
The Grand Elementalist

A long time ago it was written in the ancient books of the past, Demons have once roamed free in the Elemental World an era in which the Demons hunts us down for food, pleasure or even satisfaction. The Demon King, The strongest demon during the ancient era conquered the Elemental World striking fear through the lands enslaving all of the Elementalist killing anyone who fought against him. The era of misery was upon us but a mysterious group of Elementalist fought back driving an all out war against the Demons. But unfortunately not all Elementalist fought alongside them... Quintela Shiori also known as the "Empress of Death" turned her back against her own people and fought alongside with the Demon King. With her help they manage to turn the tides of war towards the Demons but it suddenly all changed... When "He" arrived... Akashino Shitetsu a young boy who was born without an Elemental Art. Even though he was born different he never once question himself why he was cursed. With the aid of an ancient creature he obtained unrivaled power and skill shifting the war in their favor. With the Demons almost annihilated and pushed back to the shadows... Quintela made a desperate attempt causing her to gain unimaginable power quickly overpowering the wounded Akashino. With the numerous injuries he had and the few amounts of mana he had left... The ultimate sacrifice was made... Akashino was forced to seal Quintela away with an ancient seal taught by his master, The Dragon King. But unfortunately the seal had a price of separating his soul from his body in causing him to be sealed as well along with Quintela. The Dragon King feared that one day Quintela might return once again and there will be no one powerful enough to stop her. So he chanted a spell on Akashino's lifeless body creating a reincarnation cycle that resurrects his body with a new soul from generation to generation. Centuries had passed since then an old era falls and a new one always rises. Following the death of the 3rd Grand Elementalist a young boy named Ryūsei was born in the Elemental World. But unlike most Elementalist he was born without having any Elemental Art, With this everyone around him treated him harshly. People would avoid him thinking he was cursed, Some of the kids tormented him for years and there were some who even go as far as using there Elemental Arts against our helpless hero. With Ryūsei so fascinated about the past and certain events happened, Will faith play a role once again or certain events from the past will happen once again with the return of the "Empress of Death".

Decode_Storm · Fantasía
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46 Chs

The Shōtotsu Trial

Back at the Training Area the ray of light continues to transcend into the sky.

Flick: "What is that???" He curiously asked as he was quite unsure of what's going on.

Prof. Hex: "I've never seen anything like this before, Is it just a spell or an enchantment????" Prof. Hex quietly thinks, he is still not sure of what happened to Ryūsei.

As the ray of light continues to transcend into the sky a mysterious figure was then seen inside the ray of light.

"What is that??!!!" 

"Look!!! There's something inside the ray of light" 

The people around shouted as they noticed something was inside the ray of light.

As more and more people saw the mysterious figure, Flick wasted no time and decided to launch an attack at the mysterious figure.

"Fire Art: Flame Bullet Barrage!!!!" Flick casted a spell and a barrage of fire blast was released from the tip of his finger heading straight towards the mysterious figure. 

With the barrage of fire blast headed towards the mysterious figure it didn't take long and a barrage of light was released from the ray of light.

The two blasts collided and the moment they collided with one another an explorer occurred. 

With more and more blasts colliding, More explosions occurred and soon people started panicking and headed out to safety.

Kayosha: "What's happening down there???!!!!" Kayosha asked. She was extremely worried that something might've happened to Ryūsei.

Kasai: "I don't even know... Ryūsei just screamed and a ray of light suddenly appeared-" Kasai quickly replied before being interrupted by another explosion.

With the final explosion of light took place the ray of light then disappeared and the smoke slowly started to clear out.

Everyone was then shocked and speechless on what they just witnessed. They saw Ryūsei.. The Elementalist who couldn't even chant a single spell or enchantment holding a white sword made of light.

Kasai: "K-K-Kayosha!!!! W-What's going on??!!! Why's Ryūsei holding a sword??!!!" Kasai asked. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

He was confused on how Ryūsei, the Elementalist who couldn't chant a single spell, held a white sword made of light.

Kayosha: "I have no idea..." Kayosha replied as she too was speechless on what's going on.

Flick. "I thought he couldn't do a single spell.... It's not the time to be worried, It's time I end this F-Rank loser." Flick mutters in thought and now starts to doubt Ryūsei's abilities.

With Flick doubting himself Ryūsei then begins to walk slowly towards Flick causing him to shake off his thoughts and immediately look at him.

"Fire Bullet Barrage!!!!" Flick chanted a spell and a barrage of fire blasts was released from the tip of his finger and was heading towards Ryūsei.

Ryūsei then deflects each blast easily using the white sword in his hand and slowly walks toward Flick.

Flick was then shocked that the spell he used to destroy Ryūsei earlier was now utterly useless.

Flick then casted the spell once more and like before Ryūsei easily deflects the blast using the white sword in his hand.

Flick then begins to panic more and more, The spells he casted were useless against Ryūsei. Ryūsei, the weakest Elementalist in class, was now overpowering him.

Flick: "Stay away!!!! Stay away from me!!!!" Flick yelled in fear.

He then slowly panics as the spells he casted were all deflected by Ryūsei effortlessly.

After realizing his spells were now useless against Ryūsei, Flick was now desperate to defeat Ryūsei so he began to gather a tremendous amount of energy in his hands.

Flick was continually gathering a tremendous amount of energy in his hand as Ryūsei slowly approached him. Prof. Hex then notices Flick's intentions and was about to stop the Shōtotsu because of the sudden sense of killing intent in the atmosphere around him.

But unfortunately as Flick desperately tried to cast a spell he was suddenly interrupted by Ryūsei when he slammed Flick's head to the ground.

Prof. Hex was then speechless on how fast Ryūsei moved that even he didn't notice him moving at all and once he realized that Ryūsei had even moved it was already too late.. He had already slammed Flick's head on the floor.

Prof. Hex "Not only that his speed and strength exceeded my expectations but even his swordsmanship" Prof. Hex muttered in thought. He then realized that he had underestimated Ryūsei and now he has a new bound respect for Ryūsei.

Professor Hex then approaches the two Elementalist and with the way things turn out and Flick was unconscious, Prof. Hex declared Ryūsei the winner for the Shōtotsu.

The people at the spectators area were shocked that the F-Rank Loser had won the Shōtotsu while Kasai and Kayosha were really proud of Ryūsei.

With the Shōtotsu match over, Ryūsei returned to the waiting area where he saw Kasai and Kayosha waiting for him.

They congratulated Ryūsei for finally winning a Shōtotsu and they headed off to the Cafeteria in order to celebrate.

(At the Cafeteria) 

Once the food that Kasai, Kayosha and Ryūsei had ordered finally arrived, They started to celebrate but Ryūsei then heard a familiar voice behind him.

???: "I see my little brother finally won a Shōtotsu." The girl with the white hair happily said as she congratulated Ryūsei.

Ryūsei: "Yuki!!!!" Ryūsei happily shouted and he hugged her elder sister.

Yuki: "Congratulations Ryūsei!!! I'm really proud of you!!!" Yuki happily replies and hugs Ryūsei back.

The girl with the white hair is Yuki Ryūgū. She's my elder sister and she's a B-Rank Elementalist. She's also the student council vice president

Kayosha: "Please join us Yuki, There's a lot of food waiting to be eaten!!" Kayosha happily said.

Yuki: "It would be an honor" Yuki replied with a smile on her face.

Ryūsei suddenly heard two familiar voices and he then looks behind him seeing two people behind him

"How come she's the only one getting invited, Kayosha"

"Yeah, I thought we were friends."

Ryūsei: "Shizen!!!! Shadow!!!!" Ryūsei happily proclaimed.

The boy with green hair is my elder brother Shizen Ryūgū. He's a B-Rank Elementalist and he's also the student council president.

The boy with black hair is Shadow Kageryu, He's kinda my sister's boyfriend and my brother's best friend. He's an B-Rank Elementalist and the student council treasurer.

With the gang all together they all began eating and after a while they started to have a little talk to catch up.

Yuki: "Ryūsei, I heard you've finally awakened your Elemental Art." Yuki curiously asked.

Ryūsei: "Yeah... I just did" Ryūsei quickly replied.

Shizen: "Cool, What is it???? Are you a Dragon Sage like us???" Shizen happily asked.

Ryūsei: "Well you see..." Ryūsei embarrassedly replied.

Shizen: "Is there a problem??" Shizen confusedly asked.

Ryūsei: "I- I. I don't know what my Elemental Art is.... exactly....." Ryūsei embarrassedly replied and all of them laughed at Ryūsei. Ryūsei however was then confused on what's going on.

Shizen: "It's okay, At least you finally manage to awaken it after all these years" Shizen happily proclaimed.

Kayosha: "Since we're on the topic of Elemental Arts... Did you manage to figure out your ability???" Kayosha happily asked.

Ryūsei: "Sadly no....." Ryūsei blushingly replied.

Kasai: "Enough flirting you two, You're making the food taste bad" Kasai proclaimed trying to tease the both of them.

"We're not flirting!!!" Ryūsei and Kayosha both shouted in unison at Kasai with their faces all red.

An Elemental Art's ability is a special skill an Elementalist develops corresponding to their Elemental Art.

Yuki: "There's no need to rush, The Elemental Art's ability isn't required unless you're C-Rank or above." Yuki happily proclaimed.

Kasai: "I forgot to ask what's your ability Yuki??" Kasai curiously asked.

Yuki: "My ability is called "Frost Moon." It's an ability that lets me freeze the environment around me by covering them with ice." Yuki happily replied.

Kayosha: "Awesome!!!!! What about you Shadow???" Kayosha curiously asked.

Shadow: "My ability is called "Shadow Cloak" It allows me to turn my body into a shadow which improves both my stealth and evasion." Shadow replied and he leaned on Yuki's shoulder.

Yuki: "You're too close, I'm trying to eat here!!" Yuki pouted. She then scolded Shadow for being a bit flirty with her while she's eating.

Kasai: "What about you Shizen????" He tried to ignore the flirting couples.

Shizen: "My ability is called "Nature's Bloom" It lets me heal all my injuries as long as I'm exposed to sunlight" Shizen replied.

Kasai: "Man, Your abilities are just too strong." Kasai happily proclaimed. He was so impressed with his friends.

Ryūsei: "I wonder what's my ability???...." Ryūsei silently asked himself.

While Ryūsei, Yuki, Kayosha, Kasai, Shizen and Shadow continued to eat, A meeting was held in the teachers lounge.

The teachers discussed the results of the Shōtotsu matches that took place earlier and as each result was finalized the rankings of the Elementalist can now take place.....

Well that was their plan but unfortunately they had a little problem with one of the results.

And the result they were having trouble on finalizing with belonged to Ryūsei's Shōtotsu match.

They were having a lot of trouble finalizing the results firstly because of the ray of light. The teachers couldn't clarify if the ray of light was a spell or an enchantment. 

They also cannot just jump into conclusion because there are a lot of possibilities that the ray of light may have been used as a cheating mechanism or an outside arena match help which is illegal in the Shōtotsu rules.

Like the ray of light situation, They're also having trouble determining Ryūsei's real attributes because of the fact that once ray of light disappeared from the sky Ryūsei's strength, speed and other attributes improved drastically.

And finally they're also having trouble determining what is Ryūsei's Elemental Art. Which is actually really vital in the ranking system of the Elemental World.

With the teachers continually debating with one another and after a few hours the principal finally made a decision which ended the debate after hearing all of the opinions about Ryūsei's Shōtotsu match.

(The Next Day)

The school then started handing out the results of the Shōtotsu and every student lined up the bulletin board to see what rank they got.

Kayosha and Kasai both got the rank of C-Rank which is above the rank they were previously in which was D-Rank.

Ryūsei: "Wow congratulations Kayosha and you too Kasai" Ryūsei happily said.

Kayosha: "How about you Ryūsei?? What rank did you get??" Kayosha curiously asked.

Ryūsei: "My results haven't shown up yet .... My name isn't in E, D nor C-Rank...." Ryūsei embarrassedly replied.

Kasai: "Since we already know our results why don't we help you out" Kasai happily said. He too was curious on what rank Ryūsei got.


Kayosha, Kasai and Ryūsei began to search for Ryūsei's name in the test results one by one but unfortunately they didn't manage to find Ryūsei's name anywhere.

After a while the bell then rang and all of them went inside the classrooms. Ryūsei was a little bit sad because he still didn't know what rank he got. Prof. Hex then entered the room and he then shouted his usual phrase.

Prof. Hex: "Silence you maggots!!!! Sit down or I'll make you sit" He yelled and all the students then began to sit down and listen.

Prof. Hex: "I'm sure you've all seen your test results by now. It's the beginning of the year and starting now, You'll all have permission to start doing some quest" He added

A quest is a certain task or mission an Elementalist can accept. A quest can be  about gathering information, protection, assassination or even being a boring old chore. 

Like an Elementalist, a quest is also ranked based on its level of difficulty. And a certain rule is applied where an Elementalist can only accept a question if his/her rank is equal too or below his/her perspective rank. 

For example, A B-Rank Elementalist can only accept B to C-Rank quests. If a certain Elementalist is willing to do a quest that is beyond his/her perspective rank, He/She must have full authorization by the Kingdom Heads to partake in the certain quest.

After a while Prof. Hex is done explaining and Ryūsei slowly approaches Prof. Hex, catching the attention of the entire class. 

Ryūsei: "Prof. Hex I still haven't gotten my results!!!!" Ryūsei politely asked.

Prof. Hex: "Ryūsei Ryūgū, Your rank..... is F-Rank." Prof. Hex replied and the moment he said those words Kayosha and Kasai yelled as loud as they could because both of them were shocked.