
Daisy And A New Friend?

*Daisy's POV*

I watched a little silver haired girl sweeping the lab robotically with dead fish eyes. I wasn't sure how to feel. She was so cute wearing her work uniform but the guilt from her dramatic personality change was eating me alive. It is just a costume, right?

After she was done sweeping she swept a glance at me. She continued to quietly stare at me making me feel uncomfortable. I sighed and said to her "Grandpa wants to see you go see him please". She just gave a nod and walked away. Her cute little eevee tail swayed behind her as she walked away. Should I really feel bad when I can see this cuteness? I was left conflicted.

*MC's POV*

I was in a dark space floating all over again. I didn't think I was usually this into darkness. Really I am here al the time but I don't think I was that depressed. Then once again that flash of light and being dragged. Way too familiar and it seemed I was right. The holy like being from before took one look at me before laughing.

Instead of reacting I just calmly said "Where am I". The holy like being still with a smile on his face glanced at me before saying "Of course I dragged your consciousness into a separate space because you have awakened a new power. Be grateful I don't usually do this but you have too much entertainment value. Might as well raise that value more" he said ending it with a chuckle.

I wasn't sure how to react at that point. So I am free to do what I want but I can get bonuses as long as I entertain him enough. It honestly doesn't sound that bad to do occasionally but I have no idea how I entertained him in the first place.

He then said "Your system will explain it more later on but I have settled the power and even boosted it with more entertaining things. Oh the fun this will make" he laughed again before booping my nose. I then was dragged in to darkness and woke up in a daze. I was staring right at a teary eyed Daisy. What happened?

*Daisy's POV*

I waited for Ashley outside my Grandpas office feeling unsure of myself. The more I thought of her dead fish eyed face the more I regretted but it's not like I can take it back. Everyone agreed with my decision, so what's wrong with it? As soon as she came out from grandpas office she looked me in the eyes and said "Please leave me alone" and she proceeded to walk away.

I walked in to my grandpas office to see him surrounded by paperwork. He was currently writing as I walked in. I stared at him for a bit and then asked "Grandpa what did you ask Ashley to do?" he looked at me and smiled and said "I told her to take care of the Eevee".

Without replying I ran towards where the Eevee was. The scene I ran into was almost ethereal. The soft smile on her face as she was brushing this Eevee in which let no one near it was astonishing. She tamed it but as she heard me come in her face immediately changed. From that ethereal face to the now dead look on her face finally hit me. I broke in to tears.

*MC's POV*

As soon as I came back I got an actual normal system message [System has relinquished control back to host]. I looked Daisy in the eyes and wondered why she was crying but there was an Eevee begging for my attention. With two cuties like this I was stuck in a dilemma so I just dragged Daisy into a hug as I put Eevee on my lap and continued brushing.

They both gave me a surprised look and as Daisy looked into my eyes she hugged me tighter and started to cry harder. She then started saying between tears "I'm sorry for dressing you without your consent I just wanted to see how you looked in the costume and I couldn't hold back because you looked so cute". I was now even more confused but just started patting her head and said "As long as you learned from your mistakes I forgive you".

The Eevee soon fell asleep in my lap. If I remember right this Eevee didn't let anyone touch it. I finally get to floof it. Running my hands through the Eevee's fur made me unbelievably happy. After a decent amount of time floofing I noticed that Daisy fell asleep too. What am I going to do with these two girls? I just keep running my hands through both their hair and fur.

*The next day*

For some reason after that day Daisy and the Eevee were like my loyal followers. Everywhere I went they went and loved when I caressed them. It felt like I had a daughter again but now I had two of them. It made me happy when I thought of it. With this another 3 years went by and I was finally 5 years old but now both of my daughters are as clingy as they could be.

Under Professor Oak's teaching I was able to learn everything I could possibly want about Pokémon and I even ended up helping with his research. With the research we did we were able to revolutionize Pokémon care. During this time even Daisy knew what she wanted to do which of course was to be a world renowned Pokémon groomer.

Honestly I wasn't sure what I wanted to be. I just wanted to be strong to face anything and protect the ones I hold close. There is 5 years left for me to decide so I am not all that worried. Now don't you dare think I slacked on training. I finally made a breakthrough in my aura which made my aura much more pure but I was still stuck at the same amount of aura.

The thing I was most excited about is I can finally train. Currently I was unable to unlock new abilities from the store and the quests don't start until I'm 10. So all I can do is train. I think the only thing I need to do now is make a new storage for aura. That's where all of my "research" comes in to play. Thinking of the most powerful thing I could as I relaxed on the ground I started tracing it inside myself with aura.

I think I will call it auraverse. Nothing is more dangerous and long living than the universe so I think it makes sense to use it. I started regretting making a difficult to use avatar for my aura. It is way too time consuming but as I slowly starting completing the first trace I could feel an explosion in my body which forced me to the ground spitting blood. I didn't want to worry anyone so I gritted my teeth hard and bared with the pain.

It finally settled in. I already knew I made a huge breakthrough in my training and almost as if to verify it the system notified me with [Host has met the requirements to use instance dungeons. Unlocking new system function Dungeons]

I did a little happy dance in excitement I can't wait to use it. seeing Eevee I picked her up, hugged her, and immediately started dancing with her.

*Daisy's POV*

Seeing Rachel in a better mood these days has helped me feel less regretful of her work uniform but as a consequence she forced me into a similar uniform. Honestly I thought I looked cute as a pikachu. That's besides the point though. We have gotten really close but for some reason it seems like she is taking care of me. She is younger than me but for some reason I don't dislike it. With her help I was even able to find my passion so I couldn't be more thankful for her.

For some reason though I get this feeling as if she is older. I mean with all of the knowledge she holds and everything she has done so far it isn't that hard to believe or so I thought but then I walked outside to see her hugging and dancing with Eevee. Moments like this make it pretty much impossible to see her as older. I'm happy to have gotten to know her but I know eventually we will have less time together and it saddens me a bit. That's why I am going to spend all my time I have left with her.

I write these as ideas flow. I only have the generalized makeup of main events but all of the in between stuff is a work that I am doing as I create these chapters. Sorry if that makes the wait a little long but I hope you continue to enjoy my story as I could use all the help I can from you readers. Thanks all. Cheers.

KittenSnipscreators' thoughts