
Out of the dark

This is the starting of the end. The war has already begun, who shall wave the flag of victory an who shall fall an never see the face of light again, it all begins now

It has been twelve years since The king has disappeared. Everything he work to build was all undone an ended. His brother kimuah has now taken the thrown. And rosel is his queen. Today he's set to appear before the council of highmen the dark lord's of the world, it's a meeting where the group of elite meet to discuss the problem of burning this world to the ground and creating a new one. One in there own image were the weak cower before the strong and mighty. That's always been his dream along with being the most powerful being to set foot on the earth. But he doesn't know that there's one with even more power than him, let's see

"Why have you summoned us kimuah this must be important." A highman said

" well let's just say the resistance has been gathering information on us, believe me I'm not concerned with this at all but we can't let it continue, that's all"

" oh I see that resistance is becoming quite meddlesome we have to stop them before the rest of them decide to turn idiots not saying that they aren't idiot's already" he let out a snicker and the rest followed an started to laugh

Kimuah then said with a serious tone " we deal with this tonight"

Then everyone one got up an went to stage the attack against the resistance. What they didn't know was that akena, a friend of kluas, was spying on them an went straight back to headquarters to report what she saw.

" there preparing to stage an attack" she said

" oh they are, well they don't know what we have in store for them, ok everyone this is it tonight we end this" naju said.

" but sister their forces are way more vast than ours. how do you plan on taking them out, we can't die we're the only ones left from our family we can't risk it. I advice we flew, take a retreat, it's better than dying by the hands of that mad man our uncle."josel said

" we'll just have to wait and see won't we sis ( with a smirk on his face)" kluas said

" Hm so you think your ready for this brother. You think you can take him on at your level. dad couldn't beat him how can you"

" how can I? The answer to that question is father was too hesitant ( chuckled) me on the other hand I won't make that mistake the first chance I get I'll take his head, josel don't try to stop us we will do this with are without you. Now it's time for you to make a decision, either you run are stand and fight with us"

" brother you know you can't win and I'm not going to join this suicide mission of yours so brother I'm running and I won't look back" slams his hand on the table and leaves the room

" hah we both know you're a coward josel, run, leave just make sure you don't show your face back in this kingdom, now sis it's time"

" yes kluas it's time, now one last time who wants to go home cause if you take this path there's no turning back"

Everyone in unison " we're ready naju"

" well then we move"

Everyone was preparing for battle but kluas was sitting at a window looking all lost in his mind. " why, why father why couldn't you end his life" he said to himself with tears coming down his eyes. His sister naju then walked over and saw that something was bothering him, so she sat next to him an said " it's dad isn't it"

" Yeah it is, why did he have to leave us naju weren't we important too why?"

" I don't know kluas but he's out there somewhere we just have to have faith"

" faith what's faith ever done for us hmm nothing, nothing at all, that's why I don't believe in faith I believe in my fist any weapons such contradictions don't matter to me"

She looked and could see the pain in his eyes, she didn't know the words to speak to comfort him, so she just walked away.

Kluas look at the sky for one last time and said "( exhales ) father I didn't know you well but you were quite foolish, makes me sad ( exhales ) you are still my father and on my name I swear I will get revenge for you because kluas medruckila never gives up on his words"

The resistance was ready an they were on there way. The plan was to get to the chamber of the king and kill him. A simple plan, but we all know how it goes simple isn't enough. Finally the group had reached the citadel, " alright troops let's go through the plan again. Me and Kluas will head for the kings chamber you will take the first floor and provide us with a distraction, everyone I know this might not be the time but I am thankful to you my father died protecting this kingdom and I'll gladly give mine to win it back now let's move" naju said

The troops did as naju commanded bursting trough the first floor doors an started the attack. Naju and Kluas headed for the kings chamber as they had planned. " naju we're almost there" kluas whispered.

" Are you being sarcastic right now cause you know I'm not blind and I'm the one who planned this whole thing"

" Oh yes that but we are here"

" didn't I just tell you that I know"

" Yes you did? Did you tell me that?"

" Just shut up and move "

They both climbed through the only window on the last floor were the king chambers lied. They opened the window and headed inside. " um is this it"

" Kluas."

" Yeah"

" are you dumb?"

" is that a question"

" yes it's a question"

" Oh then I don't know"

" really!"

" Yes really, I just imagined it to be bigger"

They both went for the door when naju realized an yelled " kluas wait!" ( Boom )

Both there bodies went straight back to the wall. Then kimuah appeared, " it's almost funny did you uh think that this was going to work, if you did you too are obviously your father's child luckily one amongst you had brains and not a nut for a head come on out josel"

Both " JOSEL"

" no no no this can't be happening how could you" naju exclaimed

" Simple I couldn't watch my two younger siblings die so I made a deal with Uncle"

" I knew you were a coward" kluas said

" So what if I am hmm look what being brave got you absolutely nothing, and I wasn't going to watch you get murdered"

" better you did that cause now your dead to us"

Rosel walked in " well good now you can both die"

" Wait mother wait I made a deal with uncle an you aren't about to kill your children"

" Oh josel it's time for you to know the truth"

" The Truth?" with a skeptical look on his face.

" yes the truth, firstly kimaus wasn't your father josel"

" wait what! Then who is?"

" he's right here tell him lovely" rosel said

" I am your father josel" kimauh said

" no it can't be."

" yes it can matter a fact you and them aren't even related, there not my children nope, you're the only the one son I have, momma was a bit unfaithful to daddy so he did that to spite me, well I guess it never worked"

Josel started to cry, when kluas took his sword an tried to kill kimuah that's when he grabbed naju an put her in the direct path of the sword when it struck

" No! Naju , no"

Kimuah then drop her body and left kluas staring at it. He ran over to the body to see if she was still breathing when she said

" kluas go, run don't even look back"

Kluas had tears flowing from his eyes when he tried to muster up the courage to talk back , but he couldn't, naju said her last word to kluas.

" Don't let it out no matter what you do keep the jugas inside run from it kluas run leave the Devine blade, it's darkness only darkness I want you to run from it promise me you will run please kluas I need you to promise me"

He held her hand an said " I promise"

" good now go" she took her last breath saying those words. Josel push his father to the side an yelled kluas run that's when he ran for the window and jump through.

To be continued