

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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240 Chs

Chapter 130: Butterfly Effect (1)

Chapter 130: Butterfly Effect (1)

~Third POV~

[Clock Tower]

At the Clock Tower in London, the remaining 3 enemies of the Holy Grail War converged following the Master of Archer Barthomeloi Lorelei, also known as Lord Barthomeloi, is the current head of the Barthomeloi Magus family, acting Vice Director of the Clock Tower, and acting Lord of the Department of Policies as of the early 2000s.

Maiya Hisau is a young woman who acts as Kiritsugu Emiya's assistant during the Fourth Holy Grail War. She is cold and professional, which makes it easier for Kiritsugu to act as he needs to but now is known as the [Magus Killer]. When Kiritsugu Emiya finally dies on the battlefield with bitter regret of not being able to save the world abandoning everything to save the world.

When Kiritsugu Emiya finally passed the mantle of [Magus Killer] was given to Maiya Hisau by default now gaining Command Seals vows to seek revenge against the person known as Mash Bastion but more importantly her wish. She's the Master of Assassin.

Finally, the Master of Caster Marisbury Animushere a Lord of the Clock Tower and head of the Department of Astromancy. Kirschtaria Wodime was his top student and widely regarded as Marisbury's heir, more so than his daughter, Olga Marie.

These 2 waited for Barthomeloi Lorelei to speak as she eyed the two before finally speaking in a neutral tone to them, "Now let me start by saying I do not have an interest in the Holy Grail as it is a wish-granting device that is dubious at best. My goal in this war is to confront Mash Bastion and drag him back to be the bridegroom of the Barthomeloi. So, if you want the Grail, you can have it, as I do not care."

The two looked surprised by her words with Marisbury asking in a confused tone raising his hand to his chin, "Hmm… Lady Barthomeloi, may I ask what makes this person of interest gather the Barthomeloi family's attention? Is he an exceptional Magus?"

Both waited to hear the Barthomeloi family wanting someone to be their Bridegroom interested in their curiosity. The Barthomeloi family is one of the Twelve Lords families and one of the Three Great Noble Families of the Clock Tower, one of its most notable Magus lineages. They are also in charge of the Aristocratic Faction.

They are a family of rulers and Lords that can be called the embodiment of perfectionism and aristocracy. Their lineage is mysterious and old even for the standards of the other Mage's Association's Magi, and it is uncertain when the name "Barthomeloi" was first written in the pages of history. The family first arrived at the Clock Tower around the year 1000 AD. They quickly became Lords with their powerful Blue Blood: Noble Magic Circuits and attributes of the Almighty.

They have reigned at the peak of the Association for centuries and sought perfection in each generation of their Magi. The head of their family does not appear publicly until they become perfect as a Magus according to their standards.

They are raised only inside the Barthomeloi manor, as having them appear outside while inexperienced seems to be an embarrassment for them. Resulting from this, once the headfirst steps into the Association, they are immediately ready to act as a Department Head.

They find great pride in the "Barthomeloi" name, considering it to represent everything they are, while their own given names are simply attachments. All the Barthomelois have an almost obsessive hatred toward the Dead Apostles, possibly due to their dignity as humans or pride as aristocrats, and they spend their time hunting them as if it were completely natural. This obsession may go so far as to neglect any other responsibilities to participate in any Vampire hunts available.

They can be considered aristocrats more intense than even the Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors, who believe that even their fellow Lords ought to be submissive to even more venerable and excellent blood.

The only Magus seen as the equal of the Barthomeloi Lord is Yumina, the practitioner of the First Magic. The current head, Barthomeloi Lorelei, has some friendly relations with the Archibald family, but other information concerning her succession and background is unknown.

Listening to Marisbury's words Barthomeloi Lorelei spoke in an honest tone having nothing to hide of her true intentions, "Magic Circuits of the highest quality, unique fighting styles in combat if the previous war is anything to go by, and the fact his a Divine Spirit in mortal flesh capable of breeding more of his kind obtaining Authorities. For the Barthomeloi Family obtaining Mash Bastion is a must with his rare capabilities"

Hearing that, both were a bit shocked, but Maiya's eyes darkened when the mention of Mash Bastion remained silent knowing the strongest Magus within the Clock Tower was after him left her in a sense of relief.

But for Marisbury he seemed to smile a bit wider listening to the rumors were true. In the original timeline of events within the World of Fate/Stay Night, Marisbury investigates the Fuyuki Holy Grail War and the Greater Holy Grail of Fuyuki, but its corruption renders it useless. He socially abandons his daughter Olga Marie Animusphere after.

However, unlike the original timeline of events with obtaining info that the Holy Grail was purified and even activated sooner with plenty of magical energy to spare Marisbury didn't hesitate to join the Holy Grail War and even better hearing he could obtain it by assisting a Master of the Barthomeloi Family in the process of a favor.

Hearing what Lorelei said was a win and win in his eyes as he also thought to himself in a curious tone typical of the hyperfocus Magus, 'I wonder if she fails, I could arrange a marriage to use my daughter as a brooding mare with this Mash Bastion. At the very least she could be useful that way.'

However, Lorelei continued speaking getting their attention when hearing about the other Masters involved in a serious tone, "Fighting against Mash Bastion should be left up to me and our Servants in this war. I doubt both of you would stand a fighting chance against him despite his mercies to his enemies."

Lorelei almost smirked at the idea. While she was a Magus true to the core Mash was playing human not utilizing his abilities at the time to best he could according to her Servant Archer from the previous Holy Grail War.

But returning to the serious conversation between Maiya and Marisbury she continued debriefing them on the enemies, "For now I have info of the other enemies we must take down or ally for this Holy Grail War. Sakura Matou relative of Kariya Matou one of the few living Matou Family Magus with unique Magecraft that some of our members of the Mage Association have capabilities of the Age of Gods from the apprenticeship of the incarnated Medea the [Witch of Betrayal]."

Both nodded surprised as Lorelei continued in a serious tone both arms behind her back as she continued, "Next, we have Rin Tohsaka, the Owner of Fuyuki. She is talented she has undergone an apprenticeship under Medea, so her threat is mid overall. Then there is the confirmation that the Einzbern Family joined with Illyasviel von Einzbern her threat also mid under the same apprenticeship with Medea and close friends with Sakura Matou."

Both frowned with Maiya especially when facing the young Miss Illya again. However, she trained to steel her heart and focus on the mission at hand regardless of previous connections she'll remain to her goal.

When they were finished speaking Lorelei gave them their orders to follow in a neutral tone getting them prepared, "We will be heading to Tokyo immediately. Do not make yourselves known yet. Do I make myself clear?"

No one spoke against her, and she ordered in a serious tone, "Good, all of you are dismissed."

After the other Masters left, Lorelei smirked when a male voice called out in an impressed tone crossing his arms amused by the scene, "You certainly know how to pick the finest bridegroom, Lorelei."

Appearing out of thin air was a man Mash was familiar with from the previous Holy Grail War, King Gilgamesh. Lorelei smiled as she replied to her Archer Class Servant King Gilgamesh in an honest tone, "Of course, your Majesty. After hearing what happened in the previous Holy Grail War how can I let a chance like this escape for the Barthomeloi Family to produce an heir to surpass even I obtain a lineage of a Divine Spirit in mortal flesh to continue the Mystery of the World and befitting the continuation of the Barthomeloi name."

Gilgamesh smirked with pride and arrogance as he looked forward to truly crossing blades with the foreign entity again in a chipper tone, "True, plus I look forward to seeing how Mash Bastion has grown in these last 10 years. Unlike the previous War, I will not lose so easily again."

The King of Heroes gazed at the outside stary night with a confident grin as he thought in an arrogant tone, 'I wonder if you'll prove to be more amusement since last time or be honored to be put down by me Mongrel for disgracing myself to retreating. I'll be sure to correct that embarrassment when we meet again soon outsider.'


Returning to her quarters Maiya Hisau soon opened her mouth bringing out her Servant for the Holy Grail War, "Assassin."

Appearing out of thin air Assassin, in contrast with his counterpart, has white hair and tanned skin color just like EMIYA (Archer). His change of hair and skin color likely occurred from the overextended use of [Time Alter] magecraft. He usually covers his face with bandages and wears a hood. He carries an M9 bayonet for close-quarters combat. He is the Assassin Class Servant EMIYA.

Appearing without saying a word Maiya used herself as the catalyst to summon her Servant gazing at his hidden face being obedient as she spoke in a neutral tone, "Be prepared for the battles ahead. Mash Bastion won't make it out of this unscathed. But if you have the chance to eliminate the other Masters when given the chance do it."

EMIYA nodded his head with Maiya gazing at her Command Seals with a determined glint in her eyes in a saddened tone, "… Master said that I should look and find my own family. I don't know where my son is, so I'll use the Holy Grail to locate him."

Little is known about Maiya's history, save that Kiritsugu had rescued her from a war-torn land many years ago. When Maiya was a child, she was forced into the army and trained to be a soldier. She had been raped by other soldiers and eventually became pregnant. She was separated from her unnamed child, not knowing his fate.

Due to having spent her childhood in an environment deprived of humanity, Maiya lacks a sense of self. In short, Maiya is a stoic, emotionless, aloof, grim, brooding, conflicted, cold, and professional person.

Despite her generally deadpan and emotionless demeanor, Maiya has showcased in a few instances of genuine vulnerability and emotion. This is fully seen when she spoke up regarding her past and her son, who was separated from her at birth.

Despite the circumstances of how she had him, it was heavily implied that Maiya genuinely loved her son the moment she held him and was devastated that he was taken from her. Maiya longed to be reunited with her son.

With Kiritsugu Emiya dying on some unnamed battlefield giving his last request to Maiya and his Crest along with his knowledge of his Magecraft he gave her one command as she spoke in a neutral tone, "… Find my happiness in this life… truly Kiritsugu you are a cruel man…"

Maiya was left alone with her thoughts preparing to fight in this Holy Grail War for her reasons and needs…


Marisbury Anumusphere also known as Lord Animusphere is the head of the Animusphere Magus family and Lord of the Department of Astromancy of the Clock Tower. Marisbury seeks to fulfill the Grand Order of the Animusphere family through the creation of CHALDEAS.

Gazing upon his Command Seals he smiled as Marisbury had an ace in his sleeve for the Fifth Holy Grail War once he learned that the Holy Grail was useable. Having an ordinary smile he soon called his Servant in a neutral tone, "Sigh… Caster can you appear we have much to discuss."

Appearing out from his astral form into his Heroic Spirit form appeared the proclaimed [King of Magecraft] Solomon with a laid-back attitude gazed at each other with him smiling as he spoke in a respectful tone, "So then Master what's our agenda."

Marisbury showed an ordinary smile seeing Solomon summoned using one of his rings as the catalyst replied in an honest tone, "We prepare for war of course. Sadly we can't use your Nobel Phantasm to burn down Fuyuki City and win at her lady's request. However, we have info on the enemy and thankfully our leader isn't interested in the Holy Grail War but in her bridegroom."

Solomon looked intrigued as he asked in a neutral tone out of curiosity's sake, "Oh… what makes one choose to lose the Holy Grail to go after this Master instead?"

Marisbury explained to Solomon making the King of [Magecraft] freeze in place in a lighthearted tone going into his tangents, "Hahaha… Something truly amazing if my info from my people is correct a literal living demi-god in the flesh. I simply wonder if I can use my daughter to ensnare such a Divine Spirit. Would a Divine Spirit in mortal flesh be able to reproduce with humans or other forms of life? If so, we have a way to revive the Mystery or at least prolong it. At the very least Olga Marie Animusphere would have a purpose being a brooding mare. Or…"

Solomon just sighed listening to his Master's demands but wondered as he looked at himself in deep thought, 'Even I desire something from the Holy Grail? And even a Divine Spirit in mortal flesh in this era? I wonder what kind of Divine Spirit they are…'