

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 129: Fate/Stay Night

Chapter 129: Fate/Stay Night

~Mash B. POV~

[Clock Tower]

After taking everything of value from Merlin's home I bid farewell to Fou and Mordred returning to the Clock Tower taking hold of the Greater Grail in my inventory for safekeeping.

Now when I returned, I was greeted by Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg with a knowing grin sipping a cup of tea, "Ahh… so how did it go, my young apprentice? It has been over a week in that world I thought for sure you get the job done sooner?"

I curtly responded cursing at the fucking old geezer for sending me on a wild goose chase like that, "Fuck you, old man! You sent me there to traumatize me and give me life lessons! Why the hell didn't you say that sooner!!"

Pointing my finger at him he chuckled seeing my frustration shrugging it off and taking a sip from his tea stating the obvious, "Because you wouldn't lesson. So, I taught you the way of life… my way of showing you the hard way my boy."

I fucking hate this asshole. By a LOT comparable to Merlin even.

In the end, I rolled my eyes at his antics as he was amused dropping me a bomb making me stop in place, "Ah… I forgot to mention this is the year of 2004. The Holy Grail War is just around the corner to boot. Besides, you'll meet up with some old friends at the Ryuudou Temple good luck!"

… I fucking hate this old man. I truly do.

Exiting I used my Gamer Ring to leave as Zelrecth laughed out loud only irking me. This guy likes to push my buttons, but I did waste my wish to get at Merlin one I don't regret for a second!

Guess I'll brainstorm a way to win this war since the roster is going to be different. Let's see if there are some familiar faces.

But before I left dealing ANOTHER Holy Grail War Zelrecth grabbed ahold of my shoulder stopping me from leaving as he spoke in a stern tone, "Now hold up there boy! Before you go off fighting we have some time to chat about some serious business between you and me first."

Raising an eyebrow at the old man I couldn't help but be curious as to what he wanted from me as I stopped lending an ear to his words, "Alright you have my attention – hey!"

Then this fucker just pushed me into the portal with a cheeky grin on his face saying, "Just wanted to do that. Tootles!"

Oh, that fucker!!


[Fuyuki City, Ryuudou Temple]



Falling face first into the ground I swear to god by the end of the day I will fuck up that elderly troll. I don't care if his a Magician I'll kick his ass for this prank!

Arriving at a familiar sight seeing it being in pristine condition I sighed a breath of relief voicing to anyone listening, "Hello! Is there anyone here!"

Waiting for a curt response someone soon came with a light surprise on her face announcing herself in a calm tone, "Oh my? It has been a while since we last met Mash Bastion or do you prefer Master?"

Recognizing that voice I turned around to see Medea around with a knowing grin on my face greeting a familiar face, "Medea is that you? Well, I'll be damn it's been a while for me but pleased to see you again."

Greeting Medea I moved toward her direction asking what I missed for the last 10 years since the last war in a curious tone, "Glad to see a familiar face again. So how have the last 10 years been Medea?"

She laughed lightly gesturing for me to enter inside with a knowing grin said in a happy tone showing me to a room, "Plenty. A lot has happened in the last 10 years since your disappearance."

Shrugging she gestured for me to take a cup of tea informing me of the news. And trust me I was certainly shocked hearing the departure of Kariya Matou was apparently in the last few weeks ago.

Medea explained to me as I took a sip of my tea that the Crest Worms despite returning his time had lasting damage to him. But he managed to take care of Sakura like he promised with said girl living with her sister Rin Tohsaka.

You know I'm glad that Sakura gets to reunite with her sister but apparently, Rin's mom also died around the same time meaning those two are recently living together. But that doesn't explain why Medea's around.

Soon enough Medea explained to me her life having achieved her goal in love. This surprised me genuinely as she went on to marry Souichirou Kuzuki a former assassin turned teacher.

She admitted to the fact she used my future knowledge to get her husband having fulfill her dreams of becoming a housewife in the past 2 years ago. And now her husband is on a flight abroad on a different continent currently equipped with her magical items.

I blinked impressed at how time flies I congratulated Medea as I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly, "Damn… you have certainly an interesting life so far. Glad to hear good things from you though."

I scratched my head a bit embarrassed as she laughed lightly soon asking me about my travels in a curious, "Fufufu… thanks for the appreciation, Mash. Although I'm curious though what you have been doing?"

I grinned explaining about my previous adventure in the Fate/Apocrypha world with Medea listening to my words intently. She eventually nodded impressed with the tale as she spoke in an impressed tone, "I have to say a war with 14 Servants is certainly something. And you manage to come out winning and learn from it. A+ on your efforts."

Scratching the back of my head I couldn't help but ask the obvious noticing her hand having Command Seals a bit surprised, "Yeah Souichirou left an impression on you that's for sure. Although… I can see you're participating in this Holy Grail War huh Medea?"

Revealing her Command Seals she curtly nodded explaining herself in a neutral tone crossing her arms, "Of course. Wouldn't make sense otherwise but I have no interest in the Holy Grail War though as far as I'm concerned. You can have mine if you wish. With you around victory is all but loss to me."

I didn't know what to say but she gestured extending my hand. Upon doing so she transferred the Command Seals to me. I nodded in understanding obtaining my new set of command seals I spoke to Medea in a curious tone, "Not gonna say I won't welcome the participation of the Holy Grail War. But I must ask with how happy and content you are why are you fighting for the Holy Grail though?"

To my genuine surprise though she sighed explaining to me the circumstances making my mouth agape at the news, "You would be correct I do not need the Holy Grail. But I only entered to stop my stupid students from killing each other. But revenge was also in my mind but perhaps living with you as a Master left those human morals onto me. I swear those girls…"

Wait what?

I blinked processing before paling lightly as I asked the obvious question astounded by the situation, "Wait… by girls, you wouldn't happen to mean…"

Medea smiled as she clasped her hands together in a proud tone which the girls she was talking, "Yes those you are thinking about! Rin Tohsaka, Illyasviel von Einzbern, and Sakura Matou. Those 3. But only Rin and Illya both want you dead or beat you up for events in the previous war though."

I slowly blinked taking in the information as I couldn't help but ask the obvious in a blank tone, "What the hell… Okay, I can understand Rin but why Illya though? I don't recall doing anything bad to her?"

But to my surprise, Medea explained how I was on Illya's shit list in a neutral tone taking a sip of her tea, "Oh she doesn't like you though. I seem to recall the girl took it hard when her father never returned when fighting you. I don't know the specifics, but you know us girls can be spiteful creatures when you harm or destroy our loved ones."

Ah… no that checks sadly and ironically enough. I kicked her dad's ass hard enough that he abandoned his family. I sighed out loud in a defeated tone, "Sigh… that checks. But you wouldn't happen to have a summoning circle prepared, wouldn't you?"

She nodded as Medea gestured to me where the summoning circle was located. Leading me into the deeper part of the temple I began to check how strong did I get grinding in that war though.



Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Spirit User

Level: 46 Exp: 0/55%

HP: 2095/2095-> 2170/2170

MP: 2075/2075-> 2150/2150

STR: 65 (+15)

AGI: 65 (+15)

VIT: 68

INT: 64

SEN: 80 (+15)

LUCK: 125

Stat Points: 10-> 25

Cash: 18,000


Yeah… that checks. I wasn't that mentally well killing EVERYTHING in sight. I have morals and shit.

Sigh… I need to start planning my next course of action soon enough. Although I wonder how Emilia and the gang are doing right now.

No. They're fine I should be focusing on my own Holy Grail War Stayed Night edition. Counting myself and those 3 there are 4 Masters in total. I wonder who the other 3 will be I wonder?

Soon enough though we were led to Medea's temple underneath the Ryuudou Temple used in the previous Holy Grail War as she gestured to the circle in a curious tone, "Now then Mash are you going to use yourself this time to summon a Heroic Servant? Or would you use a catalyst?"

Fair points. Hmm… Considering this Holy Grail War would be difficult the thought of summoning Artoria Pendragon of the Lancer Class does tempt me to see how Artoria of the Saber Class would react to meeting her counterpart.

But I shake the idea off since I need a decent Servant this time around. Although… there is one Lancer Class Servant that does come to mind that could fill that role but is it possible is the question… hmm…

Welp. If that Goldie guy is coming, then best give him the best gift that I can think of to have him off my back. I used my Authority of Lust, [Faker] on myself recalling Master of Lancer from the Fate/Faker series I think tricking my psyche.

The will to fucking live! And there's only ONE Servant that fits that call. The only one that Gilgamesh would call a friend in me. Ha!

It might be crazy enough that it might work to summon this specific Servant as I began to chant using my will to live as the catalyst heeding my wish placing myself onto the circle which radiated a small light, "Fill! Fill! Fill! Fill! Fill! Heed my summons! I hereby swear, that I shall be all the good in the world, that I shall defeat… all evil in the world! Seventh heaven clad, and the great words of power, come forth from the circles of bindings, Guardian of Scales!"


A light filled the building, and soon a beautiful figure that of a sixteen-year-old androgynous person with long, beautiful hair that shimmers with a light-green color. He/She was summoned only wearing a plain tunic, so they seemed rather unremarkable compared to those normally called Heroic Spirits.

It is hard to tell if he is a man or a woman at first glance. Their face retains vaguely childlike features that can be interpreted as those of either gender. Their lustrous skin and soft features are reminiscent of a woman, but their loose tunic further obscures their sex by hiding their physique, making it impossible to see their chest and hips, and making it difficult to discern if they are even actually human. They have firm and taut limbs with rough hands and feet like those of men, and their body seems like a coiled spring ready to rocket forth.

With an androgynous and neutral voice, his face can be called beautiful and elegant despite their gender, but at the same time gives off a strange and uncomfortable atmosphere spoke in a calm tone gazing at me, "Answer me… art thou the Master who summoned me?"

I curtly nodded my head as I spoke in a respectful tone gazing at her figure, "Yes. I'm Mash Bastion, and you are?"

My Heroic Servant soon spoke in a rather neutral tone gazing at the outside with genuine interest with a smile, "I am Enkidu of the Lancer Class or known [Chains of Heaven]. It's a pleasure greeting you Master."

Oh, boy I certainly picked an interesting Servant to summon. But God damn it his making me question my sexuality simply by looking at him. I don't need a repeat of that damn blue crossdressing knight again… [Observe].

[Enkidu Lv.100 Chains of Heaven

Description: The only friend of Gilgamesh. Born from a clod of earth, Enkidu was clay-shaped by the hands of the Gods, their father the king of gods, Anu, and their mother the goddess of creation, Aruru. Enkidu came to understand Gilgamesh's path at that point, that the king would observe humanity's future from his solidarity.

Enkidu attempted to declare that they were a tool for Gilgamesh's use, claiming that they would stand by his side until the end of the world. Gilgamesh instead called them a fool, telling Enkidu that those who live together, talk together, and fight together are neither people nor tools, but what is called a friend. Obtaining that word was precious to Enkidu, and it was at that moment that they acquired a "self" in the true sense of the word.

Enkidu believed that Gilgamesh was a hero who had a soul and free will since the beginning, who had true life and worth, unlike their expendable self. They always yearned for that and hated that they were such different beings despite being created by the same father.

Gilgamesh exclaimed that Enkidu did have worth, declaring "In all this world, only one shall be my friend. Thus---not for all eternity shall his worth ever change." As the rain gradually let up, Enkidu returned to their original state, naught but a clod of earth in the wilderness, leaving behind nothing but the thunderous cry of the king.]

Well… if King Gilgamesh does appear he's going to be in for a surprise. It's rude to enter his domain again without some kind of gift compared to last time.