
Chapter 6

Tarana pursed her lips at Myra.

"Awakening day! Ya know... The day when our attributes and soul partner reveal themselves! It's the day when you go to the Branch of Life and let the spirits guide you to your awakening! That Awakening day!"

Tarana's sudden outburst surprised Chen Mimi. It was then that she remembered that this world wasn't like her old world. There was magic in this world. However, due to how sheltered Myra was, Chen Mimi did not have any recollection of what Awakening day was.

Seeing Myra's confused face, it dawned to Tarana that Myra probably didn't know what Awakening Day was. As surprised as she was, she knew there was no use commenting on how Myra's family treated their youngest child.

Tarana quickly finished her stew and washed the plates, followed by Myra behind her.

"Even though you're older than me by a season! I can't believe I have to explain this to you..." Tarana grumbled softly as she sat herself on a soft cushion. Chen Mimi, as always, mimicked her and sat on the soft cushion opposite of her.

"Well you see, every child in the world is born with white hair. This is because hair colour signifies your mana attribute." Tarana then pointed at her and Myra's hair.

Chen Mimi looked at her white hair. At first she thought she might have been sick or old or something. Now that she knew it was normal, she felt a lot calmer.

"Different colours stands for different attribute. Like fire is red and water is blue. In total, there's 13 attribute. I don't really remember all of them but we'll learn them once we awaken and start going to school." Tarana nonchalantly push away the fact that she hadn't been studying properly. This made Chen Mimi giggle.

Tarana pouted her lips. "Don't laugh!"

Chen Mimi couldn't help but laugh harder at Tarana's cute antics. She was such a lovable girl.

"Hey! I was still talking!" Tarana quickly jumped off the cushion, wanting to catch Myra. Seeing the girl stand up, Myra quickly ran. In the end, two girls were chasing each other happily, laughing and giggling all the way.

Soon, the day started to dim and Tarana quickly bid her farewell. Myra waved her hands and quickly snuck back into her small room, awaiting for her family's return.

The first person to come back home today was surprisingly, Bard. He was usually the latest to arrive due to the nature of his work as a store manager.

Myra's eyes brighten up. Just as she expected, her Pappi quickly went to her room door, his hands wide open as he opened the door.

Myra ran out of the room and into her Pappi's embrace. The feeling of adoration and security could be clearly felt at that moment. But that moment quickly broke when they heard footsteps.

Chen Mimi quickly jumped off Bard's arm before he could react. She then ran back to her room, closing the door as she went.