in the room immediately I sat down, before doctor Oladele clears is throat.

"how is that possible!" he interjected.