
The Last Einherjar

I went so far, and yet, till the end I couldn't feel more empty that I ever been. Me, Löck, The first and last Einherjar. The only mortal who trades with the gods and still alive to tell his story. I will tell you mine for it to be remember for millennials.

Dani · Book&Literature
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My father, my friend and I

5 years skip

Hi ! I'm actually 5 years old right now. My name is Löck, but my father still call me little bird. He say that this nickname came from the last word of my mother when she bring me to this world. I respect that, even if i think it's a bit annoying. The children of the village, mainly the boys always mock me about it, but some girl found it "cute" as they say. I might used this to my advantage. Anyway, I've been brought up by my father solely during those 5 years. He didn't find any women since the death of mother. Always focused on training that he take pleasure to bring me in. He Often says, weapon are your best friends and lovers, so try to learn how to use them all to the perfection, easy say than done when your only 5 years old. Since 3 years old, I've been living with a weapon in my hand from sunset to sunrise, even during my sleep. Father says that you should never let your lover sleep alone. Meh, I didn't know at this moment how insightfull his words was.

My day actually consist in waking up, taking a bath in the river behind our house, running around the village with weight for 2 hours and have a nice meal as a reward. After this copious meal, weapon training ! from spear to sword and axe to hammer, no weapon available to our family was omitted during our training. This training last till the nightfall and then well I take a good sleep to spend an even harsher day that follow. It was hard at the start, but like every human, we get used to it. Our body are made to constantly adapt.

Today is my birthday, father now call me by my name in sign of respect through all the training I went through. He has invited my close friends to celebrate this day. What did you expect, huh? A lone wolf working his ass off all the time ? Neh, I have friends that love training with me. In this village, we were born to be warrior and we love fighting. The first friend that I had and the closest one was Sig, another blondie, quite the muscle head like my father and a lover of heavy weapon. Two hand axe and hammer. A joyfull mate that love to make silly joke all the time, even tired as hell. I considere him as my bestfriend. I met him during one of my lapse around the village, he was looking at me with his golden shiny eyes. I didn't think twice when I met him and I said " Hey blondie, wonna have some fun with me?". "Hell yeah ! " and he went along with me and started to talk. Some kind of speed dating mix with some training. I learned that he had a little sister named Lia, one year younger than him. Only a mother. Sadly, his father died during the war 3 years ago from another race called the Ork that tried to invade the border of our territory far in the south. Unexpectly we won but with heavy casuality. Just thinking about war make me feel exited. From all the story my father talled me during his campaign, the magical being and the fierce warrior, I can't stand it, the sooner we got into war, the better. That's our home to us warrior, our life goal.

But well I diverge. let's go back to the main subject, my friends ! Well, there is also Lia, surprise ?! She couldn't keep to herself alone and wasn't the kind of girlish one, more of a tomboy. lover of double weapon, she learn to handle the double sword as if they were the extansion of her hand, flexible and agile, fighting is like dancing for her, a spectacle to the eyes and an art for the purist. I think she kind like me. Well, we're still young but she kept looking at me all the time. It's the only conclusion I got from this reflexion.

So, what do we have, a heavy weapon lover, a dancing sword artist. Quite a good trio, but last year, I met three trainning buddies, the son of the priest of the Village called Theos, he mainly use his shield and a sword. But what surprise me the most is that he can do some shennanigans. They call it magic, some light cover us from time to time and make us revigorate, or other time his sword just shine like the sun. Kind a flashy and deadly also. He doesn't speak a lot, he always say, " God ears everything, and from what I see, all the bullshits from Sig will send him directly in hell". Quite funny, and everytime an arguement come up in our group, he always stay neutral and try to resolve the issue and give his advice. we need that kind of serious and, how would I say, more stable and mature boy in this unique team.

Theos' brother was the second guy, he calls himself a priest, fighting with a staffs. Well he is as dangerous with his staffs maniability than his spell as he called them. The same light that his brother produce. mentaly speaking they are the same, but he is more reserved than his brother but more slyer than his brother battle wise. I won't talk more about our spares, but even my balls still remember it, if you know what I mean.

And lastly, that girl, kind a strange. She is the mute type. Never talk for nothing, even when it's important, she just draw some sign. She isn't mute from birth, I hear her talk sometimes, but only with Lia. There is only two words to discribe her. Daguer and bow. Yeah she is the assassin type. Never show herself till the prey is killed. She is a bit frightning when you don't know her. But as you can see, she gaves me her games for my birthday. Appearance can be deceiving.