
More Training?

For the next few months I completed similar quests to get stronger. Why am I even trying to get stronger? The system just wants me to so I just went with the flow. At some point I was able to walk and speak a few words which my mother quite enjoyed because my first word happened to be momma.

I just wanted to see her smile but man is it awkward for a previously 28 year old man to be doing this. At some point I hit the age of 1 years old. I could walk and talk. Yay. Truly it is great my mom gives me normal milk but she always give me this aggrieved face at that time. Even now I wonder why she is doing that.

Now that I'm one I am allowed to access more information on this world that I am in. I know that it's Pokémon but it is better to be safe than sorry. Research must be done. My mom for some reason had a huge library that took up around half the 1st floor of the house. Now that I have the resources I trained my butt off.

The reason for the training is because I found so many books on aura. Even though it had minimal information that's all I needed for the system to award me skills. I mean it is a bit of a cheat but it's not like I got any other cheat besides the system. I don't even have accelerate learning. What if I was born dumb then this system would be useless.

Now I think I made a mistake in what I was saying. I'm one so obviously I can't train my body so I settle for aura. Too bad I can't use much aura cause it is too big of a strain on my tiny body. Why am I so fragile?

*2 years old*

Now that I am 2 years old I could train more. It made me really happy especially because I finally got another quest.

[Quest Created: Gain More Knowledge

Details: You have gained all the knowledge possible in your own home but you have a great opportunity literally so close to you. Use this opportunity to gain more knowledge

Rewards: 10000sp, ??? Skills, ??? Stat Increase]

I keep thinking to myself why these quests are not very specific but it seems the system always has an answer [Well the reason that would be is because I am here only to guide you not make choices for you. I want you to survive but that's all. It is on you whether you want to do the quest and what choices you want to do to complete the quest. Best wishes perv]

I got my answer but once again it leaves it too open. More knowledge is definitely something I want. So I live in Pallet Town. There is very few people I know. Before I could think further the system interrupted [I think you mean you know nobody]. Why is it I could literally hear the smirk in my systems voice.

I feel if I didn't have such great patience I might have already tried getting rid of this thing. Ignoring the system I continued thinking. My mom knows quite a few people I could ask her. The system interrupts again.

[For thinking of a good idea, rare occurrence of you, you gained +1 INT]

No matter how offended I am it was overshadowed by my surprise. I then screamed in my thoughts "System get me all those stat up notifications please". At least my system listens to me I guess.

[I am lazy so I'll show you your status. Something you have neglected to do for 2 years and you are supposed to be smart. I don't want to see someone dumb if smart people are like this.


Name: Ashley Gold

Title: The Gamer

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Intelligence: 25

Wisdom: 20

Aura: 100


{Thought Processing(Level 10): Accelerate thinking. More speed to think more useless thoughts :D}

{Silent Steps(Level 1): Silent movement. Any movement you make will be muffled somewhat}

{Aura Affinity(Level 5): Aura User. Increases ability to make aura do what you want.}

{Meditation(Level 10): Sit and focus. Increase ability to focus. Meaning you can increase the amount of aura you can hold or restore stamina and aura. Lots of things which you don't think about}


I have a decent status for my age especially the fact that an average grown adult has there stats at 10. Welp time to use my ability to convince my mom to help me find someone to help me.

I ran to my moms room on the second floor and softly open the door. Walking up from behind her chair as she was sitting at the desk I hug her arm.

I look up at her face with the biggest puppy dog face I can make and say "Mommy you know I love you right?".

She looks down at me with a bright smile and says "Mommy knows you love me but what's wrong sweeties?". I put on the biggest hurt face I can "Mommy I ran out of books to read I want to learn more". Her smile became wider as she said "Then I will ask a favor from my good friend Professor Oak to help you sweetie".

She proceeded to pick me up and played with my hair and cheeks. No I did not lean in to her touch even though it felt good I am not a kid. [I would like to report in that you are a kid as well as a mommas girl]. "You are too cheeky System" I scream in my mind.

My mom then said "That is if you can prove you know your stuff." After that my mother quizzes me on everything in the library besides the books on aura. Was I know supposed to go in that door, was it a secret?

Welp too late now but my mom seems proud and starts kissing my cheeks. "That's my cutie, you know so much. We can go to his lab tomorrow in the morning and see what we can do okay sweetie?". My smile could not be wider as I all but screamed enthusiastically "Thanks mommy". I then snuggl... I mean comforted my mother. Yup, that's what happened.

For the lateness I decided to go all out and double the usual word count. I’m still studying up on this stuff as a new writer sorry. Also got work and life things lol.

KittenSnipscreators' thoughts