
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 17: Curse worm

Yang Jia Li is sitting on the dining table that is full of food.

"Just let them come" She is now like a volcano that is going to erupt .

Ten minutes after outside of Kuo Fang's mansion kuo Fang and the six guardians are standing. When Kuo Fang was going to ring the bell, at that time Yang Jia Li opened the door.

"Oh! hey. Have you eaten?"


"Did something happened? Why are you not talking?"

Kuo Fang looked back and saw that there is no one.

"Did you forget that I would make food to celebrate"

'Oh shit!'

Yang Jia Li is wearing a fake smile while barely holding any killing intention.

"Hey Yang Jia Li what is your age?" Kuo Fang is trying to change the subject.

"I am ten years old. Why are you asking?"

"Did you have opened your martial soul"


"Then do it. I want to see what grade of martial soul you will get"

Yang Jia Li sit on the sofa in Lotus position and she entered her Sea of Consciousness. At there she saw the martial soul that is sealed by chains.

She destroyed the chains and opened the martial soul and get out of there.

"Hey what grade martial soul did you get"

"....." She is looking at the floor silently.

"Hey what happened there?"

"I-I got a orange grade martial soul"

"So what?"

"Compared to you all I am like a trash"

"Hey! You know that to me martial soul doesn't matter. Okay let me see your martial soul"

Yang Jia Li make her martial soul appear.

'Th-that! That is the treasure ginseng martial soul' Kuo Fang is shocked.

'Now I know what is that blinding light inside Yang Jia Li's consciousness'

"Is there something wrong with my martial soul"

"No but never use this martial soul unless it's a life threatening situation"

"But why?"

"Sorry I can't tell you about this because you don't have power to protect this martial soul and that's why you have to hide it"

After that Kuo Fang went towards his room but Yang Jia Li stand there worried and thinking if she forgot about something.

The next day,

At the supreme martial arts academy.

"Nice to meet you students. I am Xi Jiayi. Today I am going to tell you about the World criss that happened twenty two years ago. I know many of you know what did happened then but those who don't know please listen carefully to what I say"

Xi Jiayi looked around classroom for once and then started explaining.

"Twenty Two years ago Void rifts started opening around the earth and strange creatures was starting coming out of that void and that time thirty percent of world population were annihilated but the annihilation was stopped by Martial artist and martial soul users. Nowadays those void rifts are called dungeon and the area where mostly a dungeon could be found is inside a wasteland and the Wasteland is an area that is infested by those creatures"

After that she explained about other thing and then the bell soon rang.

"Then I will continue it tomorrow"

She left the classroom.

The six guardians and Yuan Xinyi stood round Kuo Fang.

"Hey did you knew about all of this?"

"Yes. My grandpa had told me about it"

Kuo Fang and others were chatting with eachother and at that time another teacher entered the classroom

"Nice to meet you students. I am Zhu Wen and I am your martial arts instructor. So follow me to the training grounds"

At the training grounds,

"So everyone tell me what think you need most in a battle"

"It's strength" one of the student said and then another student said "It's agility"

"Nah. It's all wrong. How about you what do you think that is needed most in a battle" Zhu Wen pointed at Kuo Fang.

"Wits and experience"

"What?" most of the students is shocked.

"It's correct. So what if you have high strength or high mobility if don't know how to use in battle and the question I asked is what is the most needed thing in a battle not in a fight. A battle is where you put your life in line and you need experience to win a battle"

"So today's class is about defence. What do you think is the best method to defend yourself"

"It is to reinforce yourself with Qi" That arrogant person from the Wudang sect said to Zhu Wen

"Yes. could you show me how to do it"

He gathered his Qi on his hand. Then he reinforced it and showed it to Zhu Wen.

"Good good. what is your name?"

"Guo Ming"

"Okay Guo Ming tell me what will happen if I do this"

Zhu Wen touched a certain point on his reinforced hand and the Qi on his hand started to dissipate.

"Wh-What! How did you do that"

"It's simple I just touched the weakest point in your reinforcement"

"But how did you found it?"

"It was easy. You just have to find the path the Qi is flowing and if you hit there the flow of Qi will stop and your reinforcement will break"

"Then what should we do to stop someone from doing that" Cheng Qiang asked.

"The answer is don't use the Qi"

"What! Then how will we defend ourselves" Guo Ming asked

"I am saying that you shouldn't use Qi all the time while fighting but you should use it on moment someone will hit you"

"But it takes time to reinforce"

"It takes time because you reinforce the whole area"

"Then what should we do?" Cheng Qiang said

"You should create a small sheild with your Qi in Hexagonal shape on the area where your opponent will hit you and with enough mastery you could even put layers on your sheild. Here look at this"

Zhu Wen made some small Hexagonal sheild in front him and then moved them all around his body and atlast he gathered all those sheild on one are and create a four layered hexagonal sheild.

Everyone is amazed and the one who is most amazed is Cheng Qiang.

"I call this technique Skin of floating dragon and today you will be learning this technique and those who will be able to learn I will teach them a high grade technique"

Zhu Wen started to teach everyone how to use the Skin of floating dragon technique.

after two hours of training only Cheng Qiang was able to comprehend the technique and one hour later Kuo Fang and Mu Yuxuan was able to comprehend it and soon Guo Ming and everyone on Kuo Fang team and some others were able to comprehend the technique.

"Today's training ends here and I will give the remaining ones a chance and I will see how much you have progressed and those who would be able comprehend the technique before our lesson starts next day. Then he will also be able learn the High grade technique"

"What will happen if we were unable to comprehend before that time limit" a person from the Formation sect said.

"Well you will be unable to learn the High grade technique and will be given to learn an advance grade technique"

After that everyone was going there way and Kuo Fang said "You all go first I will come later"

Then Kuo Fang disappeared from there.

At a certain area inside the Supreme martial arts academy. A group of persons is there.

"So you have came" Mu Yuxuan said

"Why did you call me here?"

"What did you mean why? Obviously it's to give you good opportunity"

"What is it?"

"Hey calm down. So you know that you have a promising future so why not join our sect"

"Sorry I don't to"

"Hey! Are you saying no to the Wudang sect" Guo Ming said.

"Guo Ming please be quiet. Kuo Fang if you were to Join our sect I will give this first grade limit breaking pill"

"What! Leader you are giving him a first grade limit breaking pill" A person from the group said.

Kuo Fang grabbed that pill and inspect it for a while.

"This pill is really a First grade limit breaking pill"

"So do you accept?" Mu Yuxuan bring forward his hand.

Kuo Fang thought for a moment and said "yes". Kuo Fang gave Mu Yuxuan a Handshake.

"Hahaha then let's enjo- gugh gulp" Kuo Fang put his hand on Mu Yuxuan's mouth and throw something in his mouth and he swallow that.

"What did you just put in my mouth"

"It's the First grade Limit breaking pill. I gave it to you as a gift for letting me join the Wudang sect"

"But why?"

"What why? Don't you see this" Kuo Fang is bleeding from one of his hand.

"What happened to you? Did someone attacked you?"

"Hey! Just drop your act. I know that inside the pill is a puppet worm and it is well hidden after you cover it with the shadow resin"

"What do you mean? Puppet worm?" Guo Ming asked

"Wow! You haven't even told your members about this. Did you think you will gain their loyalty by showing that you have defeated me"

"But how were you able to find it? You can't find it unless you are a first grade alchemist. Do-don't tell me that you are a first grade alchemist"

"Yes. You are correct"

In the previous year while Kuo Fang was training his technique he was also practicing the alchemy and in result he has reached the First grade alchemist level.

"Tell me do you have only this many members from your sect or do you have more"

"We have more but all of them are our seniors"

Kuo Fang thought for some time and then said.

"You know that now you are my servant. You should be jealous that all other member of your group is free while you are my servant. Then why not turn your members into your servants"

"What do you mean?"

"I have modified that pill and rewrite it with my blood and now if you feed your blood to someone he will turn into your servant but it will only happen if I were to give you orders otherwise it will not work"

"Leader don't believe him. Hey if I were to kill you then our leader will be free right?"

"Yes but also no"

"What are you saying?"

"I am saying that you can't kill me because you are weak hahahaha"

"You! I will kill you. Jade palm- second move"

"Yang Fist"

*thud* *Crack* Guo Ming was unable to take the power of the Yang fist and his hand broke in two pieces.

"Gaahhh! H-how did you know a High grade technique"

"You should better stop if don't want your other hand to be broken. Mu Yuxuan feed your blood to your members"

After that Mu Yuxuan did what Kuo Fang told.

"Now all of your are under my control. So answer my question and you have to be very very honest with your answer because if you told me any lie then that will be your last lie. Get that?"


"Then tell me what is your plan?"

"What do you mean? I didn't get it"

"You know that you all belong to a very big sect then why are there only this many members to join the Supreme martial arts academy. What are you all planning"

After that all of their face is frightened and they all look at eachother and nodded.

"*Gulp* The thing is that our sect leader want to revolt against the Heaven shattering alliance and that's why he sent us here to make the talented ones join our sect"

"So you are saying that you are all that is set here while others is sent to others place. Right?"


"But why? I mean you have a post in the Heaven shattering alliance"

"That's on the surface but in reality we are just some third grade members of Heaven shattering alliance even after contributing so much for thousands of years"

"When is your sect was created?"

"We are one of the founding member of Heaven shattering alliance"

"Then why are they showing such behaviour"

"It's because our former sect leader was a Martial emperor but he died because of old age and he was suffered many injuries in his life time"

"Then they give you such position because you sect leader is now only a master martial artist"


"Anyway do you know why the Heaven shattering alliance is created"

"What? I-I mean we all know that one day a Demon appeared on the face of earth Two thousand years ago and to kill that demon the strongest sects all around the world came together and formed the Heaven shattering alliance"

'hmm...The elders in the sect is hiding information from them'

"Okay you can go for now but I will call you later"

Kuo Fang is on his way to his Mansion,

"The Heaven shattering alliance is trying remove all the evidence of my sect. For now I have to keep a low profile"

Kuo Fang entered his mansion,

"Where were you all this time"

"Just playing with some insects"

"Eugh! Go and wash your hand the dinner is ready"

After the dinner Kuo Fang went to the Yuan mansion to meet with Yuan Hong Hui.

"Sect leader please come in"

They both went inside the Mansion.

"What is it sect leader"

"Elder Yuan tell me about the income of this year"

"It's Sixteen million yuan. It's more than tripple times of what we have earned last year"

"And How much of that land you have mined to earn this much"

"It's just bit a more than ten percent of that land"

"Very good. Then tell me what have you thought about hiring more workers"

"Oh I have also finished that. I have found fifty-one workers. Now you just have sort have to them out I will hire them"

"Just number of members I need. Well tomorrow I have only one class so after my class will finish I will come here so you should tell them to come here"

"As you wish sect Lord"

After that Kuo Fang went home.

"Hey did you went to see elder Yuan" Liu Yichen said to Kuo Fang while playing video game.

"Yes. Where are the others by the way"

"There are seeing the training of Yang Jia Li"

"Then why are you two here"

"Well I am not interested in that so I asked Li Zirui to play with me"

"Are you not interested to see the training"


"Then I am going to see the training"

"Yeah yeah you can go" Liu Yichen said to Kuo Fang.

Yang Jia Li and Wu Hao Ran is sparring with each other while everyone is watching them.

"Oh leader you have came"

"So how is she doing"

"Well it's neither so good nor so bad. Yang Jia Li is holding her ground infront of Wu Hao Ran"

"But she is using a wooden sword"

"Well she doesn't know any other martial arts"

"Heaven and earth sword play first move"

"Ultimate palm"

Both of them was pushed back from the force of their attack.

"Hey stop the sparring"

"Huh! Oh leader"

Kuo Fang entered the ring.

"Hey Yang Jia Li I will fight with you. Let me see how much strong you have become"


"No buts. Wu Hao Ran give me a wooden sword also"

"But you are hundreds times stronger than me"

"Don't worry I will give you a handicap"

"What do you mean"

Then Kuo Fang showed her his bracers.

"How much Does it weight"

"In total It weighs three hundred kilograms"


Both of them get on their fighting stances.

"Three, Two, one, Fight"

"Heaven and earth sword play first move"

"Flying crane first move- Wind surfing crane"

Both of them rushed towards eachother and their swords met.*Tak* *Crack*

[Author's Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based on fictional characters and events. It is unrelated to any real people, organization, Locations and events.]