
The Last Einherjar

I went so far, and yet, till the end I couldn't feel more empty that I ever been. Me, Löck, The first and last Einherjar. The only mortal who trades with the gods and still alive to tell his story. I will tell you mine for it to be remember for millennials.

Dani · Book&Literature
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3 Chs


Soldier - N/A

Sergeant - 5 soldiers - Patrol

Lieutenant - 30 soldiers - 6 Patrols - Section

Captain - 150 soldiers - 5 Sections - Troops

Major - 750 soldiers - 5 Troops - Compagny

Colonel - 3 000 soldiers - 4 Compagnies - Regiment

Division General - 15 000 soldiers - 5 Regiments - Division

Legion General - 90 000 soldiers - 6 Divisions - Legion

Corps General - 900 000 soldiers - 10 Legion - Corps

Marshal - 3 000 000 - 3 Corps - Army

Hi guys ! I'm not a pro military wise. If you have any idea to put it in a better way, don't hesitate to comment !

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