
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 18: Fight between two Kings

"Heaven and earth sword play first move"

"Flying crane first move- Wind surfing crane"

Both of them rushed towards eachother and their swords met.*Tak* *Crack*

Kuo Fang's sword is broken from one hit. Everyone is shocked but Kuo Fang has a smug on his face.

"Hehehe! Very good. Now let's fight seriously. If were to be stand you ground against me then I will teach you an another technique"

"Okay. Heaven and earth sword play- second move"

Wu Hao Ran gave Kuo Fang an another wooden sword.

Kuo Fang covered his with violet aura.

"Hey is that a sword aura"

"No it's Qi"

"Do-does that mean leader has materialized his Qi"

"No but it's just a step behind materialized Qi"

"Can you do this also Wang Junjie"

"No but Wu Hao Ran can"

"What! But How?"

"Unlike us he doesn't have anything special so the only thing he can do is hardwork"

Kuo Fang Lifted his sword. Yang Jia Li is concentrating her Qi on the sword to attack but at that time Wu Hao Ran shout to Yang Jia Li "Protect yourself"


But it's late and Kuo Fang slash with his sword. Yang Jia Li is far from the sword but that Qi went straight toward her. At that time Wu Hao Ran infront of her and he deflect that Qi strike with his own Qi.

That attack shook the whole mansion,

"What hell are they doing?" Liu Yichen asked to li Zirui.

"Leader what are you doing?"

"Just testing how much she has improved and also you"

"Me? but why?"

"I have been observing you. You have been training very hard and as I have guessed you are also a step behind from materialising the Qi and because of that I announce that you are the strongest in our sect after me atleast for now"

"What?" Everyone is shocked.

"Yes. If you fight him you will be unable to defeat him and if you want to defeat him you also have to work hard"

The whole room is silent but suddenly *Bang* the door is opened by a kick and Liu Yichen entered the training room.

"Hey what were you doing and why is that wall damage and.... it looks like it's made by a sword"

"It's late I am going to my room and all of you also should do that and Yang Jia Li you passed"

After that everyone started to go to their room.

"Hey! could anyone tell what happened their"

"Come here and see this you will be able to tell" Li Zirui said while investing that sword mark on the wall.

Liu Yichen went near the sword mark and put his hand on that mark.

"So what do you feel"

"Some lingering Qi"

"And what does that mean?"

"What are you talking abou-....Wait! Don't tell me that someone within us can materialize the Qi"

"Yes and there are two"


"If you try to feel it closely you should know that there are two types of Qi"

"Can you tell me who are those two from the types of Qi"

"Yes just wait for some minutes"

After a few minutes,

"So did you found out?"

"Yes. The first one is our leader's and the other one is Wu Hao Ran's"

"What! How?"

"It's simple we are not training diligently"

Next day at the training ground of Supreme martial arts academy,

"So how many of you were able to comprehend technique"

There is three persons who was able to comprehend the technique.

"Okay now those who have comprehend the technique go and stand there and those who are unable stand there"

All of the students are divided into two groups

"Mrs.Wu Xiang please come out"

Then a lady appeared out of thin air,

"Nice to meet all of you I am Wu Xiang"

She looked at group of those who have comprehended the technique.

"Wow the number has risen this year. So Anyway I am here teach you the high grade technique. are you ready?"


"Mrs. Wu Xiang could you please go over that side to teach them"

"Ok Mr. Zhu wen"

After that Wu Xiang brought them far from the other group.

"Okay I will teach you a High grade sword martial art technique. It's called Falling feather sword"

She showed the students how this technique works by cutting an apple with it.

After that She started to teach it to the students.

Kuo Fang and Wang Junjie was the first one to learn it and Kuo Fang set a record by learning it only in fifteen minutes.

"very good. You broke the record by learning this technique in fifteen minutes. You were ten minutes fast"

After few hours of training the bell rang.

"So students today you only has one class in your today's schedule so you all can go home and I guess only six of you were able to comprehend the technique. Then tomorrow you four will go to a wasteland to gain battle experience"


"So where are we going right now" Wang Junjie asked Kuo Fang.

"To the Yuan mansion"

After that all of them went to yuan mansion.

"Sect Leader and The six guardians please come inside"

at the backyard of Yuan mansion,

"We all have been gathered you to let you join our sect but inorder to join our sect you will be working in Yuan Family"

"Who will be training us" A person said from the group.

"It's us"

"But you are children. How could you teach us"

"Cheng Qiang please show them your Qualifications"

Cheng Qiang came out and revealed his martial soul. Seeing his Green grade martial soul everyone is shocked.

"If he is a green grade martial soul then I think you can guess what my grade is"

Everyone is silent,

"So who is ready to join the sect"

All of them started to talk between them and then an person said "I am ready. Please let me join your sect"

Seeing him some other person agreed and soon all of them agreed to join the sect.

"Elder Yuan please order the existing guards in our team to join them"

All of them join the group.

"So now you in total all of you are now seventy two. First The main attack team please come out and stand separately"

They did as they were ordered.

"Wait I am seeing one less people... The one who was left from the team because he has the lowest point you can now join the team"

That person came out and joined them.

"So all of you will be given training from us for one month and after one month you all will be divided into five teams and those are - Main guard team, Guard team, Attack team, Scout team and assassin team. The training will start from today and those who will betray us they not live to see the next day's sun"

Then Wang Junjie started telling about the other things.

"So let me tell you for once more time. The thing we want from you is your loyalty and if tried to betray you know what will happen to you. Now follow me to our sect"

Inside the Mansion,

"You have done a great job. I show some persons who has good potential"

"Thanks for the praise. Could you tell me about the academy"

"Well... I met some students from the Wudang sect and now they are under my control and tomorrow I am going to a wasteland to hunt some monsters"

"Okay... Wait! did you just say that some students from Wudang sect is under you control"



"Well... at first they tried to plotted against but that backfired on them"

"Okay but will it not bring any harm to us"

"You don't have to be cautious about that. didn't I said that everything is under my control"

"As you say leader"

"Then I am going"

Kuo Fang went to his mansion and he went straight inside his room. He started recovering his Qi for tomorrow.

Few minutes later Liu Yichen knock on the door of Kuo Fang's room.

"Who is it?"

"It's me"

"Come in"

Liu Yichen entered room. He saw that Kuo Fang is gathering Qi.

"Tell me why did you came"

"Leader I want to have a spar with you"

"Sure met me outside of the house five minutes later"

Five minutes later,

Kuo Fang and Liu Yichen both is ready with their weapon.

"I will let you Attack first"

"Blade Domain" He threw three blade and created a domain around them and then he drew his blade.

"I will fight you with a blade"

"I wouldn't recommend that since every blade in this domain is in my control"

"We will see about that" Kuo Fang drew his blade and point it towards Liu Yichen.

Both of them rushed at eachother and both of them swing their sword at the same time but Kuo Fang found it hard to swing the blade and because of that he wasn't made it time and he had to block Liu Yichen's blade.

"Wow! To move blade inside my domain is something nearly impossible"

"Well I did it but could you tell me how did you done that?"

"well in this domain my blade intent increase and so I can control any types of blade"

"That's a very good technique. Now let's have a serious battle"

Kuo Fang and Liu Yichen get in their battle form and are concentrating their Qi on their weapon. Where Kuo Fang is One step from materialising the Qi Liu Yichen has the control over Kuo Fang's blade so this is a fair match.

Kuo Fang swing his blade and the half materialized Qi went towards Liu Yichen and he blocked it with his blade. He was able to deflect that Qi towards Kuo Fang but he was thrown backwards because of the impact.

Liu Yichen is thrown out of his domain and because of that his domain shattered and that Qi dispersed before it could reach Kuo Fang.

Liu Yichen is laying flat on his back. Kuo Fang went towards Liu Yichen and gave him his hand to help him get up.

"That was a great battle but did you even my control my Qi"

"Yes but I can do that if it was used on a blade"

After that both of them entered the mansion and cleaned themself.

After that the day ended uneventfully.

The next day,

"Wu Hao Ran today you will train the guards and Yang Jia Li you will also go with him to practice"

"Ok leader"

"Wang Junjie have you packed everything"


"Where are you going?"

"The academy is taking us a wasteland to gain some experience"

At the outside gate of The Supreme martial arts academy others are gathered.

"Oh so you have came"

"Are we the last ones"

"No. There's is still one more person. Oh! There she is"

A girl is coming towards them. She has black hair and eyes matching that colour and she is wearing all black and her face is covered by a black mask.

"So let me introduce to everyone. First is Mu Yuxuan from Wudang sect then Yang Jun and Yang Jiang from Wind chasing sect"

"Nice to meet you everyone. we are twins"

"Then there is Kuo Fang and Wang Junjie from Heavenly Demon Sect and Xu MingYue from The Emei sect"

She looked at everyone sternly to intimidate but when her eyes met with Kuo Fang's she felt like she was in an abyss and something is staring at her but she doesn't have the courage to look back.

She was brought back to reality by Wu Xiang saying that the bus has arrived.

The whole journey she was staring Kuo Fang from behind and was thinking what was that thing.

"Everyone get out the bus could only take us here"

After that everyone get out of the bus.

"So now everyone follow me. For some I think this is their first battle with a monster so you have remember that teamwork is most needed in a battle. Then follow me we are entering the Wasteland. It's a D grade wasteland and if don't know then let me tell you that wasteland and dungeons are divided into E to A grade and there are S grade dungeons and it was only found time and it was when these monster came to earth"

In our way to the wasteland we found some Silver wolves but we didn't attacked since they always stay in pack. So it will be troublesome if they called their pack.

Later we found two thunder leopard and they were at six level of warrior stage.

"Thunder leopard are very hard to defeat because of their speed so have to defeat them by teamwork. Kuo Fang, Wang Junjie and Xu MingYue you will surround a leopard and you will surround the other one and on my command you will 3... 2... 1 go"

All of them rushed towards those thunder leopard and surround then in a moment. Those Leopards understands that they are under attack.

And one of them tried to escape but it was stopped by Kuo Fang.

"Xu MingYue did you any thing to catch it"

"Yes I do have a net but those Leopards are very fast so I can't catch them with it"

"Give it to me"

Xu MingYue threw the new to Kuo Fang.

"Lightning steps"

Kuo Fang covered the distance between him and the leopard in a second and is now standing behind him.

The leopard tried to run away but he reached it in a second and caught it with the net.

After catching it he went to help the other team but he saw that they have already caught it but it was heavily wounded.

"Very good. Now tell me does anyone need their soul"

"Can we take it since most of our martial arts is to about agility"

"Then you could take it"

Then there was a rustle near a bush and a baby thunder leopard came out.


"Wang Junjie hide the body of the thunder leopards"

"Is it child of those Leopard"


"Then we should kill it or he may bear grudge against us and I don't like leave loose ends"

"Mu Yuxuan are you mad. The have done nothing"

"Xu MingYue you should just get out of my way"

"Mu Yuxuan you are right I also don't like to leave loose ends."

Kuo Fang said while looking at his thumb and index finger that he was rubbing.

"I should also cut it out. right?" He then shifts his gaze towards Mu Yuxuan. Mu Yuxuan stopped in his track.

Kuo Fang went towards Mu Yuxuan and whispered to him "If you don't want to die then stand back"

After that Kuo Fang went towards that thunder leopard and picked it up.


Then Kuo Fang went more inside the Wasteland. Wang Junjie follow him.

"Leader what are going to do with that leopard"

"It's obvious I am going to take it home with us"

The others also soon catch up to them.

"Hey why did you left from there?"

"what why? Do you want me to let him see as you kill his parents"

"So are taking him with you"


Later they came across a seventh level warrior grade shadow panther,

"Kuo Fang you have great speed so don't let the shadow panther escape"

"Ok. Lightning steps"

Sparks of lightning appeared around his body.

"Xu MingYue and Mu Yuxuan both of you will fight it head on"

"Yes" Both of them nodded and got into their fighting stances.

"Wang Junjie you will cover them. Yang Jiang and Yang Jin both of you will be back up"

The shadow panther made the first move by attacking Xu MingYue with his razor sharp claws.

"Jade palm- Third move"

But before it could reach her it was attacked by Mu Yuxuan and without giving him any time to recover Xu MingYue also attacked it.

"Ethereal slash"

With a single slash it's head gone flying and blood splattered all over the ground and martial soul started to float.

"Woah! It's was spectacular fight. Both of you did very well. Now tell me Xu MingYue do you want to take the martial soul"

"Yes with it I will enter the Intermediate martial artist rank"

"Then it's settled now tell me do we go more inside the forest"

"I don't think I will find the martial soul I want. So that's a no from me. What about you Wang Junjie"

"It's a no also from me"

Yang Jin, Yang Jiang and Xu MingYue also said no since they have already got what they want.

"Then we are going back as soon as Xu MingYue finish absorbing her martial so-"

Wu Xiang stopped mid-sentence and terror appeared on her face. It's the same for everyone else except Kuo Fang.

"Hey what happened to all of you why are you so scared"

"Kuo Fang look behind you"

Kuo slowly bent his head behind and his eyes felt on the green eyes of a Phantom snake.

Kuo Fang swiftly move backwards and create some distance between them.

Kuo Fang unsheathed his sword to fight the phantom snake but stopped by Wu Xiang.

"Kuo Fang we have to run. It's a second level Leader grade Phantom snake and looking at the mark on it's head it should be a king of Phantom snake"

While these two were talking The phantom snake snake raging at them.

Seeing this Wu Xiang tackled Kuo Fang and took the attack head on.She was thrown away and is severely injured from the hit.

Now the the Phantom snake is glaring towards Kuo Fang like Kuo Fang is his Arch-nemesis.

This is a fight between two kings. Both of them are focused at eachother.


"You will die by my hand and you will promote me to Novice martial artist after I absorb your Martial soul"