
The path you choose.

This is the starting of the end. The war has already begun, who shall wave the flag of victory an who shall fall an never see the face of light again, it all begins now

The fight between both brothers had began. None weren't backing down, blow for blow, the heated fight between both seems everlasting, but where did it actually begin

Flashback 20 years ago

Kimuas was only 12 when he ventured into battle and his twin brother kimuah was there but he couldn't do the same as his brother because he wasn't as gifted. Here's what happened back then.

Kimuas at the training ground " lord kimuas what are you doing here"

" just taking a look what I can't just sit and observe"

" Its not that my lord just the king is not too fond of you being around this place"

" Well luckily for me he's not around so can I join you"

Cipol looked at the kimuas and smiled " your father was just like this at his age always eager to learn but let me warn you that it's not fun and games if your faced with an opponent then you must take his life you can't hesitate to think about it, can you make that choice?"

kimuas contemplated over his decision, an then said " if that's what I have to do to protect my kingdom then I will" with no doubt in his words no smile on his face.

"You look like a warrior to me let's commence"

" yes commander cipol"

From there on kimuas trained with cipol to become better at what he has come to be known as a killing machine, what about his brother well that's something completely different. Kimuah was never interested in fighting, but he always had a need for more power and that's what made him a master of magic at an young age, but magic wasn't enough he wanted more than the world could offer an he'd stop at nothing to gain control of the unknown forces. That's when he found a scripture of the dark lord druminaul. This intrigued Him. So he decided to ask his father about it king reginal.

" father I have a question"

" Go on son"

" it's about druminaul, who is he"

King reginal was astounded by his son's question an asked

" where did you hear that name son"

" I saw it in one of the scriptures at the chialry"

Not sure what to say to his son the king then said

" Never bring up that horrendous creatures name in this place again"

" But father he-"

" I said never bring up his name again!" He shouted " now go to your chambers an stay there"

But kimuah couldn't let go he found other means to get to this creature shrouded in mystery. He couldn't find a speck of information that could give any clues or lead him in the direction of it. He searched every chialry. The chialry is a place that holds most of the world's history, the kingdom of thorn is a vast kingdom, that's when he stumbled upon a very strange scroll. He opened it fascinated by it's appearance and saw an incantation, a summoning spell of some sorts but it didn't say who it would call out. He sat and chanted this incantation " jus nevula cantres un cun sroles" from the scroll a dark figure appeared an said " who dares to call upon my name, the dark lord druminaul, was it you puny man"

" Yes it was I, kimuah prince of thorn"

" Thorn you say who's the king of this kingdom"

" king reginal"

Druminaul eyes flared turning the the entire place dark an said

" why did you seek me out is it power you seek, my power"

" yes I want power that this world hasn't seen before"

" I will give you my power But you have to do something in return" With a heinous smile on his face

" I'll do anything for your power"

"Then take it" an druminaul with his dark umbra, went inside kimuahs body. You could hear his bones breaking, his body rearranging it self for druminaul, flesh tearing up inside a rather hideous sight for a man to watch an finally it was done, the transition of dominion upon kimuah an said " now let's go kill your father"

"My father you can't"

"My child I ask for a favor in return for this power you now feel flowing through your veins"

"I can't do it get out of my body get out." He yelled

"I'm in command of this body now." An rip through the ceiling ascending to the sky. While he was up in the air he disperse this gloomy essence around the kingdom searching for the king.

"Found you now it is time for you to meet your demise."

He flew to the chamber. Though as this was going on no one saw, because it was night. He then made his way to the kings cubiculum.

"Czar may I enter." He said

"Come in my son I was just about to have a feast, today's expedition was tiring and now I'm famished I could eat a whole cow" the king said and chuckled

"Yes father I'd love to"

he then took a seat next to reginal an at a flash, he put his hands to his chest an rip his heart out, that's when kimuas entered the room an yelled

"Father no kimuah what have you done"

Present time

" it's time for me to end you" kimuas said

" Try brother I'll end you first"

The fight continued when finally kimuas overpowered kimuah. Standing over him with his sword to his chest an said

" I'm sorry brother I wish things could have been different"

" wait please rethink this we could rule this timid world together you and I in complete order, just imagine the things we could accomplish brother"

" I'm sorry but we are not the same"

He lift his sword ready to deliver the last blow when a dagger stab him in his back. He fell to the ground screaming in pain his eyes then fixed upon the person who had stabbed him. He was surprised to see who did it, " rosel how could you, your my ( coughed up blood) your my wife I love you how could you do this to me"

" Simple I didn't love you. You seem to have forgot what happened kimuas, when you and your father destroyed my village and murdered every one in it, I had to watch you kill my entire family everyone I loved you took there head"

" Wha- what are you talking about you're the one who found me"

" Oh sweety, I wasn't here for love I was here for revenge let me jog your memory"

She then put here hands on his head, kimuas remembered killing all of them. He had to it was what the king commanded. Tears started flowing down his eyes

" I'm sorry rosel I didn't know. it's what my father wanted an I couldn't oppose him"

" How unfortunate" she then put the knife deeper inside him and said

" Josel is not your son this man is,( spitted on him ) you deserve to die, I'll send you to your almighty god"

Kimuas saw them walking away. With his last drop of power he gave his power to kluas an the sword vanished. Under his dying breath he said

" Kluas my son this is your mission now this was my burden but now it's yours, you have to, you have to kill them all and rid this world of evil"

Then kimuas body started to disappear.

To be continued