
The Master (A MHA Fanfic){DROPPED}

A budding psychopath dies in a mugging gone wrong and floats in limbo for a long time. After a fortuitous encounter with an unknown entity, he gets the chance to reincarnate in a world with a power. Now thrown in a world full of superpowers with the power to control minds, he sets on an epic journey of world conquest for fun and proceeds to create a new faction thus becoming the greatest villain the world has ever known. Disclaimer: I don't own My hero Academia as it is already owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Also I don't own Marvel and the cover that I am using. Note: This is my first story ever and my spoken language is not English. Constructive criticism appreciated. Thank you for reading this. Also posting on royalroad.

Klazy_Labbit · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Ch 07: Stealing names from fictional works to use in a fictional work.

[2291 words without An. It is really exhausting writing so many words in 1st pov but it gives me great satisfaction when I look back at the older chapters and see this increase. ]

So far my plans have been going smoothly. Hydra still hasn't found the whereabouts of the villain factory but they are searching. Lately a lot of people are using 'trigger' and as the police put it, become instant villains but they are being stopped easily by some no name vigilantes.

I still have the sample of 'trigger' and I have been conducting research on it. I don't have any good scientists thereby making it a slow process. I must get into I-island soon and get some proper scientists under my thrall.

As for the villain factory, at the moment I can't do anything about them as they operate outside my sphere of influence. I did send some of my spies to Naruhata but they are yet to find any leads so for now I will just focus on the drug rather than the dealers.

The drug 'trigger' boosts an individual's quirk but at the loss of reasoning is what everyone knows about it but I began wondering how it would affect quirks that are mental.

And so began my tests, I called out some Hydra agents whose quirks were not physical like take for example agent A, his quirk increases his intelligence as he consumes chocolate, it has its limits but it does increase his intelligence.

I injected him with a normal dose of 'trigger' and the only effect that it had was increasing his output, that is he could consume more chocolate to use his quirk.

The drug was supposed to make him lose his reasoning and it did but not like the other physical quirks, it gave him tunnel vision. To explain this it would be like this, say I ask him to kill someone, he will go do it in an efficient manner but will fail to take other things into consideration.

And like that my plans of making a Demiurge factory went down the drain.


The next morning I woke up and began my plans of bringing Hydra into the light. I decided to create a company that would work in the light and gain good PR but it should also help Hydra in the dark.

And so I created a hero support company that specializes in hero support gadgets. Since I am bad at naming, I took one from the marvel universe and decided to name it A.I.M which stands for Advanced Idea Mechanics.

Of course I didn't start it from scratch as it would take a long time. I just got some middle companies under my thrall and then merged them. The media was quite curious after that since they didn't know who pulled such a big move but I handled it by using my spies in the media.

After merging the companies, I bought a nice and big building as the office. It was quite spacious and had 20 floors. I then assigned Hydra officers in the company.As for the workers who were already there, I kept them as it is and just removed a few top ones and replaced them with my Hydra ones, the ones I replaced were the corrupt and incompetent ones who were living by leeching off their companies.

I also went on a recruiting spree for some new talents and removed those who were there using connections or influence.

I increased the salary and work benefits of all current workers. I did this to make them feel better about the company. Of course, it didn't affect them much as nothing much changed except things got bigger and better, they would adapt to it soon enough like all humans do.

I arranged and distributed jobs to them and assigned some Hydra agents in particular departments.

After doing this, I looked at the things that these companies were making and compiled all of them.

The companies that I took over were involved in making:

Hero support gadgets,Robots for training and anti-villain unitsCostumes for heroes,Security for homes and institutions,weapons.

None of them were the best at what they were doing but were still near the top. They couldn't compete with the top companies that specialized in these things and had connections and shares in I-Island but now after being merged, it just needs a push to reach those big companies.

I then proceeded to scrap all useless projects that they were working on and made them focus more on weaponry and security. Some of the companies were selling training robots and security equipment to Hero agencies and I continued doing that but added some backdoors that would collect data.

And then to get some good PR, I donated tons of money to orphanages but I didn't lose a single penny as all those orphanages were Hydra controlled ones but no one knew that.

With my money returned to me I used it to buy resources and raw materials in bulk in the black market. This was to make all the equipment, robots and weapons to supply Hydra. I did this to avoid making anyone suspicious of stuff disappearing from the company.

Anyway the light part of Hydra was done and now I had to start the underground one.


[POV change]

In the past few months, the public has seen a drastic change. All the well known middle level companies involved in various fields were taken over and merged. The media was trying to find out more about the company now called A.I.M but were denied access.

It had popped up out of nowhere and had created big waves. The products that the companies were making before were now coming out better and functioned better than before.

Since the media couldn't meet the higher ups, they decided to meet the employees. They even went and bribed some of them to gain data about the company but even the employees didn't know much. All of them said that things were better than before and that they were paid better.

All in all, the newly established company was making new waves and was an enigma shrouded in mystery that everyone wanted to uncover.


[At detnerat]

A tall, odd-looking middle aged man with a prominently long ,pointed nose and obtruding chin stands gazing out through the top floor of Detnerat Company building. This man was none other than the President and CEO of the Detnerat Company, Rikiya Yotsubashi.

"So.. Miyashita-kun" addressing a small rodent like man. Rikiya asked, "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

"No.. Boss, I tried asking around and even sent some reporters to the AIM company but they couldn't find anything important nor did they find anything about the person behind the company…. Sorry Boss." the man now addressed as Miyashita replied.

"It's alright Miyashita-kun, keep trying and inform me as soon as you find anything." Rikiya said.

"Yes Boss."

After he left Rikiya looked out once again now sporting a malicious grin. 'Hmm, a new player has entered the stage it seems….Interesting'


At the same time, all the major companies also were curious about the newly established AIM and they sent out their spies to find out more. While the companies were powerful,they were wary of someone appearing out of nowhere and uniting so many companies in such a short period of time.

They were wary because initially they thought that the company would collapse quickly after having bitten off more than it could chew but they were all shocked when all the companies merged under AIM didn't fail or collapse like they expected but began functioning better and at the rate it was going, it wouldn't take long before it reached their level.

So they sent some spies to go gather data and sabotage AIM but little did they know that the spies that they sent wouldn't ever be coming back and if they did, well, they wouldn't be their spies anymore.


"Ahh.. now that is some good wine." Taking a sip from my collection of wine, I look over the reports of AIM. Reading through the report I learn that AIM's development is going smoothly. A few months have passed since its establishment and it is doing great.

I slowly put the higher ups under my thrall and have been working down the corporate ladder. Now nearly everyone under the company is under my thrall and the company functions better and has a great efficiency kind of like a machine with me controlling it.

Some of the companies even sent some spies to spy on me but they were soon put under my thrall. I kept some of them and sent others back after converting them to spy for me. I especially sent the ones to companies that I had plans for the future.

I have a lot of money now and the company is making profit consistently. Gone are the days where I had to pseudo-beg for money. Now I have lots of it but I am not hoarding it. Almost all of it is going in developing Hydra and for the new criminal organization that I am creating.

This new organization will be the part of Hydra that I am showing the world. I acted aggressively these few months and put a sizable number of villains under my thrall. I then got them custom made masks and costumes from AIM.

They will be the face of the new organization whose name I have taken from another piece of fiction. I call it Baroque Works, yes it is the one from One Piece but it will be a better version of it. It's main objective will not be bounty hunting like the original but it will be more like a mix between Dofalmingo's black market and the original.

I use the same system the original one used. All the main agents are given code names and a ranking system has been put in place. I have not assigned the numbers as I have not yet tested them and haven't determined their strengths so that will be done later I guess.

Unlike the show, I am not giving them codenames based on the days of the week, instead I am naming them after the letters in the alphabet. In the original, they were given codenames for secrecy amongst them but here I am giving them codenames only because I can't be bothered to remember their names and its convenient for me.

Next I needed a scapegoat to lead Baroque works. I personally didn't want to lead it in case I ever needed to scrap it during which I won't be implicated and Hydra could still function.

So I got a well known broker and villain in the underground circle, Giran. I used my Hydra agents to search for him and he was difficult to find but nonetheless I found and had Hydra surround him. When he was cornered I got him under my thrall and extracted information from him.

And man was he loaded with information. He was a relatively weak criminal but had lots of connections. He even had connections with the League of villains and scouted recruits for them. I was glad I got him sooner, had I tried making deals with him before, he might have informed the League of Villains and I wouldn't have been able to fight back.

But still he was a massive asset and his connections would be helpful in spreading the name of Baroque works. I also learnt that he sold costumes and gadgets to the League so I had him continue doing that but made him add bugs and small trackers on them.

With the trackers, if I am not caught, I could gain the locations of the League and all their Nomu labs. Then later I would have an edge when dealing with them.


After collecting and gathering all the to-be agents of Baroque works, I addressed them in one of the bases and said, " Today all of you have been gathered for the next plan of Hydra but to do so you will have to cut ties with it. From now onwards, all of you are agents of Baroque works. It is the part of Hydra that we are showing the world, that's why make sure to not let anyone know about the existence of Hydra or its connection to Baroque Works."

Next, I called Giran up and pointing at him, I said, "This man is Giran and he will be the leader of Baroque Works under my command. He will be taking orders from me and you have to follow it. Understood?"

"Yes,Sir" they replied back.

Taking a deep breath. I continued, "Now the main objective of Baroque Works. It is to form a market of sorts in the underground. We will sell modified tech from AIM and using it we will help the villains. Next using the market, we shall slowly gain monopoly over the black market. We can even buy from other companies that sell to this market and use it for our own. The rest of the brokers will either join us or we take them out. By doing all this, our plan is to have a completely unified underground like how the heroes are to the government."

"After the unification, our work is to pave a path for Hydra to take over the underground and from there we shall take over the world. Also it will be a long time before any of you can say this again so one last time, Hail Hydra."

"Hail Hydra" "Hail Hydra"

Phew...now that was exhausting. At least now that I have established Baroque works in the dark and AIM in the light, I can relax for a while and have something nice to eat.


[Author- Okay now this chapter I had fun writing. It was exhausting as well but fun to write. I just finished catching up to the latest chapter of Vigilantes and it still has no proper info about Villain factory. So because of that I have distracted the mc from it for a while atleast until I find more or well make stuff up for it, Mc will not focus on it but will research the drug instead for now.

Next I have to start reading MHA from chap 190 or so to catch up after season 4. I just browsed through the wiki and cooked some stuff up for this chapter. I just know hints and rumours of Meta Liberation arc so I have read that up first.

Anyway thanks for reading and also for the votes, 97 votes till now and that is a lot. Too bad this fic doesn't have 15k words if not it would have been in top 30's in the fanfic section.

Please leave some reviews and comments annnd stones. I have been refreshing the app every ten or so minutes to check for new reviews or comments and views like a freak. I really like talking and interacting with you all so comment and review if you enjoyed the fic and see you guys next chapter.]