
The Last Einherjar

I went so far, and yet, till the end I couldn't feel more empty that I ever been. Me, Löck, The first and last Einherjar. The only mortal who trades with the gods and still alive to tell his story. I will tell you mine for it to be remember for millennials.

Dani · Derivados de obras
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3 Chs

Little Bird (Prologue)

Myths and Gods. Many stories about them travel through time, but few of them relate the truth of those ancients heroic deeds.

Odin, Thor, Loki and Freya and her beautifull valkyrja unit. All those legends were revered in some region of this world. A world where myths and legends are real. Where mythicals beasts could be find here and there. Dragons, with there infini wisdom, goblins and their lust for women, Elves and their incommensurable pride and so on.

Through the history of this world a memorable date was craved into everybeing. The day where everything started. The day that change the destiny of many,the day that mark the doom of the gods and the enfranchisement of the mortals.

The night was stormy. The rain was pouring down on the multiple twigs roofs and along the muddy road. A scary night for the inhabitant of this little village. Some superstitious people were talking about Thor's wrath for all the wrongdoings and lack of battle this year. Blood needed to be spilled.

In a shabby cottage, this night was the coming of a newborn in the family. The scream of a woman could be heard from miles away. Her face was reddish close to turning purple, veins were popping out from her temple. She knew she couldn't make it tonight. She knew that the moment her son would be born, it would be the last and only time she could see his face. But still, she was enduring it, all the suffering to let a chance for this innocent boy to roam on this beautiful world and enjoy his life.

After a few minutes, the man who was holding her hand started to bleed from the violent scratching from what it was supposed to be his wife. This man was the typical Nords muscle head, blond beard, hair, and blue eyes, true warrior of his people. He could have killed a whole elite soldier group by himself. But at this moment, he was feeling like a naked little boy without his weapon shivering as if he was a leaf on a windy day. Hours later, a little head started slipping out of her vagina. The sound of a screaming newborn could be heard in this little cottage announcing the coming of a legend.

Ô lord, if only she had known what his destiny was. If only she had seen a glimpse of what his achievements were going to lead him. Unfortunately, she didn't even have the time to take a look at his whole frail body. She died happily with tears of joy rolling along her cheeks whispering in her last breath "Goodbye Little Bird".

Just trying to make a shot of a story I got in mind for a long time. If you guys have some thought about my writing feel free to tell me in the comment section.

I won't be publishing chapter a lot. I'm just doing it when i got free time. If you have any idea or tips to introduce the world background without being too much, you're welcome to help me

Danicreators' thoughts