

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 131: Butterfly Effect (2)

Chapter 131: Butterfly Effect (2)

~Third POV~

[Tohsaka Manor]

Meanwhile, with the other 3 masters for this Holy Grail War, all waited till the day finally came with their goal of getting revenge on Mash Bastion except Sakura just merely stayed with them for their safety and wished to see her savior again.

Rin Tohsaka is a young teenager, she has her hair up in twin tails entirely, and her clothing consists of a white shirt with a red necktie, a red skirt, and long black socks, much like when she becomes older.

A model student and idol of Shirou's school who is secretly a magus and Master in the Holy Grail War. She is a descendant of a long line of magi, and formal magecraft education, she is extremely powerful in her own right.

Her father was killed in the fourth Holy Grail War, and she has trained since his death to succeed him. She is perceptive, resourceful, and avidly competitive. She tried to summon a Saber-class Servant, using a catalyst being the Master of Saber.

Sakura Matou is a young girl with a soothing smile and long, lustrous violet hair, which she styles with a red-pink ribbon on the left side, and violet eyes. The ribbon she wears in her hair was given to her by Rin when they were children and is the first ribbon Rin ever made. Physically, Sakura is described as having a (secretly) dynamite body and noted to have very "large breasts", with Taiga revealing she is an E-cup and had grown 13 cm since last year to tease Shirou.

Currently after school, she wears the standard Homurahara Academy uniform. Her casual clothing consists of a pink cardigan, a white top, and a long cream-colored skirt. A student in her first year of high school, the sister of Shinji Matou, and Shirou's underclassman. Sakura is outwardly timid but possesses great inner strength. She has a long-standing and obvious crush on her savior from Kariya Matou and Medea's stories of Mash Bastion.

Illyasviel von Einzbern, often referred to as Illya is the Master of Berserker in the Fifth Holy Grail War. She is the daughter of Kiritsugu Emiya and Irisviel von Einzbern, both of whom participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Illya is a young German aristocrat, she traveled to Japan to participate in the Holy Grail War as a Master without her mother's permission. Illyasviel has an angelic appearance and an unsurpassed degree of magical power.

She lives in a castle on the outskirts of Fuyuki City the same one used in the previous Holy Grail War, accompanied only by her Servant and two maids. Illyasviel asks those she feels comfortable around to simply call her Illya.

When they all finally came to the summoning circle prepared by Rin Tohsaka she gazed at her fellow rivals and friends in this Holy Grail War in a confident tone, "Okay girls we all agreed what to wish for in this Holy Grail War?"

Illya nodded her head having her catalyst prepared in a determined tone looking up at Rin prepared for this day showing her Command Seals, "Yeah Tohsaka-san. We all agreed to use the Holy Grail to wish to see that boy again."

Sakura being the shy girl gazing at her fellow friend and sister spoke rubbing the back of her head of their determination, "Uhh… are you guys sure you want to get your revenge on him though? I'm not that particularly keen on wanting him dead big and lil sis…"

Sakura despite being bigger than Illya is only 16 years old while Rin is a year older being 17 but out of 3 of them only Illya is older than both being 18 years but looks like a growing kid between them.

All of them are students of the incarnated Servant Caster Class Medea gaining knowledge from the Age of Gods from a young age when she scouted them out purely because of the potential of 3 of them.

She also saw potential in Shinji but out of Kariya Matou's respect didn't train or introduce him to Magecraft leaving only her sister aware of the Moon Type world. These 3 girls are different than their other timeline counterparts from Medea's perspective into formidable Magus in their own right.

Both the older girls knew what Sakura was talking about despite their history all being intertwined with Mash Bastion they were all affected by him one way or another because of the previous Fourth Holy Grail War that left stems trouble for them.

Despite rescuing Sakura Aoi never wanted her to return staying true to her husband's last wish leaving Kariya to take care of her as he promised with Medea guiding her. Although, despite not wanting her daughter back Rin Tohsaka was apprenticed at a young age by Medea linking for them to interact.

It was later in life Rin learned of the one who slew her father from a biased source from Father Risei who still held a grudge against Mash Bastion to this day. He made sure to stir clear from him, but human emotion can be quite the fickle thing when he was the reason he lost a friend and a son during the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Medea soon taught Illya shortly after when her mother took her to greet the [Witch of Betrayal] sensing potential within her taking on 3 students at a very young age to become capable Magus each wanting to meet Mash Bastion for their reasons.

In Illya's case, she wanted to meet Mash Bastion the one who from her perspective was the one who ruined her family. She received her motherly love from Irisviel von Einzbern but never met her father Kiritsugu Emiya again after the Fourth Holy Grail War.

She only assumed that Kiritsugu Emiya died by his hands as her mother never knew what happened to them only that he left them behind. From a young age, she assumed that Mash was the one who broke their family apart with one thought if the Holy Grail War were to happen, she'd use her wish to summon and beat him up for what happened.

It was for that reason all 3 of them agreed to use the Holy Grail War to use the Holy Grail to grant their wish once they took down the other 4 of the Masters and Servants. They even knew to use Medea's method to avoid having their Servants being used to summon the Holy Grail being able to trick it into manifesting. After all, they learned from the best Magus around.

Shifting their attention to Sakura Rin exhaled with an innocent grin but her words and tone of anger ruin that facial expression, "… Fine Sakura… I won't kill him, but I'll CASTRATE him? Is that fine?"

Sakura sighed seeing this was the best she was going to get out of Rin. But she nodded her head as they all proceeded down Rin's workshop where she prepared a summoning circle getting her catalyst to summon her Servant.

Rin placing the catalyst of the scabbard of the King of Knights she got from her teacher Medea began chanting to bring out her summoned Heroic Servant, "The substance is silver and iron. The basement is stone and the contractor is archduke. The ancestor is mine grand master schweinorg mighty wind mind shield. Seal all the gates go to the crown spread in the veins of the King… begin. Seal, seal, seal, seal, seal repeated fifthold. I just break through the whole time… I speak. I've overflowing in thee, overflowing my fate are all thy swords. Obey the grail, obey mine will, and follow mine mind. Hereby swear me thine allegiance. I am the kindness of the world, I am the reign over the world, thou art the heaven where trinity is. Come from this restraining circle thou guardian spirit, thou balancing scales…!"


A light filled the building, and Rin saw her servant it soon revealed to be Artoria Pendragon of the Saber Class spoke in a neutral tone, "Are you my-?"

Before she could say any more Artoria's eyes briefly widened recognizing a familiar figure Illya from the group gasping in surprise, "Illya?!"

Illya smiled at Saber remembering her from the previous Holy Grail War as she greeted her happily and said, "Hello again Saber! I'm glad you remember me but Rin here is gonna be your Master but don't please don't attack me or my friends. Pretty please?"

Putting up a cute pleading face Saber was caught by surprise but gazed at Rin Tohsaka revealing to be her Master of Saber for this war. She pulled her aside as Sakura was next to the summoning circle responding to the group, "I'll summon a Servant using myself as the catalyst like how my Savior summoned his in the past…"

She smiled fondly following her crush's actions trusting to use the Holy Grail hidden mechanic that the 3 are aware of the hidden features. For when you summon a Servant without a medium, you wind up with a Servant that is related to the Master in some way or another that shares the same soul wavelength.

This was set up so the Grail could call forth Servants that would not immediately kill their Masters if the Masters selected were unaware of the Moonlit World as Sakura spoke in a serious tone, "Fill! Fill! Fill! Fill! Fill! Heed my summons! I hereby swear, that I shall be all the good in the world, that I shall defeat… all evil in the world! Seventh heaven clad, and the great words of power, come forth from the circles of bindings, Guardian of Scales!"


A flash of light and Sakura's Servant appeared. A tall woman with light purple hair appeared; she had a blindfold on that covered her eyes and was wearing something akin to a black bodysuit with purple accents that tightly hugged her curves and exposed a lot of skin. Sakura summoned the Rider Class Servant Medusa (Rider).

Medusa wordlessly looked at Sakura and the other Masters present but seeing they didn't attack or try to kill one another she assumed this was an alliance of sorts at a glance. But soon her attention drifted towards Sakura as she simply said, "Master…"

Sakura warmly greeted her Servant with a friendly smile and said, "Hello there."

Greeting her Servant both girls eyed Illya but she smiled as she shook her head revealing her Servant in a happy tone, "No worries I already summoned my Heroic Servant. 2 Months in advance with the pieces of the Greater Grail from best teacher Medea-san. Come out and greet them, Berserker."

Both girls paused at the mention of Berserker appearing in his real form rather than his astral form presenting himself as Heracles from the Berserker Class. Heracles is a colossal, statue-like man who is described as a "black giant." He gives off the impression of a monster, instantly marked as the Berserker-class Servant by Rin Tohsaka, in both appearance and presence. He is one of the few entities that can impart fear unto Shirou Emiya, freezing him in place.

Had he not been summoned as a berserker, he would no longer have the projections on his arms, his muscles would become slightly softer, and his face would show more humanity since he would no longer be under the influence of [Mad Enhancement], however, he would still retain his large size.

Berserker is initially summoned by Illya in the Einzbern family castle 2 months before the start of the Holy Grail War. He is specifically summoned as Berserker, utilizing a slab of stone from a temple for a catalyst.

Choosing him for his vast strength and choosing the class to have a strong ally against Mash Bastion and his Servant Illya went to choose the mighty Hercules fighting with allies against the pair unlike Kiritsugu in the previous war fighting alone, they begin to prepare Illya and Berserker as the strongest Master and Servant pair.

Unlike the original timeline of events lacking any support from the Grail, Illya is forced to provide the entirety of his energy, keeping her in constant pain. With Medea foreseeing this and having all 3 of her students connected to the Homunculi System that Mash left behind they all have an unlimited Mana resource to use.

Rin's eyes twitched at Illya summoning her Servant 2 months in advance muttering much to the little girl's pride, "Tch. Teacher's favorite pet."

Illya merely smiled with Berserker not having his [Mad Enchantment] on returned to his astral form after eyeing Medusa and Artoria wishing for a fight. But he waited till he helped his Master first since hearing tales of a Divine Spirit in mortal flesh is among the living he could wait to get a challenge.

With the Master summoning their Servants done all that waited for them was their fate in this stayed night for the Holy Grail War to begin…