
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 19: The Fist Of The Dark Lord

This is a fight between two kings. Both of them are focused at eachother.


"You will die by my hand and you will promote me to Novice martial artist after I absorb your Martial soul"

The king phantom snake swung his tail towards Kuo Fang.

"Yang Fist" He covered his hand with Qi and also attacked the snake.

The phantom snake's tail and Kuo Fang's fist met with eachother and create big blast and the phantom snake's attack was deflected.

Without giving anything to recover from that Impact Kuo Fang started attacking.

"Sword calligraphy first form second move- Flying of thousand crane"

He attacked the snake with a barrage of Sword attack.

The phantom snake is unable make any move and is defending sword hit.

But after taking some hit the snake is enraged and let out a war cry.

"Kuo Fang... be careful it has let out a war cry"

"Instructor are you alright"

"Kuo Fang be careful now it's in a..... berserk state. Look behind!"

When Kuo Fang was looking at Instructor the snake took advantage of this moment and attacked kuo Fang with it's tail.

Kuo Fang barely blocked the hit with his Hexagonal sheild technique.

The sheild is already twin layered but it is broken after taking one hit.

'It's power has increased. I have take it seriously'

"Asura Body forming"

'I don't know if I can defend the attack with it . I shouldn't have neglected my defense martial arts'

Kuo Fang is now regretting that he didn't trained his External martial arts.

"Wang Junjie fight with it I need talk with the Instructors"

"Yes leader"

Wang Junjie started attacking while Kuo Fang retreat to Instructor Wu Xiang.

"Illusionary sword- Illusion of five sword"

"Instructor are okay"

"I think I am"

"I know that shouldn't say this but can you fight"

"Yes I can but it is just a waste of energy if we can't defeat is and with my state I can't do that so tell me can you defeat"

Wu Xiang is glaring straight into Kuo Fang's eyes.

"Yes. Yes I can defeat it but I need some time to figure out a plan"

"Then I will buy some time for you"

"Thank you"

She get up gritting her teeth because of pain.

"Xu MingYue and Mu Yuxuan both of you cover Wang Junjie and me. Yang Jin and Yang Jiang you will look at the perimeter and don't let any other monster come here"

"Yes" Everyone nod in agreement.

"Hey you were good holding against the it"

'Good they are holding against it. Now I just need to figure out a plan. I know that thinking while fighting is just asking for death but fighting without thinking is literally doing Suicide'

Kuo Fang tried to run many simulation in his head but everytime he just lost.

'Then do I have no way and I have to fight him while praying that this plan would succeed'

Kuo Fang then joined Wu Xiang and Wang Junjie.

"So did you figure out a plan?"

"Well yes but also no"

"What does that me-"

"Everyone dodge it is using Illusion wave"

Xu MingYue took Wang Junjie and retreat from there and Kuo Fang took Wu Xiang. Both of them was fast but Xu MingYue's speed wad double of Kuo Fang's.

'Was all this time she was hiding his true power. but if this is her limit then I don't think she can beat leader or even Li Zirui'

"Aahhhh" Mu Yuxuan is wailing holding his head in pain. Mu Yuxuan was unable to retreat in time and now is affected by the Illusion wave.

"Instructor I am going to fight him are you ready"

"Ready for what?"

"Come with me"

Kuo Fang stride towards the Phantom snake and without asking anymore questions Wu Xiang also started to follow him.


The phantom snake also rushed towards them with his mouth open and baring his Fangs.

Kuo Fang and Wu Xiang was at the same length distance from the phantom snake when Kuo Fang activated his Martial soul.

"God slaughtering asura martial soul activate- First skil Coercion"

Kuo Fang and snake got surrounded by the eternal darkness but this time there is one more of them there. That person is Wu Xiang.

"So my plan is successful"

"What plan? and where is this place?"

"Instructor please calm down. This is my skill and I can cantrol this place at my own will. I will make the phantom snake weak so please fight with it"

"And what about you?"

"I can't fight because I have to control this place also I can only control this place for some minutes since this is my first time bringing someone else in this place"

"Ok you stay back and let me handle it?"

"Hmm" with a nod Kuo Fang disappeared in the darkness.

Wu Xiang is in her fighting stance gripping on her sword. "So big guy it's time for my revenge"


Wu Xiang rushed towards the Phantom snake and started to attack it rapidly.


The phantom snake is hissing in pain.

"It is hurting right? but this is only beginning. Delicate Butterfly Martial soul activate- fourth move Gust of Blade"

Wu Xiang is shooting air current as sharp as a Blade towards the Phantom snake and since it's defence are weakened in here the attacks are making deep wound.

Meanwhile outside,

"Hey where did instructor, Kuo Fang and that phantom snake went to? and what is that huge black sphere" Xu MingYue pointed the black sphere with her finger.

'So leader can create a barrier to protect him. well it's better than standing like a statue in open'

"Hey what are thinking?"

"Huh? Yes. They are inside that black sphere. It is our leader's martial skill"

"Then are we just going to wait outside"

"Seems like it"

The phantom snake is heavily wounded but all of it's attack is very weak to make any damage on Wu Xiang.

"Did you enjoyed it my second strongest skill"

Phantom snake attacked on Wu Xiang but it was easily dodged by her.

"You should stop moving and die Quie-. Wahh!"

The place started shake.

"What is happening?"

"Instructor It's going to break. I can't control it anymore. Aahhhh!"

"Hey look the sphere is breaking"

Some visible crack appeared on the surface of sphere.

Bang! The sphere destroyed in pieces and Kuo Fang, Wu Xiang and the phantom snake came out of it.

The phantom snake is enraged and rushed towards defenseless Wu Xiang.

'So this is my end huh? Kuo Fang please revenge my death'

"Lightning steps"

Kuo Fang appeared infront of the phantom snake in a flash and with his Yang Fist technique he stopped the phantom snake in his track.

His attack power suddenly increased.

Kuo Fang then took Wu Xiang and moved her to a safe spot and he did it in a second. Seeing his speed everyone is shocked.

"Hey what happened to your leader? How did he became so much fast and strong"

"Leader has took off his bracers"

"What bracers? What are saying?"

That phantom snake recovered from the attack and is now looking towards Kuo Fang and it's expression is saying "Even if I die today I will atleast take you with me"

The phantom snake stride towards Kuo Fang.

Kuo Fang vanished from there and in a blink of an eye he appeared behind the phantom snake.

"This is your end. Falling feather sword technique" Kuo Fang reinforced his sword with Qi and smoothly cut the snake's head.

The phantom snake's head fall of it is lying dead on the ground. The martial soul appeared.

Kuo Fang absorbed the martial soul. Kuo Fang's overall power increased greatly.

"Haha hahaha HAHAHAHAH! This power. It's great" Kuo Fang is suddenly showing weird behaviour.

"Hey what happened to your Leader?"


'So leader has lost his control. well it's somewhere around he will stop in a minute'

"More I want more power! MORE! aghh!" Kuo Fang suddenly started to shaking he is getting shocked by electric.

Kuo Fang fell down beside the corpse of the phantom snake.

"Hisss... Wake up.. Wake up Kuo Fang"

Kuo Fang slowly opened his eyes and he found himself being surrounded by darkness where he is floating.

"Huh? where am I?"

"Hisss so this is our second meeting"

"Huh? Oh! Then since you are here it means I am inside my consciousness"

"Yes. and I can see that you become hisss.. much more stronger than the last time we met as hisss.. an example you defeated a level two leader grade king phantom snake hisss.."

"So what do you think am I strong enough to know the location of that dungeon"

"Hiss.. don't be arrogant after killing an ant. In that dungeon there is something whose you can't even fathom"

"By the why are you able to come in my dream while that king phantom snake couldn't while being stronger than you"

"Stronger you say huh! Then hiss let me tell something hiss. It takes at least Seventy years to reach commander grade and more than hundred and fifty years to reach leader grade hisss"

"And what is your age?"

"I was only twenty years old when you killed me if I were to live in hiding I would have reached emperor grade easily Hisss. and I did get this much potential after entering that dungeon Hiss and I think you have figured out that what kind monster is inside that dungeon right? Hiss"


"good hiss now wake up everyone is waiting for you"

And the snake slowly started to fade away in darkness.

"Wait! When are we going to meet again?"

"Hisss the fate will decide that"

Then Kuo Fang started to hear something. It was saying" ak.. up... wak.. up.. Kuo Fang wake up"

He rised up with a jolt and is looking everywhere and then he saw Wang Junjie who was trying to wake him up.

"Hey what happened to me?"

"We should be the one who would be asking that Question? What happened to you?"

"Xu MingYue could you give him some time he just woke up"

"It's ok instructor I will explain but before that I remember that your speed suddenly doubled when you were retreating with Wang Junjie"

"Well.. it's umm—"

"Let me tell in your stead. all this time were hiding your true power as I was also doing that but I am going to explain it and I am not pressuring you to also do the same"

"But It's because of certain something that I can't tel—"

"As I said you don't have to explain anything and here look at this"

Kuo Fang pointed his bracers that is on his leg.

"every one of these bracers weight Fifty kilograms and it can also suppress my power up to an extent"

"So you are saying that you were wearing these bracers all this time when you had the power to defeat that snake"

"Yes. you can say so"

"But why?"

"As you have seen that I lost control of my power if I open these bracers and that's because I practice a technique that I can't talk about"

"Okay it's enough. we are heading back everyone please be quick I Don't want to face anymore monster for today atleast"

Kuo Fang used an dimension pouch that he brought with him. The pouch cost him more than a million yuan.

After picking up the phantom snake's corpse inside his pouch he is on his way to the bus.

After few minutes of walking they came across an another monster. This time it is a fourth level commander grade iron spike boar.

"For the sake of God not anymore. Everyone get in your fighting stances we will finish this fight quick"

"Instructor wait. Let me handle it alone and I also want to check my new skill"

"Okay you can go but try to finish it fast"

"Okay instructor I will keep that in mind"

Then Kuo Fang looked in the eyes of Iron spike boar

"Thanks for being my test subject for testing my newly founded powers"

That boar is raging towards Kuo Fang and Kuo Fang Lifted his right hand and said "God slaughtering asura martial soul second move- Fist of dark lord"

A magical circle appeared on the ground and seeing this the boar stopped in his track from that magic circle many spirit started emerge and they form a huge black fist.

The boar then once more rush towards Kuo Fang but he controlled that dark first and hit the boar with the fist on it's head.

The boar is dazed for some second but before he could recover he is already surrounded by those spirit and they make sphere to trap the boar.

The boar is attacking to escape from there but it was too late and with a sign of Kuo Fang's hand the boar is pierced by many spikes.

After that the sphere slowly disappeared and the dead body of that iron spike boar is lying on the ground with the martial soul.

Everyone is shocked that Kuo Fang killed that boar in less than a minute.

"Hey Xu MingYue can you give me a martial soul storage I will return it to you later"

"Here take this and you don't have to return it"

Kuo Fang capture the martial soul and return to their bus.

Later the stopped infront of the school and all of them return to their home.

At Kuo Fang's mansion,

"So how was the trip"

"It was great and Liu Yichen here catch this"

Kuo Fang threw the martial soul storage towards Liu Yichen.

"What is this?"

"This is a martial soul storage and inside that is the martial soul of Iron spike boar"

"Really? I have been searching for this. With this martial soul I would have enough attack power and endurance for my second soul Shard by the way that is the level of this martial soul"

"It's a fourth level commander grade iron spike boar's martial soul"

"What how did you defeated it?"

"Leader defeated it single Handily and to let you know leader is now a novice martial artist"

"What you have been promoted. so that mean you founded the phantom snake"

"Yes he did founded the phantom snake but It was a third level leader grade Phantom snake king"

"What! Leader how did defeat it?"

"Hey what is this commotion about. Oh! Kuo Fang and Wang Junjie you have returned. Well that's good everyone the food is ready"

After the dinner Kuo Fang went to his room and practiced his Demonic Qi breathing technique and after that he went sleep.

Tomorrow a very long and exciting day is waiting for him.