
The Master (A MHA Fanfic){DROPPED}

A budding psychopath dies in a mugging gone wrong and floats in limbo for a long time. After a fortuitous encounter with an unknown entity, he gets the chance to reincarnate in a world with a power. Now thrown in a world full of superpowers with the power to control minds, he sets on an epic journey of world conquest for fun and proceeds to create a new faction thus becoming the greatest villain the world has ever known. Disclaimer: I don't own My hero Academia as it is already owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Also I don't own Marvel and the cover that I am using. Note: This is my first story ever and my spoken language is not English. Constructive criticism appreciated. Thank you for reading this. Also posting on royalroad.

Klazy_Labbit · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Ch 06: Drugs,drugs,drugs...which are good,which are bad.....

[2071 words without AN]

[Timeskip:a few months]

It has been two years since I have been isekai'ed into this world of superpowers.

Canon is fast approaching and I am well prepared to profit from it.

I have been hearing things about a League of Villains moving about now. Guess they have started acting. Two years from now Tomura will attack U.A with the Nomu and becomes the first obstacle for the students.

Then as for the next group that is the Shie Hassaikai or better known as the Eight precepts of Death, they have started acting aggressively. Kai Chisaki, villain name Overhaul, has begun his drug business ,or so my spies informed me.

I don't think he has Eri yet or if he has her,he hasn't figured out how to make those quirk suppressing bullets yet.

Kai hasn't put the current Boss into a comatose state so there's still time left. Honestly speaking, I initially felt that he would make a good villain in the series but he turned out to be a disappointment.

He was really stupid if he believed that he could use Eri to form a monopoly using those quirk suppressing bullets and giving them to villains while providing serums to heroes.

He would have made money quickly at the beginning but it would get old fast. Even if he had enough power to keep Eri with him which he doesn't, I don't understand what he wanted to do.

The heroes have a lot more money than villains exception being All for one who has lived for a long time, they would buy more serums and they would defeat the villains.

If Overhaul restricted products sold to both sides, then they would hate him.

The heroes for selling villains the bullets and the villains for selling heroes the serum. They might just decide to attack him and they would definitely succeed.

Actually that's how he lost in canon too. He was screwed over by the villains and the heroes launched a raid, one that was terribly planned and executed but still successful because of Izuku's hax plot armour.

Overhaul wanted to bring the other sides to the low level of the yakuzas instead of strengthening his side. So with a mentality like that he was bound to loose. He couldn't let go of the old and didn't want to adapt. Hell he considered quirks as a disease like those mothers who are anti-vax. I mean if he thought he could erase all quirks then he was clearly delusional, even All for one didn't try eradicating quirks.

Now I have planted a lot of spies in his group, even his most trusted aide Hari Kurono(Chronostasis) is under my thrall.

I got lucky with him as my hydra agents who were disguised as yakuzas came across him and informed me quickly. I acted quickly and got him under my thrall.

I then told him to meet me every few days so that I could reinforce my commands and implant thoughts.

I currently have him on standby and have tasked him with gathering information about Chisaki's movement.

But not everything is as simple as it seems. Turns out that I am not the only one who has a hidden organization. There have been cases of random people turning into villains.

A drug called trigger is in circulation now and it greatly boosts a person's quirk for a short time. I have yet to find the source of it all but several of my members were approached by a mysterious salesman who gave them samples of the drug.

I tested it on some of the weaker ones and it does what it says but at the loss of reasoning. I didn't test it out on myself as I want to have a functional brain and no good ever comes out of drugs given to you by shady people. It also doesn't work on quirkless people which was kind of obvious but I tested it anyway.

The drug while increasing strength for a short period does so at the loss of reasoning which negates the benefits. My ability is troublesome to use in such cases, my control doesn't diminish but I have to give very specific orders for them to follow properly.

Now that I remember, there was a spin off series based on the vigilantes but unfortunately I didn't read it. Oh well, it at least makes things interesting.

Using my spies in the police department to look into the files on 'trigger', I found that the drug is something distributed by a criminal organization called the 'villain factory'. Not much was written in the reports other than them being a dangerous and mysterious organization with unknown goals.

Hmmm. I have to be cautious of this group as I know next to nothing about them and don't know how they operate. But one thing I am sure is that they don't know about Hydra, otherwise they wouldn't have approached my agents. I have made sure to keep my organization as hidden as possible and it has worked well to an extent.

Now then villain factory is something that I must investigate and if its useful then make it mine.


[In a villain's lair or one of Hydra's bases]

"Now as you have all gathered here, let us begin" addressing the hydra agents gathered I began, "I have a new mission for all of you."

"Yes, Sir" they droned.

" Now there is a new organization that has started becoming active, our spies in the police department found information on them. They are a mysterious criminal organization dubbed 'the villain factory' and they are giving these drugs away." Holding up a glass tube containing the 'trigger', I show it to them.

"This glass tube that I have holds the drug known as 'trigger' and it temporarily boosts the quirk of an individual but it has a glaring side effect, that is the loss of reasoning. This organization is giving these away for free and you never trust anything that's free. We don't know their motives for this and that's what I want you to find out."

Clearing my throat, I continued , " I thus want everyone here to be as discreetly as possible and gather intel about this group making sure not to get noticed. Try getting the dealers who approach you to come here or stall them till I get there. This organization with unclear goals has some capabilities and if it is useful to Hydra, we will make it ours."

"That's all for now and you may get back to your roles, Hail Hydra!!"

"Hail Hydra!" "Hail Hydra!"

I watched as they slowly left to do their tasks. I also leave the place and then go approach the ash-blonde girl on the roof.

"Hey there Toga-chan"I greet as she does a flip and then lands in front of me.

Putting on her signature smile she says, "Akira-kun, what do you want to about this new group? They seem fun, do you want me to find them and cut them up? Hehehe."

Putting on a smile of my own I say, "Now now Toga-chan what have I told you about cutting up people. First we wait and see how they act, then after we have a lead on them, I will let you cut some of them up besides aren't I giving you enough people to play with."

And it was true, I had been getting some of the weaker members to fight her to improve and what better way to improve than fighting a psychotic Toga in a bloodfrenzy. Nothing motivates a person to try like death I suppose. I also use Toga as a way to punish those who fail a mission and it is quite effective if I do say so myself.

"But… but Akira-kun, it is never really enough… I really like playing with the toys and bathing in blood but I need new people, I am getting bored of them you see." she pouts cutely and if I didn't know her and didn't hear the sentence then I would have mistaken her for an innocent cute girl. Well she has that cute part right but innocent…

Hell no.

Still I enjoy spending time with her and discussing how to splatter the blood of the enemies is a refreshing topic for conversation unlike 'hero' talk that half the world does. Also me not having to be the center of the conversation is relaxing considering every other person is under my thrall and I will always be the center of attention.

"Well we did get some fresh recruits who are a bit unruly and rough around the edges. Maybe you can discipline them, then 'cut' them into proper shapes?" I offer and she immediately starts jumping excitedly.

"Thank you so much Akira-kun, I might really fall for you, you know. You are the only one who understands how I feel and actually gives me wonderful toys to cut apart but speaking of cutting and blood has made me hungry…" she says before her eyes dart upwards more specifically towards my exposed neck.

Sighing, I pull my shirt down exposing my neck more, "Ugh.. Here you go Toga but don't make this a habit. Think of this as a reward for working well."

No sooner do I finish saying that when Toga with a crazy grin and blushing cheeks jumps one me and sinks her canine teeth into my neck. I feel a stinging sensation but it quickly goes away.

*Chuuu* Toga stops after a few seconds, licking her lips she says, "Thanks for the meal Akira-kun. Your blood is really really tasty, sweet and addicting just like you Hehehe"

"Are you satisfied now, if so then I am leaving." After cleaning myself up, I leave and settle in for the day. I have gotten close to Toga in these few months and she is getting more assertive. At first I thought that I would get annoyed of her quickly but surprisingly she is not bad company.

She is somewhat pleasant when she is not having those blood cravings and is the only person I can trust here with enough of my plans. She is incredibly skilled in stealth and I am slowly adapting to her. I don't know if it is a part of her work or if it is a technique but she can nearly turn invisible if you take your eyes away from her for even a second.

She says that she just clears her mind and holds her breath but it's a lot more difficult to emulate. So far none of the agents can do it and they have been trying for a while now.

I have also sent the remaining trigger capsules to be researched. I want to find how it works to prepare countermeasures against it. I am a bit wary of the villain factory because I have a hard time figuring out their motive. I would have no problems if they were selling trigger as I can understand them doing this for money but they are giving these away for free and I don't think they are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.

What do they gain out of this?

So that's why I am hoarding all these trigger capsules until I get to the bottom of Villain Factory.

Also seeing the villain factory moving about has made me realize that I can't just stay passive like this while waiting for canon. I have to start acting now and finally bring Hydra out of the shadows.

Of course, I don't plan on showing all my cards but maybe I will form a different group or more like an agency specializing in different fields. This group will be like the tip of the iceberg above the sea hiding a darker secret below. You could say that this will be a light organization , I will start some business of the legal kind and get some sort of good PR. Maybe if I do this, people will stop snooping around all the while remaining ignorant of Hydra's true strength, a light organization that casts a sinister shadow.

Because the best way to deceive my enemies into a false sense of security is by following what Sun Tzu said, ' Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak'


[Author- this was a long chapter. I started this yesterday and wrote half of it down till 2 in the night then when I was bored I started reading MHA vigilantes manga and I have to say it's pretty good. I liked it more than the main series where you have to wait for lots of chapters for a hint of character development. I also liked the Mc of this series more and he is more of a hero than Izuku. He lost the chance to be a hero because he went to save someone whereas Izuku got a chance even though he recklessly endangered himself and others and didn't even save Bakugo.

Currently I finished around 20 chapters of the manga and used some bits from the wiki to write this. Honestly I am pleased with the spin off which gave me more writing material before canon. and I will use these characters for the next few chapter.I haven't read ahead but Mc will take over villain factory and strengthen Hydra.

Also Himiko is a romantic interest now and I will try my best to write her accurately or at least in a likable way. Her character is very difficult and challenging to write but thats what makes it fun to write.

Thanks for reading this and please do vote,comment and review if you liked this and want more.

See you guys next chapter.
