
The Lover's War

(WARNING: MATURE CONTENT) Madison was focused on winning the war, not on finding a boy, and definitely not falling in love with a boy. But that all changes when Madison falls into Luke's arms on the rebel base. They both realize they like each other, but the Jedi Code forbids attatchments, and Madison is a Jedi while Luke is training to become one. Madison and Luke have to choose whether or not to follow the Jedi Code or to follow their hearts. (My Star Wars Fan Fiction, hope you enjoy!)

LadyRebel86 · Película
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Madison never wanted to fall in love again. After what happened with Brody, she was determined to put her duties as a Jedi first. Then the Empire showed up. The Order was finished, and she became a wanted fugitive. The Emperor didn't want her dead, but alive, because Madison had a special gift that ran through her family. She could bend the element of water to her will, and she was able to stop time, so the Emperor wanted her on the Empire's side, which would never happen, so she went into hiding.

19 years passed, and now the Empire had finished their most destructive weapon ever, the Death Star. Leia had been captured by the Empire before she could get help from an old friend of Madison's, but then out of the blue, Madison gets a message from Chewie, her annoying little brother's copilot saying that Leia was with him and Han, along with some kid they picked up with Leia's droids. When they arrived on the Rebel base, Madison cursed her brother out in every way she knew and found a tracking device on his ship. She was pissed off, and when she went to work on her ship's engine, she slipped and fell off her ladder. But she never hit the floor, instead being caught by a cute boy.

[Whoa, who is this boy? He is cute!]

[Chill out, girl! Calm down & say something to the boy.]

The words never came. The boy had blond hair, blue eyes, and a shocked look on his face. He set her back on her feet, and just looked at her. "I'm Luke, nice to meet you." Madison couldn't say anything, so Luke decided to leave her right there. Madison then panicked, and she ran to her sisters' bedroom. She needed some advice right now, especially when it comes to boys.