
First Outing

I was excited this morning. While holding my moms hand and jumping in excitement I kept looking around the town. Trying to keep my excitement down I looked at my mother and asked "Mommy let's hurry I want to get there already". She just chuckled lightly and picked me up. The only warning I got was "Hold on tight sweetie".

A rush of air hit me surprising me to almost screaming. I swallowed it down and just looked at my mother in surprise. Is she an aura user. Wait doesn't that mean she should be able to see my aura. [The System took care of that for you. Your aura skill is hiding your aura presence. Only legendary existences will be able to sense it but that is at a close range. Maybe if you actually practiced hiding it instead of enhancing your aura presence this would not be a problem]

The snarky reply from the system answered a lot of my questions for me. I was wondering why no one noticed me training but I didn't give it much thought at the time. When I finally got out of my thought I realized we were in front of Oak's lab. My mother knocked on the door and called out for Professor Oak.

I think the thing I least expected seeing was a small girl opening the door. The girl instead of looking at my mother looked at me. Probably because I was still wrapped in my mother's arms. So I just give her a bright smile and say "Hi, my name is Ashley Gold. What's yours?". The girl gives me a dazed looked for a bit but my mom cleared her throat bringing her back to her senses. "The name is Daisy Oak, but for a cutie like you, you can call me Sister" she said in a flirty tone of voice and a wink.

I am surprised she can do that with my mother right there but before I could think more she gestured for us to come inside. My mother instead of letting me down proceeded to sit down with me still in her arms. Daisy sat across from us and proceeded to scream "Grandpa we have guests". Seemingly not expecting the scream we could hear a lot of things falling over and a lot of other things going on. Then the man himself, Professor Oak walked out.

*Daisy's POV*

As we were sitting on the couch I was looking at the girl in Aunt Emily's arms. She had silver hair, amber eyes, the cutest baby face, slim figure, pale white creamy skin, and pink pouty lips. With her wearing a pair of blue pant shorts and a eevee

t- shirt it almost gave me a cuteness overload. She even had an eevee key chain and eevee hair clips.

When it seemed Aunt Emily was going to say something instead the little girl shouted happily with the cutest voice I've heard ever "Grandpa Oak I would like to learn from you. I want to learn so I can find all of the fluff and love the fluff". I almost fainted from the adorableness. She could be a singer with that voice. The look she gave my grandpa sealed the nail on his coffin.

The pouty face that looked like a wounded eevee staring at my grandpa made even me want to give in. So it wasn't unexpected when my grandpa said "I will only help you learn if you really work for it. You will have to do hard work or I will have to stop teaching you". With her cute face and a toothy grin the girl who I know as Ashley responded happily "Of course Grandpa Oak I will not fail you". The embodiment of an eevee succeeded and I couldn't be happier for her. Now I can play with this cutie all the time. I can't wait.

*MC's POV*

I tried my best to layer on the cuteness. It seemed to be super effective. [Good one genius] the system can't even let me have this. Well no matter I was happy I get to learn from someone of his caliber. No doubt I will learn a lot. I could not wait to touch the fluff. This is my chance. Always when I played Pokémon I wanted to hug and cuddle the fluff of them. I mean there is way too many cute Pokémon.

*The next day*

I was in the lab ready to get my instructions but before I could meet Professor Oak, Daisy dragged me to her room. She smiled at me and proceeded to pull out a fake eevee clip on tail and an eevee hair band. The smile on her face scared me. I felt if I didn't escape now I would regret it. As I turned around and pulled the knob I noticed it was locked.

A shiver went down my spine as Daisy settled her hand on my shoulder and in a sweet voice that sounded like the devil said "These will be your work clothes so just put it on. Trust me it will look adorable". Without even waiting for a reply she pulled me to get dressed. After that you can hear a adorable scream throughout the lab.

Decided to write one more chapter as an I’m sorry gift for the missed days. Wish I had more time to write

KittenSnipscreators' thoughts