
The Beginning

This is the starting of the end. The war has already begun, who shall wave the flag of victory an who shall fall an never see the face of light again, it all begins now

"This is the day we wage war" king kimuas said. " but lord this base is not fully prepared yet. the battle would have ended before we got a chance to even start" cipol blurted," we have no other choice. This is the only way to protect the kingdom" kimuas said " we have already stressed our men Czar they cannot hold the front forever" priest added,

" what do you suggest cipol we have no more men if we don't do something soon it''ll be the end of us"

" Czar they have broken through the front there coming Czar what should we do" the guard said outside. kimuah was waiting for the king to make his move " let's see how long you can keep that secret buried for brother ( sinister laughing) " he said. This secret is the only thing that could turn the tide of the war and sadly the king knew to beat his brother that's what he had to resort to. The king finally decided to bring out the beast that he has hidden in him from his past days as the excicutioner. This was his final stop. From his perception he knew that he would never see his children again. " Ready the last of our men we'll hit them with everything we have an if that's not enough leave the rest to me. I shall see you all in heaven, a prayer to the gods above" the king commanded. Once his forces were ready for the last battle he visited his children for he thought this would be his last chance. The king saw his children looking out the wooden arcane window, the fear in there eyes " come to me my children" the king said " father what is happening" said josel " son let us worry about that for now take the young ones to the chamber and secure the doors I love you "

" father your gonna come back to us right father promise us" said naju

"yes he is, are else I'm going to kill him myself" rosel said

"Come here rosel" then whispered in hear ear, " I love you and I don't think I'm going to make it back" he said

"Don't say that you, the children an I will be awaiting your return." rosel said to her husband.

" I swear upon the name of the gods that I will make it back to my family tell kluas I love him" said king kimuas

" Yes dear he's still sleeping I'll kiss him for you now go the army is waiting for you" said rosel

" I shall take my leave josel take care of naju and Kluas" the king said

" I can take of myself father " naju said

" Stop being an ignorant child and listen to father " said josel

"STOP!" the king commanded

Kluas started crying

"Now look what you have done take them to the chamber and seal off the doors " he took kluas an said " hush my son you shall be ok I'll return victorious" knowing to himself that it was a lie. The king left with his heart in pieces but he knew what he had to do. He finally caught up to his men an said " I know some of you are scared but I'll tell you now if you don't want to die turn your horses around and ride home if I wasn't a king I know that I wouldn't be here nah nah I'm joking but it's your choice your apart of my army and I want you to know that you have a choice to turn back. Now since I see that none of my men aren't pussy's like they use to say in the old days let's ride " ( triumphant music started to play ). The king had finally reach the battlefield he noticed that all his men were scared for there lives " ok men this is it archers to the highlands, shields to the front just like we planned, spears you take position right behind the shields and swords on me " they've waited hours in there strategic battle formation butthey realized that no one had yet to appear. Man from the army " Czar it seems that druminaul men are a bunch of chic-" a sword Pearced through his armor a man shouted " ambush!" . One by one the kings soldiers died. His men were caught of guard, he yelled " fall back men fall back" the king saw that there was no hope for his men he then told them to retreat his men were surprised by the king words and the general said " but Czar u cannot face all of them at once that's madness king let us help you, are else this is just suicide" the king then said " go, go now we have no chance of winning now go I'll handle this." The kings army realize that he wasn't joking them they turned an headed back to the kingdom. Kimuas knew this was it, his time of truth,

he had only one chance. All the men came down on kimuas, he killed every single one of them as I told you he isn't an ordinary man. He ripped them to sheds he torn them limb from limb it was carnage for kimuahs men. Kimuah then stepped forward an said

" brother dear old brother you know that your efforts are futile, I have hundreds upon hundreds of men at my disposal you can't win."

" your so sure that I can't win let me show you the power you abandoned when you turn to darkness"

the king let out a big roar he took the divine blade and the jugas. The jugas was a gift from the heavens it only comes to those who are destined for greatness and kimuas was the epitome of greatness. But once you open yourself up to the jugas that's the end of you. There's no coming back from that, it takes your soul away for the ultimate power are so they thought. The king took on his last transformation luxx luray.

" now you see brother, this is it your end" kimuas said

" oh kimuas only if you knew, now this is your end" kimuah said.

Over there head the darkness ruled the light. The tension was so thick in the air you could actually see it

Kimauh smirked an said " let's begin"

To be continued